Airborne Operations Flashcards
AR 350-1
Army Training and Leader Development
TC 3-21.220
Static Line Parachuting Techniques and Training
What are the 3 rules of the air?
Always look before you turn.
Always turn the opposite direction to avoid collisions.
The lower jumper always has the right of way
What are the 5 points of performance?
Proper exit, check body position, and count.
Check canopy and gain canopy control.
Keep a sharp lookout during descent.
Prepare to land.
What are the 5 points of contact for a parachute landing fall?
Balls of the feet.
Pull up muscle.
What is the hardest emergency landing to prepare for?
Water landing
What are the 3 types of emergency landings?
Tree landings.
Wire landings.
Water landings.
What is a DA Form 1306 used for?
DA Form 1306 is a Statement of Jump and Loading Manifest. It is the official record of who, what, when, and where an airborne operation took place
What is a DA Form 1307?
DA Form 1307 is the Individual Jump Record. It is used to log an individual Soldier’s proficiency level and actual jumps
How often does a Soldier have to jump to maintain currency and draw hazardous duty pay?
All Soldiers filling paid parachute positions must perform, at minimum, one jump per quarter to maintain currency and qualifications for hazardous duty pay
When using the MC-6 parachute, when should a jumper lower his/her equipment?
With the MC-6 parachute at 250 ft, turning into the wind prior to lowering equipment
What are the 2 approved methods of releasing the canopy release system?
Either the hand assist or hand to shoulder methods
Why is it important to use the buddy system when donning the parachute?
Using the buddy system to properly don the parachute harness provides an additional safety check, prevents delays during JM inspections, and provides minimum discomfort to the parachutist
When utilizing the MC-6 parachute system, how long is the exit count when exiting an aircraft flying at less than 129 knots?
The jumper will count to 6000 by thousands
What manual covers static line parachute training?
TC 3-21.220, Static Line Parachuting Techniques and Training
When jumping the MC-6 series parachute, how much separation should you maintain between jumpers during your descent?
50 ft
What is JMPI?
JMPI is the Jump Master Pre-Inspection. It is the Jumpmaster’s check of each jumper and his/her equipment to ensure proper donning and no maintenance issues with the equipment