SPV A Flashcards
Loss of Braking
- Brake Pedals……….Press
- If NO Braking:
2a. Reverse……….As Required
2b. Brake Pedals……….Release
2c. A/Skid N/W Strng……….Off
2d. Brake Pedals……….Press
2e. Max Brake Pressure……….1000PSI - If Still NO Braking:
3a. Max Rev……….Consider
3b. Parking Brake……….Short Applications
Smoke/ Fumes/ Avionics Smoke
- Oxygen Mask……….On/ 100% /EMER
2. Crew Communications………..Establish
Emergency Decent
- Oxygen Mask……….ON
2. Communications………..Establish
Unstoppable Pitch Down Above VLS (Abnormal V Alpha Prot)
- One ADR……….Keep On
2. Two ADR PBs………..Push Off
Max Tailwind (Takeoff)
15 kts
Max Tailwind (Landing)
10 kts
Max Crosswind Takeoff and Landing
38 kts - Gust Included
Aircraft Ceiling
39,100 ft
Max Windshield Wiper Speed
230 kts
Engine Starter Cycles
2 min on, 15 sec off
2 min on, 15 sec off
1 min on, 30 min off
Continuous Cranking for 4 min on, 30 min off
(Pretty sure this isn’t a memory item anymore)
Simultaneous use of AC packs and ______ is prohibited?
LP ground air
Simultaneous use of APU pneumatic and ______ is prohibited?
HP cart
You see a flashing Amber OPEN light next to the Cockpit Door switch (with the associated aural alarm). What does this mean?
Someone in the cabin has started an emergency access procedure.
With the EMER EXIT LT switch in the ARM position, what causes the emergency lighting system to illuminate?
-Exit Signs, overhead emergency, and floor proximity lights illuminate with loss of normal electric power.
-Exit Signs only with Excessive cabin altitude.
-The Exit Signs will illuminate with Landing
Gear extension if the NO SMOKING switch is AUTO.
What will occur if the TERR PB is selected OFF?
OFF: (white) Inhibits the database terrain detection function, and keeps the basic GPWS modes 1-5 operative.
What will occur if you select the FLAP MODE push button OFF?
OFF: (white) Flap mode 4 “TOO LOW FLAPS” is inhibited to avoid nuisance warnings when landing with a reduced flap setting.
What does the RACK POWER SMOKE light and associated aural alert [On the AFT AVIONICS COMPARTMENT PANEL] indicate?
SMOKE detected in the AFT Avionics Rack
Which cockpit lighting is available on battery power only?
- The RH (FO) dome light is available with battery power
- CAPT flood lights work as well (not in L and S)
When are the CVR and FDR energized with the RCRD GND CTL pb in AUTO (extinguished)?
AUTO: (extinguished) The CVR and FDR are energized when
- On the ground, 5 minutes after electrical power to the aircraft
- On the ground, after an engine start
- Continuously in flight (Whether engines are running out not)
- On the ground, it is stopped automatically 5 minutes after the last engine shutdown
What does a flashing amber CALL lights indicate [On the communication panel in the SAT control section]?
An incoming call detected by the SATCOM system
If a CPDLC message is too long to display on one screen, which button is selected to view the next page off the message?
PGE +/- button on the right side of the display
What is indicated by a FAULT light in the HOT AIR pushbutton?
Duct overheat
What does the FAULT light in the MODE SEL switch [On CABIN PRESS panel] indicate?
BOTH CAB PR systems have failed
[In other words] Both CPCs are faulty
With both ENG’s running, APU supplying bleed air, and the X BLEED switch in AUTO; are the ENG Bleed Valves open or closed?
When does the airplane exit SRS mode?
Automatically at the Acceleration Altitude or when another Vertical Mode is engaged
With V/S active, what would happen if you select a higher speed?
Thrust will increase (up to CLB, if needed) until the selected speed is attained. Then the thrust will reduce to maintain selected speed
In a Managed Descent, what FMA change(s) will occur if you pull HDG?
| ALT | ]
NAV mode will change to HDG; DES mode will change to V/S, THR mode will change to SPEED
During an ILS Approach, at approximately what altitude will the LOC/GS indication change to LAND on the FMA and LAND what does it mean?
- Below 400’ RA
- LAND indicates that the LOC and GS Modes are locked. No action on the FCU will disengage the LAND Mode FLARE and ROLLOUT Modes will successively engage
What does THR LK mean?
