Brain Structures (unit 3) Flashcards
The brain consists of roughly?
-20 billion neurons
Major regions and landmarks of the brain
- Medulla Oblongata (Brain stem)
- Pons (Brain stem)
- Diencephalon (Brain stem)
- Mesencephalon (midbrain)
- Cerebellum
- Cerebrum (telencephalon)
- Conscious thought processes, intellectual functions
- Memory storage and processing
- Conscious and subconscious regulation of skeletal muscle contractions
- Coordinates complex Somatic motor patterns
- Adjusts output of other Somatic motor centers in brain and spinal cord
•Relay and processing centers fir sensory information
•Centers controlling emotions, autonomic functions, and hormone production
- Processing of visual and auditory data
- Generation of reflexive Somatic motor responses
- Maintenance of consciousness
- Relays sensory information to cerebellum and thalamus
- Subconscious Somatic and visceral motor centers
Medulla Oblongata
- Relays sensory information to thalamus and to other portions of the brain stem
- Autonomic centers for regulation of visceral function (cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive system activities)
Four sources of protection and support
-Plate bones of the skull
•Parietal, frontal, occipital, and temporal bones
-Cranial meninges
•Dura Mater, Arachnoid Mater, and Pia mater
- Blood-Brain barrier
- Cerebrospinal fluid
Dura Mater consists of two layers
-Periosteal layer: the outer layer of connective tissue that connects to the periosteum of cranial bones.
-Meningeal layer: a deeper supporting layer,
These two layers are separated by a gap containing fluid and blood vessels
•some gaps enlarged into dural sinuses
Dural venous sinuses
- Situated between the layers of Dura Mater
- They are lined by ENDOTHELIUM, and their walls are thick but devoid of muscular tissue. They have no valves.
Dural venous sinuses Function
-To receive blood from the brain through the cerebral veins and the cerebrospinal fluid from The subarachnoid space through the Arachnoid villi
Dural folds
- Extensions of the inner layer of dura mater into the cranial cavity
- Stabilize and support the brain
3 large dural folds
- Falx cerebri: separates cerebral hemispheres
- Tentorium cerebelli: separates cerebrum from cerebellum
- Falx cerebelli: separates two cerebellar hemispheres
Arachnoid Mater consists of?
-Arachnoid membrane
•Connects loosely to Dura Mater
-Arachnoid trabeculae
•Connect to the Pia mater
-Subarachnoid space
•Between the Arachnoid membrane and Pia mater, spanned by trabeculae