Special Operations Flashcards
ADP 3-05
Special Operations. 31 Aug 2012
ADRP 3-05
Special Operations. 31 Aug 2012
What Army Doctrine Publication covers Special Operations?
ADP 3-05 Special Operations
What Army Doctrine Reference Publication covers Special Operations?
ADRP 3-05 Special Operations
How does Army Special Operations contribute to unified action?
By providing organized, trained, and equipped forces
What are Army SF 2 critical capabilities?
Special warfare and surgical strike
What are the types of special warfare activities Special Operations conducts?
Unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, stability operations, special recon, security force assistance, and counter insurgency
What is meant by Unconventional Warfare?
Is conducted to enable a resistance movement to disrupt or overthrow a government by operating with an underground or guerrilla force
What is Special Warfare?
A combination of lethal and non-lethal actions by a specially trained force that has a proficiency in small-unit tactics, and the ability to build and fight alongside indigenous forces in a permissive, uncertain, or hostile environment
What is a Surgical Strike?
The execution of activities in a precise manner that employ special operations forces in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive environments to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets, or influence threats
What are the core principles of Army Special Operations?
Discreet, precise, and scalable operations
What is the purpose of Unconventional Warfare or Foreign Internal Defense?
FID and UW build indigenous defense and intelligence capabilities
How are Army SOF characterized?
Low-visibility when required. Have a minimal signature/small footprint. Are used to foster habitual indigenous relationships. Are used to employ precise and timely decisive actions
What are the 5 basic Operational Mission Criteria for Army Special Operations?
Must be an appropriate SOF mission or task.
Should support the JFC’s campaign or operation plan.
Must be operationally feasible.
Required resources must be available to execute and support the SOF mission.
Expected outcome must justify risks
Is SOF a substitute for conventional forces?
SOF are a necessary addition to the capabilities of existing conventional forces
What is the Group Support Battalion?
The GSB is a multifunctional logistics organization organic to the SFG with force structure and capabilities tailored to support the group
What are the units that compose Army Special Operations?
1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 19th, and 20th SFG.
Five Combatant Commander In-Extremis Forces.
Special Mission Units.
75th Ranger Regiment.
95th Civil Affairs Brigade.
4th and 8th Military Information Support Operations Groups.
160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment.
528th Sustainment Brigade.
What is the purpose of the 528th Sustainment Brigade?
Provides capabilities specifically designed to support special operations not available with conventional forces
What is JSOTF?
JSOTF is the Joint Special Operations Task Force, a joint task force composed of special operations units from more than one service
What is a SOTF?
A Special Operations Task Force
What is a Theater Special Operations Command?
A TSOC is the joint Special Operations Command through which the geographic combatant commander normally exercises OPCON of SOF within the AOR
What is a Joint Special Operations Area?
An area of land, sea, and airspace assigned to the commander of a joint special operations force to conduct special operations activities