Sports Psychology - Leadership Flashcards
Outline the characteristics of an effective leader
- Good communication skills
- flexible / adaptable
- good at the sport
- knowledgeable
- empathetic
- clear goal/vision
- good clear decision making
- organised
- motivated / enthusiastic
- confident
What are the different styles of leadership
What is an emergent leader
- They come from within the group because they are skilful or selected by the rest of the team
- They are liked by their teammates
- They may lack objectivity and have own friendships within the group that could influence their judgements
What is a prescribed leader?
- A prescribed leader is appointed to the team from an external source
- They can be more objective and bring a fresh pair of eyes which can result in more creative strategies being implemented.
- They may carry more authority or power.
- They may not be aware of the culture within the team or friendships which may delay effective decision making
Describe the characteristics of an autocratic leader
- Task orientated / dictatorial
- Makes most of the decisions
- Has a commanding and direct approach
- Shows little interest in the individuals making up the group
When might an autocratic leadership style be most effective
- When discipline and control are needed or when there are hostile groups involved
- If there is a lack of time
- For early stages of learning / novices
- If the situation is dangerous
Describe the characteristics of an democratic leader
- Person orientated and values the views of other members
- Tends to share decisions
- Shows a good deal of interest in the individuals of the group
When might a democratic leadership style be most effective
- When a group of members are able to participate in decision making
- For advanced performers who have the knowledge to contribute
- For social or friendly teams when a task demands more impersonal communication
Describe the characteristics of an laissez faire leader
- Makes very few decisions
- Facilitates the performer with their training and performance
When might a laissez faire leadership style be most effective
- For high level performer or elite athletes
- When creativity is needed from the athlete
Identify the theories of leadership
Social learning
Outline the trait theory of leadership
Leaders are born, the characteristics needed to become a leader are innate
Outline the social learning theory of leadership
Leaders learn through watching and copying others
Outline the interactionist theory of leadership
Leaders are born with certain traits that are influenced by others to make them become good leaders
Outline Chelladurai’s multi-dimensional model of sports leadership
Explain using sporting examples, how to optimise performance of a team according to Chelladurai’s model of sports leadership
In order for a teams performance to be at its best, the actual behaviour of the leader needs to match the required behaviour of the situation, taking into account member characteristics. If this is the leaders normal style it will be more successful.
e.g. with a group of novices learning to swim, the situation and member characteristics require an autocratic leader, so if the leader often uses an autocratic style, and uses an autocratic style in this situation, the performers will perform to their best.
Explain, using sporting examples, how to optimise satisfaction of a team according to Chelladurai’s model of sports leadership
In order for team satisfaction to be at its best, the actual behaviour of the leader need to match the preferred behaviour that is affected by the member characteristics and situational characteristics. If this is the leaders normal style it will be more successful.
e.g. a group of experienced adults playing netball for fun to socialise would prefer a democratic leader who shares decision making so they can have a say, and if they are playing netball for sociable reasons and a group of experienced adults, a democratic leadership style would be most suitable.