Brain Structures (unit 3) Flashcards
The brain consists of roughly?
-20 billion neurons
Major regions and landmarks of the brain
- Medulla Oblongata (Brain stem)
- Pons (Brain stem)
- Diencephalon (Brain stem)
- Mesencephalon (midbrain)
- Cerebellum
- Cerebrum (telencephalon)
- Conscious thought processes, intellectual functions
- Memory storage and processing
- Conscious and subconscious regulation of skeletal muscle contractions
- Coordinates complex Somatic motor patterns
- Adjusts output of other Somatic motor centers in brain and spinal cord
•Relay and processing centers fir sensory information
•Centers controlling emotions, autonomic functions, and hormone production
- Processing of visual and auditory data
- Generation of reflexive Somatic motor responses
- Maintenance of consciousness
- Relays sensory information to cerebellum and thalamus
- Subconscious Somatic and visceral motor centers
Medulla Oblongata
- Relays sensory information to thalamus and to other portions of the brain stem
- Autonomic centers for regulation of visceral function (cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive system activities)
Four sources of protection and support
-Plate bones of the skull
•Parietal, frontal, occipital, and temporal bones
-Cranial meninges
•Dura Mater, Arachnoid Mater, and Pia mater
- Blood-Brain barrier
- Cerebrospinal fluid
Dura Mater consists of two layers
-Periosteal layer: the outer layer of connective tissue that connects to the periosteum of cranial bones.
-Meningeal layer: a deeper supporting layer,
These two layers are separated by a gap containing fluid and blood vessels
•some gaps enlarged into dural sinuses
Dural venous sinuses
- Situated between the layers of Dura Mater
- They are lined by ENDOTHELIUM, and their walls are thick but devoid of muscular tissue. They have no valves.
Dural venous sinuses Function
-To receive blood from the brain through the cerebral veins and the cerebrospinal fluid from The subarachnoid space through the Arachnoid villi
Dural folds
- Extensions of the inner layer of dura mater into the cranial cavity
- Stabilize and support the brain
3 large dural folds
- Falx cerebri: separates cerebral hemispheres
- Tentorium cerebelli: separates cerebrum from cerebellum
- Falx cerebelli: separates two cerebellar hemispheres
Arachnoid Mater consists of?
-Arachnoid membrane
•Connects loosely to Dura Mater
-Arachnoid trabeculae
•Connect to the Pia mater
-Subarachnoid space
•Between the Arachnoid membrane and Pia mater, spanned by trabeculae
Pia mater
- Bound to the surface of the brain by astrocyte processes
- Extends into every fold
- Accompanies branches of cerebral blood vessels as they penetrate the surface of the brain to reach internal structures
Blood brain Barrier
-The Lining of cerebral blood vessels consists of simple squamous endothelial cells that are highly interconnected by tight junctions
•This tight junction barrier restricts what materials can pass from capillary to fluid surrounding cells of the CNS.
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
-Completely surrounds and bathed exposed surfaces of the CNS
-Total volume of CSF at any moment is about 150 ml
-Entire volume replaced about every 8 hours
-Brain has four reservoirs of CSF called ventricles
-CSF is produced and maintained by choroid plexus
•Located in each of the ventricles of the brain
•Consists of combination of Specialized Ependymal Cells and capillaries