Stability of Cations & Markovnikov's Rule Flashcards
Carbocations are positively
charged carbon atoms with only three covalent bonds instead of four
There are three types of carbocations:
primary secondary tertiary
The alkyl groups attached to the positively charged carbon atoms are
electron donating groups’
The alkyl groups push electrons away from ……………. to
The alkyl groups push electrons away from themselves towards the positively charged carbon
The alkyl groups push electrons away from themselves towards the positively charged carbon
This causes the carbocation to become
less positively charged
As a result of this, the charge is spread around the carbocation which makes it energetically more stable
This means that tertiary carbocations are the most stable as they have three
three electron-donating alkyl groups which energetically stabilise the carbocation
Due to the positive charge on the carbon atom, carbocations are electron-loving species
Alkyl groups push electron density towards the ………….. making it
Alkyl groups push electron density towards the carbocation making it energetically more stable; the more alkyl groups the carbocation is bonded to, the more stabilised it is