Counseling And NCOERs Flashcards
ATP 6-22.1
The Counseling Process
ADP 7-0
Training Units and Developing Leaders
The Army Profession
ADRP 6-22
Army Leadership
AR 350-1
Army Training and Leader Development
FM 6-22
Army Leadership
AR 623-3
Evaluation Reporting System
DA PAM 623-3
Evaluation Reporting System
TC 7-22.7
Non-commissioned Officer Guide
What 2 Army Administrative Documents Regulation covers the Army Evaluation System?
AR 623-3 and DA PAM 623-3, both titled “Evaluation Reporting System”
What DA Form is used for counseling?
DA Form 4856, Developmental Counseling Form
How does counseling affect Soldiers?
Counseling tells Soldiers what they are doing right, wrong, and how to improve on their weaknesses
What is counseling?
The process used by leaders to review a subordinate’s demonstrated performance and potential
What is the 4 stage counseling process?
- Identify the need for counseling
- Prepare for counseling
- Conduct the counseling session
- Follow up
What are the 3 types of developmental counseling?
Event-oriented, performance, and professional growth
What are some examples of event counseling?
Instances of superior or substandard performance, reception and integration, crisis, referral, promotion, separation
When should Performance counseling be conducted?
When leaders conduct a review of a subordinate’s duty performance over a certain period
What areas might a performance counseling cover?
Discussion of established performance objectives and standards for the next period. Periodic performance counseling as part of the NCOER support form requirements. Beginning of and during the evaluation period and provides opportunity for leaders to establish and clarify expected values, attributes, and competencies
What areas are covered during professional growth counseling?
Planning for the accomplishment of individual and professional goals. Identify and discuss subordinate’s strengths and weaknesses. Create an individual development plan that builds on those strengths and weaknesses. Opportunities for civilian and military schooling, future assignments, special programs, and reenlistment options
What are the qualities of a good counselor?
Respect for subordinates, self and cultural awareness, empathy, and credibility
What form is used for performance evaluations for Sergeants E5?
DA Form 2166-9-1[NCO Evaluation Report (SGT)]
What form is used for performance evaluations for Staff Sergeants to First Sergeants/Master Sergeants?
DA Form 2166-9-2[NCO Evaluation Report (SSG-1SG/MSG)]
What form is used to counsel NCOs throughout their rating period?
DA Form 2166-9-1A (NCO Evaluation Report Support Form)
What are the 2 primary requirements for Raters?
Immediate supervisor of the rated Soldier and senior to the Soldier in grade or date of rank
Under normal conditions, how long must an NCO serve in a position before being authorized to be rated in that position?
Normally to be eligible for an NCOER, an NCO will complete 90 calendar days in the same position under the same rater
What is the minimum time limit for counseling NCOs?
NCOs will receive an initial counseling within 30 days after the beginning of the rating period and quarterly thereafter. Additional counselings are the rater’s prerogative
What is the main purpose of DA Form 2166-9-1A, NCO Evaluation Report Support Form?
It improves the NCO’s performance and professional development and assures verified communication process throughout the rating period
What areas are covered in an NCO’s initial counseling with his/her rater?
The unit’s mission, rating chain, the NCO’s duty description, and specified goals and objectives. The rated NCO provides his/her expectations of the unit, duty, and rater
What is the purpose of the NCO signing his/her NCOER?
To acknowledge that he/she has seen the completed NCOER and the administrative data, ht/wt data, rating chain, and counseling dates are accurate. The NCO’s signature does not constitute agreement or disagreement with the evaluations rendered by the rating officials
What is the most important aspect of the NCO’s duty description?
It should outline the NCO’s normal requirements of the specific position and should show type of work required rather than frequently changing tasks
What are the 5 performance areas evaluated under section IV of the DA Form 2166-9-1 and DA Form 2166-9-2?
Presence, Intellect, Leads, Develops, and Achieves