Spinal Cord (unit 3) Flashcards
Adult spinal cord dimensions
-About 45cm (18 inch) long
-Shorter than the vertebral column
•Ends between L1 and L2
Spinal cord divided into 31 segments
- 8 cervical
- 12 thoracic
- 5 lumbar
- 5 sacral
- 1 coccygeal
Conus medullaris
-Tapered, cone-shaped part of the spinal cord inferior to the lumbar enlargement
Cauda equina
- Collection of dorsal and ventral roots of spinal segments L2 to S5 along with filmy terminale
- Name comes from resemblance to a horse’s tail
Film terminale
- Slender, strand of fibrous tissue extending from inferior tip of conus medullaris to second sacral vertebra
- Provides longitudinal support to Spinal Cord
Spinal meninges
-Series of Specialized membranes surrounding the spinal cord
•Provide physical stability and shock absorption
•Blood vessels within layers deliver oxygen and nutrients to spinal cord
Three layers of cranial meninges
- Dura mater: tough, fibrous outer layer
- Arachnoid mater: middle layer
- Pia mater: innermost layer
Subarachnoid space
-Attach Arachnoid Mater to Pia mater
-Filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
•Acts as shock absorber and diffusion medium for gases, nutrients, chemical messengers, and wastes
Epidural space
- Between Dura Mater and walls of vertebral canal
- Contains Areolar Tissue, blood vessels, and Adipose tissue
Superficial layer of WHITE MATTER
- Contains Large Numbers of myelinated and unmyelinated axons
- Contains ascending/descending nerve tracts
Deep layer of GRAY MATTER
- Dominated by cell bodies of neurons and neuroglia organized into functional nuclei
- Surrounds small central canal
- Forms an H or butterfly shape
Sensory nuclei
-Receive and relay sensory information
Motor nuclei
Issue motor commands to peripheral
Posterior gray horns
-Somatic sensory and visceral nuclei
Lateral gray horns
Visceral motor nuclei
Anterior gray horns
Somatic motor nuclei
Gray commissure
- consists of axons crossing from one side to the other
Spinal nerves
- 31 pairs of spinal nerves
- Cervical region (C1-C8)
- Thoracic (T1-T12)
- Lumbar (L1-L5)
- Sacral/Coccygeal (6 total)
Spinal nerves
-Contain axons of sensory and motor neurons
Ventral root
-Contains axons of motor neurons
Dorsal root
- Contains axons of sensory neurons whose cell bodies are in the dorsal root ganglion
Dorsal root ganglion
- Contains cell bodies of sensory neurons
- Each Spinal Cord segment has pair of dorsal root ganglia (one on each side)
Branches are called?
- Rami
- Ramus (singular)
Dorsal Ramus
-Innervates muscles, joints, and skin of the back
Ventral Ramus
-Innervates structures in the upper and lower limbs and the lateral and anterior trunk
Communicating Rami
- Present in the thoracic and superior lumbar segments of spinal cord
- Contain axons of sympathetic neurons