NCO Duties, Responsibilities, And History Flashcards
ADP 6-22
Army Leadership
ADRP 6-22
Army Leadership
FM 6-22
Army Leadership: Competent, Confident, and Agile
TC 7-22.7
Non-commissioned Officer Guide
Who was the first SMA?
Sergeant Major William O. Wooldridge
The history of the Non-commissioned officer began in what year?
1775, with the founding of the Continental Army
Who wrote the “Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States” also commonly called the “Blue Book” and this standardized NCO duties and responsibilities in 1778?
Inspector General Friedrich von Steuben
What FM covers the duties, responsibilities, and authorities of an NCO?
TC 7-22.7, Non-commissioned officer guide
What is the purpose of the NCO Induction Ceremony?
The NCO Induction Ceremony is meant to celebrate the transition of a Soldier to a Leader as they join the ranks of a professional NCO Corps
What is responsibility?
Responsibility is being accountable for what you do or fail to do
What does Individual Responsibility make a Soldier accountable for?
It makes them accountable for their personal conduct
What is Command Authority?
Command authority is the authority leaders have over Soldiers by virtue of rank or assignment. Command authority originates with the President and may be supplemented by law or regulation
What are the two most important responsibilities of a leader?
Mission accomplishment and the welfare of the Soldiers
The authority of command that one individual exercises over others is acquired as a result of what?
Grade and assignment
What is an NCOs principle duty and responsibility?
What is authority?
Authority is the legitimate power of a leader to direct those subordinate to him/her to take action within the scope of their position
How do you determine the amount of supervision needed to accomplish a task?
By considering your Soldiers’ competence, motivation, and commitment to perform the task
To ensure your Soldiers understand and are carrying out the task, you should do what?
Supervise the task
What is general military authority?
General Military Authority is authority extended to all Soldiers to take action and act in the absence of a unit leader or other designated authority
What is the NCO Support Channel?
The NCO Support Channel (leadership chain) parallels and complements the chain of command. It is a channel of communication and supervision from the CSM to 1SG and then to other NCOs and enlisted personnel of the unit
What are the three types of duties?
Specified, Directed, and Implied duties
What two types of responsibilities does every Soldier have?
Individual and Command responsibilities
What two characteristics enhance relationships between Officers and NCOs?
Mutual trust and common goals
What is the Staff Sergeants’ role?
SSGs lead squads and sections and are a critical link in the NCO Support Channel. As a first line supervisor SSGs live and work with Soldiers every day and are responsible for their health, welfare, and safety. These leaders ensure that their Soldiers meet standards in personal appearance and teach them to maintain and account for their individual and unit equipment and property. The SSG enforces standards, develops, and trains Soldiers in MOS skills and unit missions
What is the Sergeants’ role?
SGTs directly supervise Soldiers at the team level. The counseling, training, and care Sergeants provide will determine the outcome of battles won on the field and issues that develop during home station operations. SGTs are the first line leaders who have the most direct impact on Soldiers