- Means: Thrust is fixed at the current setting. (Could result from a fault OR pressing the FCU A/THR button.)
- To fix: Move the thrust levers
When the A.FLOOR mode triggers, what does A/THR command?
A/THR will command TOGA regardless of T/L position
During a go-around, what FMA indications will confirm that the Aircraft has entered the GA phase?
MAN TOGA, SRS confirm the aircraft has entered the GA phase
The aircraft is in Normal Law and Autothrust is selected OFF. Is ALPHA FLOOR available?
What does a BAT OFF light represent?
- Battery charger limiter is not operating
- OFF light illuminates if the DC BATT BUS is powered
- HOT BUSes remain powered
What does the blue EXT PWR ON light indicate?
External power is connected (supplying power) to the electric system
With BAT 1 and 2 on (light extinguished) the Battery Charger Limiter Operates. What does the battery charger limiter automatically control?
Connection and the disconnection of the corresponding battery to the DC BAT BUS (by closing and opening of the battery line contactor).
What does the AC ESS FEED FAULT light represent?
AC ESS BUS is not powered
Refer to the panel below: The aircraft is parked at the gate following a single engine taxi. What electrical source(s) are supplying AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2? [GEN 1 pb: dark APU GEN pb: dark BUS TIE pb: dark EXT PWR pb: ON GEN 2 pb: FAULT]
- GEN 1 powers AC BUS 1
- EXT PWR powers AC BUS 2
What is indicated by a RAT and EMER GEN FAULT light?
EMER GEN is not supplying power when AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2 are not powered
Which hydraulic system is pressurized by deployment of the RAT?
What automatically occurs if you have an APU fire while on the GROUND?
Automatic Shutdown and Automatic Extinguisher Activation
What does the cyan ON light indicate after the APU START p/b has been pressed?
The APU starter is energized
Does this represent a successful ENG FIRE test?
[ENG 1 FIRE pb illuminated
DISCH illuminated in AGENT 1 and 2 pb]
No - The white SQUIB lights are not illuminated
What does the DISCH 1 light represent?
Bottle 1 has low pressure
When you discharge Agent 2, what indication would you expect to immediately see on the Cargo Smoke Panel?
DISCH AGENT 2 light extinguishes when Squib 2 is ignited
What is the effect of selecting RACK POWER OFF?
Power is removed from the AFT AVIONICS COMPARTMENT PANEL. All controlled systems completely shut off
Illumination of a SQUIB light indicates _______?
[In the AGENT 1(2) pb on the ENG FIRE panel]
Illuminates white to indicate that the respective fire extinguishing system is armed
In Normal Law, what happens if both pilots move their side sticks simultaneously?
If both pilots move their sticks simultaneously, the inputs are algebraically summed (Limited to the maximum defection of a single side stick)
The ELACs control which functions?
Elevator Aileron Computer (functions include listed controls and horizontal stabilizer control)
- Normal Elevator
- Aileron
- Horizontal Stabilizer
What does a white OFF light indicate when associated with a ELAC, SEC, or FAC?
Computer is deactivated
Both pilots should not make control inputs at the same time. If a pilot needs to takeover the controls what should be done to prevent dual input?
Press and hold the Auto-Pilot Disconnect/Takeover button
Can the AP be engaged after a side stick is locked out?
Can you exceed the g-load (load factor) protections in Normal Law?
Is Auto Trimming available in Alternate Law?
With the AP ON, what maximum speed brake is available…
- On the A320
- On the A321
- On the A320
- Half
- On the A321
- Full
In Normal Law what occurs as the aircraft slows to Alpha Protection?
- AOA Protection becomes active, and:
- A- autopilot disconnects
- S- speed brakes retract
- A- side stick behavior changes from load-factor demand to AOA proportional to side stick deflection
- P- pitch trim (nose up) inhibited
What does Alpha Max represent?
The speed corresponding to the maximum angle of attack that the aircraft can obtain in Normal Law
During the approach, in Normal Law, you hear the aural warning, “SPEED, SPEED, SPEED”. What does this represent?
Low Energy Warning. Thrust must be increased. Decreasing pitch alone is not enough to recover a positive flight path angle
In alternate law, what will occur as the airspeed approaches Vsw?
With low speed stability, a gentle nose-down command is initiated which attempts to keep the speed from slowing further
The aircraft is in Alternate Law.
