Staffing and Selection Flashcards
Adverse impact/**
Using a selection procedure, like a test, in a way that discriminates against a legally protected minority, such that the minority’s selection ratio is less than 80%. (Remember the 4/5 rule!)
Assessment center*
Method of evaluating applicants for a job at a dedicated facility using multiple evaluators and and work samples like role-plays and in-basket exercises.
Base-rate (in selection)***
Proportion of an organization’s workforce in a job who meet minimum standards of performance.
Biographical data collected in job applications about facts from life- and work-history potentially related to job performance.
Content Validity*
Extent to which a psychological test or other measure of an attribute represents the entire domain of the attribute.
Cutoff Score (in selection)
In selection, the score on a predictor below which applicants for the job are rejected.
Criterion-related validity*
Extent to which values from measurement of an attribute correlate with values yielded by an established measure of the same attribute.
Decision Accuracy***
The proportion of correct hiring decisions based on a cut-off score of the predictor, including correct positive and correct negative decisions.
False negative decision
Deciding not to hire a job applicant who scores below the cut-off score on predictor of job-performance, when that applicant could actually perform above the minimum standard for the job.
False positive decision
Making a positive decision to hire a job applicant whose score on the predictors of job performance exceed the cut-off score, but the applicant fails to meet the minimum standard of performance on the job.
Multiple hurdles (in selection)
Series of two or more assessments used to screen job applicants, in which the first serves to screen applicants before they progress to the second, and so on.
Predictor variable*
Variable that correlates with a second (criterion) variable measured at a later time.
Also, a Measure of an attribute considered essential for job performance, used for selection.
Predictor validity*
Correlation between scores on a predictor of job performance and later scores on a criterion measure of performance.
Realistic job preview*
Accurate information given to job applicants during the application process about both job and organization.
Reliability of measurement*/**
Consistency or reproducibility of a procedure for assigning values to an attribute to positions on a continuum or to categories.