SPRING Intelligence Flashcards
what is intelligence
ability to learn from experinece, adapt, shape and select evirnoments
mental agility
- profit from experience, solve problems, reason, goal directed and adaptive behaviour
what its the entity view of intelligence
single general view
set value
what is the incrememental view of intelligenec
range of aptitudes, skills and talents
less deterministic
influence of the environment
galton 1869 view of intelligence
argued for selective reporduction and eugenitcs
immigration laws based on IQ
entity view
binet 1916 view of intelligence
IQ to identify achieving students
focs on memory, attention and problem solving
not single inborn measure, IQ limited and measure broad range of concepts
stern 1930 intelligene quotient IQ
mental age/chronological age x 100
capacity to consciously adjust thinking to new requirements and mental adapatability to condiitons in life
compare individual to average to gain relatively consistent measure
if equal then IQ 100
weschler average intelliegence scale (weschler 1955) WAIS
5 supplementary tests and 10 subtests
look at verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed
compare score with standardised average of own group
2/3 within 85-115
reflect relative standing within own population
pros of WAIS
reliable - no large changes over short term
valid - reflect school abilities ie verbal comprehension - predict school success
cons of WAIS
cultural bias - dependent on vocab
ethnic differences - when adjust for povery, home environment, economic and social differences then elliminate
what factors are thought to influence IQ
nutrition family size music motivation length of education
nutrition on IQ
most influential pre natal and young
breast feeding increase IQ by 3.6 points
vit and mineral supplements improve non verbal and concentration
lead blood concentration
family size on iq
zajonc 1976 smaller families improve IQ
schnellenberg 2014 music on IQ
6y/o music, drama or no lessons for 1 year
music sig increase IQ
requires memory, concentraion, mathematical and spatial abilities, reading, time keeping - exercises range of variables
gagne and st pere 2002 motivation and IQ
no correlation between motivation and IQ
results question the belief of most educators about the crucial role of motivation as a determinant of scholastic achievement
cahan and cohen 1989 length of education on IQ
education better predictor of IQ than age - excercise lots of abilities
what is an aptitude test
a test designed to determine a person’s ability in a particular skill or field of knowledge
capacity TO LEARN
what is an achievement test
assess what has already been learnt
define fluid intelligence
ability to think and reason abstractly
solve problems
declines from 30-40 years
define crystallised intelligence
rooted in experience and knoweldge
contines to grow into old age
does not equate to memory, but it does rely on accessing information from long-term memory. Crystallized intelligence is one’s lifetime of intellectual achievement, as demonstrated largely through one’s vocabulary and general knowledge
gardener theory of multiple intelligences
8 criteria:
musical, visual, verbal, logical, bodily, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic
each has unique bond with diff types of intelligence
no individual is restricted to any one modality
sternberg triarchic theory of intelligence
3 modalities
analytic (problem solve), creative (apply past experience) and practical (adapt to environment)
what is thorndike social intelligence
ability to get along with others
ability to understand and manage oneself in social situations
salvey and meyer emotional intelligence quotience EQ
ability to nderstand emotions, regulate and percieve emotions, facillitate thoughts
what is high rating on EQ linked to
less aggressive more prosocial less smoking/alcohol consumption moderates effet on IQ pos correlation with quality of friendships
gender on the EQ
woman better on averae - emotional empathy
sense in the moment how another person is feeling
and better social skills - maintain group dynamics
men better at self confidence in groups and managing distressing emotions
leaders 50:50
is intelligence innate
MZ more similar than DZ but some difference when change environment
scarr and winberg 1979 is intelligence innate - adoption studies
children adopted by middle class families with IQ of 118-121
others left with poorer bio familities
adopted average 105
non average 90
mcgive et al 1993 is intelligence innate - adoption
siblings reared in diff home have more simiar IQs than adopted chidren in same environment
beaver et al is intelligence innate - longditudinal
parents who read to children and have nightly dinners revealed no consistent associations between parenting/
family measures and verbal intelligence. Taken together, the results of these statistical models
indicate that family and parenting characteristics are not significant contributors to variation in IQ
2014- genetic markers DAT1 DAT2 DAT4 - regualtion of dopamine linked to IQ - more likely to finish high school and go to college
dochotery et al 2010
those with 10+ risk genes twice as likely to perform poorley in maths
mangels et al 2006 entity vs incremental view
quiz on academic subjects and rate confidence of answers
given right answers then quized again
ERP brain recorded
both equally well and confident at beginnning
incremental view pay more attention when told correct answer
more likely to be correct second time around