What would occur if the Side Stick is pulled further aft?
The airplane can be stalled in alternate law
An audio stall warning consisting of “crickets” and a “stall” aural message is also activated
With the AP on, A/THR engaged, and the approach phase activated, reference the airspeed indications as shown here…. [Overspeed Prot is 177kts, 155kts bugged and on speed, F speed is at 145kts, and alpha floor is 132kts]
If you manually select 103kts, what will happen?
Target “bug” can be set to 130, but the aircraft will only slow to Vls
What happens when you press either guarded NAV key on RMP 1 or 2?
[RMP in picture has NAV mode selected]
- Returns control of the NAV radios to the FMGC
- Turns off the green light
What does the magenta dot at KARRS indicate?
[solid magenta dot on the ND display over KARRS intersection]
The point when managed speed will initiate a change to meet a speed limit, speed constraint, or holding speed
In cruise you are painting an area of weather 35 NM ahead. With the radar panel and EFIS panel set as shown below, would you be able to identify turbulence in the area of weather?
[radar is in WX/TURB mode range is set to 80 NM]
YES. Turbulence is depicted in magenta only within 40 NM (selected Range not a factor)
When will the ON BAT light illuminate (On the ADIRS panel)?
Illuminates amber when one or more IR(s) is supplied only by the aircraft battery, or some on for a few seconds as a test at the beginning of a full alignment
What is indicated by a flashing ALIGN light?
Flashes white when system detects:
- IR alignment fault, or
- No present position entry after 10 minutes, or
- Difference between position at shut down and entered position exceeds 1 degree of latitude or longitude.
- Aircraft movement
Does Center Tank fuel on the A321 directly feed the engines?
- No
- Primary difference = 320 fuel goes directly to engines, 321 fuel goes to wing tanks
If a fuel pump FAULT light illuminates in flight, what will allow the engines to continue to run?
Yes - gravity feed
What is represented by a FAULT light in the Center Tank MODE SEL pushbutton? [A321]
With the MODE SEL pb in AUTO, Center Tank Fuel is not being transferred to the wing tanks when it should be. (The center tank has more than 550 lbs of fuel and the left wing tank has less than 11,000 lbs).
If the RAT is extended by the hydraulic RAT MAN ON pb:
What hydraulic system is powered by the RAT?
Blue hydraulic system
In flight, when will the PTU operate with the pb in AUTO?
The PTU operates automatically when the differential pressure between the green and yellow system is more than 500 psi
Prior to starting ENG 2 during a one engine taxi; why is the Y ELEC PUMP turned OFF?
Permits automatic PTU test during second engine start
When are the PROBES and WINDOWS heated automatically?
In flight, or on the ground with one engine running (except the TAT probes)
With loss of electrical power, in which position do the ENGINE anti-ice valves fail?
What effect does each turn of the GEAR EXTN handle have?
Pull the gear crank out, and turn clockwise for three turns. This
- Releases hydraulic pressure to the gear
- Opens the gear doors
- Unlocks the gear
Assuming a loss of Green and Yellow system pressure, what source is available for braking?
What does the flashing LVR CLB indication mean?
Thrust levers are not in CLB detent, both engines running, above the thrust reduction altitude
Given the FMA below, how would you extinguish the LVR MCT indication?
[ MAN | OP CLB | HDG | | AP1
FLX +65 | ALT | | | 1 FD 2 ]
-Move the thrust levers from the FLX/MCT detent to CLB detent and then back to the MCT detent.
When will the BETA target index replace the turn and slip indicator?
In case of engine failure during takeoff or go-around, the sideslip index changes from yellow to blue, and its function changes to beta target
When T.O INHIBIT or LDG INHIBIT are displayed on the lower right side of the E/WD, what does this mean?
Only those failures/fires that require immediate recognition or attention are presented. Others are suppressed.
What occurs when you press the T/O Config push button prior to departure? [on the ECAM Control Panel]
Simulates the application of T/O power
What is represented by the white SYS ON light? [OXYGEN Panel]
An automatic or manual signal to open the oxygen mask doors has been triggered (Auto = 14,000 cabin altitude)
What is indicated when the Crew Supply pushbutton OFF light is displayed? [Oxygen Panel]
When illuminated - Valve is closed accompanied by an amber OXY indication on the ECAM door page