Spinal Cord Flashcards
What kind of information carried the the anterior and lateral white columns?
Mixed information bother efferent and afferent.
How could repair a botch spinal tap?
Make is a blood patch
What is the nomenclature for a tract descending form the brain?
End is spinal is descending
How does Tertiary Syphilis work?
Progressive degeneration of posterior portions of spinal cord & neurological loss
loss of somatic sensations
proprioceptive impulses fail to reach cerebellum
Damage to descending tracts that affect cerebellum
Filum terminale
stabilize spinal column in canal - when not correct can be a whether spinal cord
Dorsal Grey Horn
Works with Dorsal rood ganglion send sensory information
How does a stretch reflex work
Sensory information about force or speed of force will cause muscle to contract. Protects you form fall down.
Where are the upper motor neurons and what are their functions? What are the symptoms of damage?
In cerebral cortex. Inhibits lower motor neurons. Damage to upper motors neuron causes spastic paralysis
Where are the lower motor neurons and where are their functions? What are the symptoms of damage?
In the spinal cord, cats muscle contractions. Damage leads to placid paralysis
What is a 2nd order neuron and where does it terminate?
2nd order neurons conduct information form brain stem or spinal cord to in the thalamus. They cross over before Thalamus
What is a spinal nerve?
A mixed nerve that carries both motor and sensory information. They are formed for the dorsal root (sensory, afferent) and ventral root (motor efferent)
Which is larger the ventral or dorsal Ramus and why?
The ventral is much large because is supplies all you front of body with includes fine motor and
What happens to its sensitivity when muscle s spindle is compressed or extended?
Compressed decreases sensitivity Extension increases sensitivity. Sensitivity increase can be done by the sympathetic nervous system in preparations for a fight
What do Commisural Fibers do?
Connect two hemispheres together
What is a charecteristics and functions of the CSF ( cerebral spinal fluid)
It has higher sodium and lower potassium than interstitial fluid. It supports the nervous tissue by buoying the lipid rich myelin. It acts as a shock absorber
Lateral Grey Horn
General visceral efferent - cell bodies for autonomic nervous system preganlionic cells of autonomic nervous system
Inability of astorcytes to metabolizes Glutmate kills neurons ing the anterior grey horn
kills neurons in Anterior Grey Horn
Conus medullaris
Cone shape end at the end end of the spinal cord
Where is the integration center for the Spinal reflexes?
In the grey matter of the spinal column
What are the two enlargements of the spinal cord and what is their purpose?
Cervical and Lumbar. They are the point where limbs come in.
Where are the somatic sensory cells locate
In the dorsal root gingival
What is a dermatome?
An area of skin supplied by one nerve, but overlaps with other for redundancy.
What is a 3rd order neuron and where does it terminate?
Third-order neuron conducts impulses from thalamus to primary somatosensory cortex
what do game fibers do
Innervate interfussal muscle fibers directly above and below muscle spindle. This help stop the commissions of the muscle spindle.
What are the caudal equine?
(Horse tail) the dorsal and ventral roots of the lowest spinal nerves
What are the rami communicates?
The pathway to and from the Sympathetic Ganglion for the sympathetic nervous system. This rami communicates are pre ganglionic and myelinated. Grey rami communicates are post ganglionic un myelinated.
How does Withdrawl reflex work
Sensory informations trigger a lot of muscle ontratiosn up and down the spinal cord.
How can you the number or remember throasic, lumber, and sacral nerves?
The match th number of vertabrae, 12, 5,5
How may coxygeal nerves are there?
What is the Dura Mater made of?
Dense irregular connective tissue. Doesn’t have any stretch so that is can maintain a constant pressure.
What does the spinal cord do
1) Take in sensory information 2) Integration 3) Reaction
What is a 1st order neuron and where does it terminate?
Conducts impulses to brain stem or spinal cord. Their are either spinal or cranial nerves
Inability of asctorcytes to metabolizes Glutmate kills neurons ing the anterior grey horn
What type of fluids are in the spinal column and where do you find them?
Interstitial Fluid in subdural space (between our mater and arachnoid) Cerebral Spinal fluid in the sub arachnoid space (Between the arachnoid and the pia mater)
How does a tendon reflex work?
Stops tendon from getting damaged by sending a signal to relax and has antagonist muscle stretch.
What doe a type 2 sensory neuron do in a Muscle spindle?
Tells if muscle spindle being stretched by anchors points in the muscles spindle
What is the central canal lined with?
Ependymal cells has CSF. mOves down through central canal and up through sub arachnoid space.
How many cervical nerves are there?
How does the Crossed extensor reflex
Works contra laterally for balance
What is the nomenclature for a tract ascending toward the brain?
Begins with Spino
What kind of information carried the the Dorsal white column
Sensory only
What does a spinal block have to applied at the nerve able and below?
To block all signal to the dermatomes.
What the three layers of the meninges?
Dura mater, arachnoid, Pis matter
What do Alpha fibers do?
Innevate Extrafusal fibers, which is any fiber that does not have a muscle spindle
Why do we have Nerve Plexus and where are they found?
Found in association with limbs. They are for redundant
Spinal segment
area of cord from which each pair of spinal nerves arises
What is the arachnoid made of?
connective tissue with greater elastin can change volume with a decrease in spinal fluid.
Anterior Grey horn
Cell bodies for general somatic efferent cells (skeletal muscle)
What is a babinski sign?
Plantar reflexes splay out instead of contract in infants and injured adults.
Where are the 5 components of a reflex arc?
1) Receptor
2) Sesonry Neuron - carries info in CNS
3) Integration center (can be monosynaptic)
4) Motor Neuron
5) Effector
What doe a type 1A sensory neuron do in a Muscle spindle?
Wraps around muscle spindle like a spring. Tells how fast the muscle spindle is being stretched
How many neurons make up all somatic sensory tracts?