Mission Command Flashcards
ADP 3-0
ADP 6-0
Mission Command
ADRP 3-0
ADRP 6-0
Mission Command
FM 6-0
Commander and Staff Organization and Operations
What Army Doctrine Publication covers Mission Command?
ADP 6-0, Mission Command
What Army Doctrine Reference Publication covers Mission Command?
ADRP 6-0 Mission Command
What is Mission Command?
Mission Command is the use of authority by using mission orders to enable initiative and to empower agile and adaptive leaders in the conduct of operations.
What is Unified Land Operations?
Unified Land Operations is how the Army exploits, seizes, and retains the initiative to gain and maintain a position of advantage in land operations through offensive, defensive, and stability operations
What does the commander intend to accomplish when utilizing mission command?
Mission accomplishment
What are the six principles of Mission Command?
Build cohesive teams
Create understanding and purpose
Provide a clear intent, purpose, key tasks, -end state, and resources
Exercise initiative
Use mission orders
Accept prudent risk
What are the commander’s tasks for mission command?
Drive the operations process
Develop teams
Inform and influence others inside and outside their organizations
What are the staff’s four primary war fighting functions tasks?
Plan, prepare, execute and assess the plan
Conduct knowledge and info management
Synchronize info-relates capabilities
Conduct cyber activities
What are four NCO responsibilities to mission command?
Exercise initiative to respond to problems
Be prepared to assume responsibility
Maintain unity of effort
Take action
Understand the commander’s intent
Understand the objective
Act resourcefully within commander’s intent
Act and synch actions with the rest of force
Enforce standards and discipline
Live by and uphold the Army Ethics
Care for Soldiers and set the example
Develop subordinates
Advise commanders
Support the JFCs requirements
Define Military operations
Military operations are complex, human endeavors characterized by the continuous, mutual adaptation of give and take, moves, and countermoves
A commander’s mission command system begins with what?
What is mutual trust?
Mutual trust is shared confidence among commanders and subordinates
What is meant by Commander’s intent?
Commander’s intent is a clear and concise expression of the purpose of the operation and his/her desired end state
What is the importance of the commander’s intent?
The commander’s intent provides a focus for subordinates to coordinate their efforts
How does the Commander base his/her Commander’s intent?
On his higher headquarters Commander’s intent
What are the five paragraphs of the mission order?
The mission order’s five paragraphs are situation, mission, execution, sustainment, and command and signal
What is an order?
An order is a communication either verbal, written, or signaled, which conveys instructions from a superior to a subordinate
What are the three types or orders Army organizations use?
Operation order (OPORD)
Fragmentary order (FRAGORD)
Warning order (WARNORD)
What is an OPORD?
An operation order is a directive issued by a commander to effect the execution of an operation
What is a Warning order?
A warning order is a preliminary notice of an order or action that is to follow
What is a FRAGO?
A fragmentary order is a shortened form of an operation order used to change or modify the original OPORD
How are cardinal directions expressed in orders?
Designate directions either as a point of the compass (N, E, W, S) or as an azimuth
How are place names or features written in the order?
When first mentioning a place or feature on a map, print the name in capital letters exactly as spelled on the map and show it’s complete grid coordinates
What are five items always included in a WARNO?
A WARNO at minimum contains:
The approved mission statement
The commander’s intent
Changes to task organization
The unit AO (sketch, overlay, description)
Risk guidance
Priorities by war fighting functions
Military deception guidance
Essential stability tasks
Initial information collection plan
Specific priorities
Updated operational timeline