Sports Flashcards
Dial test?
> 10 deg ER at 30 deg –> PLC injury<div>>10 deg ER at 30 + 90 deg –> PLC and PCL injury</div>
Exam maneuvers for PCL? Not a RC Q
Posterior drawer - most accurate<div>Quads active - knee flexed, activation of quads reduces subluxed tibia</div><div>Reverse pivot shift (ER foot, bring knee into ext with valgus force)</div><div>Dial test (>10 deg ER in 30 deg and 90 deg : PLC and PCL; >10 deg ER in 30 deg: PLC)</div><div>Posterolateral drawer (knee 90 deg, ER 15-> tibia rotates posterior and laterally off LFC)</div>
Indications for TTO in PF instability?
“TT-TG>20mm, high TT-PCL<div>Patella alta (CD>1.3)</div><div>Lateral PF chondral lesion (relative)</div><div><img></img><br></br></div><div>Note: leave distal periosteum intact (Decreases nonunion, stress #, CS)</div>”
MPFL: effect of femoral tunnel on graft tension?
“Schottle’s point - isometric<div>1cm distal - tight in ext, loose in flex</div><div>1cm prox - loose in flex, tight in ext</div><div>1cm ant - loose in ext, tight in flex</div>”
MOI for prox tib/fib dislocation? reduction technique?
MOI: knee hyperflexed with foot inverted and PF - leads to anterolateral dislocation (most common)<div><br></br><div>Reduction:</div><div>-knee flexed to 80-110 deg (relaxes BF)</div><div>-Ankle DF, foot everted and ER</div><div>-pressure to fibular head</div><div><br></br></div></div>
Definitive Mx Principles for Knee Dislocation? not a rc q.
-Timing: 2-3 weeks<div>-Order:</div><div> 1- tension PCL (achilles allograft) at 90 deg</div><div> 2- tension ACL (hamstring auto) at full ext</div><div> 3- tension PLC with valgus load</div><div> 4- MCL/PMC last (open)</div><div>-Post-op: NWB- hinged ROM brace</div>
KD classification for Knee Dislocations?
KD1 - ACL injured, PCL intact<div>KD2 - ACL, PCL injured</div><div>KD3 - ACL, PCL, 1 collateral</div><div>KD4 - ACL, PCL, 2 collaterals</div><div>KD5 - # dislocation</div>
Laprade Windows/Surgical Approach? Not a RC Q.
“1- anterior to ITB: femoral insertions of PLC<div>2 - ITB/BF: fibular insertions of PLC</div><div>3 - prox and posterior to BF –> carry distally to decompress CPN</div><div><br></br></div><div><img></img><br></br></div>”
Causes of ACLr failure? Not a RC Q
Patient: over aggressive rehab<div>Surgical: tunnel malposition, inadequate graft fixation (graft-screw divergence>30 deg)</div><div>Others: missed dx (PLC, PCL, meniscus), malalignment, infection</div>
Complications of Hip Scope?
Neuropraxia (1.4%; 99% are temporary)<div>- pudendal (40%) - post</div><div>- LFCN 21% - anterolat portal</div><div>- sciatic 17% - posterior portal</div><div>- common peroneal 17% - posterior</div><div>Others: skin damage (traction), dislocation, AVN, fracture</div>
Poor Prognosis for Knee OCD
Pt factors: Older AGE (ie skeletally mature)<div>Lesion factors: large lesion (>2cmX2cm), location (LFC, patella worse than MFC), unstable (cyst/fluid), sclerosis</div>
Treatment algorithm for knee OCD
NON-OP<div>Operative</div><div>-intact cartilage + stable lesion = drilling</div><div>-intact cartilage + unstable = fixation +/- grafting</div><div>-full thickness defect = Autograft (ACI, OAT, mosaicplasty), Allograft (osteochondral allograft)</div><div>-malalign: osteotomy</div>
Microfracture/Drilling leads to?
Fibrocartilage (Type I collagen)<div>(cf hyaline which is mostly Type II)</div>
Surgical goal for HTO for varus knee?
Slight overcorrection (valgus 3-6 deg)<div>Mechanical axis to fall 62% from medial to lateral (ie just lateral to tibial spine)</div>
Methods to address patella baja in TKA
-Place patella component superiorly<div>-Lower joint line (more tibial cut, need to add distal femur augment)</div><div>-TT transfer proximally</div><div>-Patellectomy<br></br></div>