Special Needs Children Flashcards
Children w/ Special Needs
those who have or are at risk for a chronic physical development, behavioral or emotional condition beyond needs generally required by children
-may have terminal illness
Resources or services that might be needed?
- prescription meds
- medical care
- mental health/education services
- physical, occupational, or speech therapy
- financial assistance
- family support
Impact on Infant
may fail to develop a sense of trust and bonding
Impact on Toddler
may have difficulty developing autonomy
Impact on Preschooler
may have difficulty achieving sense of initiative
Impact on School Age
may have difficulty achieving industry
Impact on Adolescents
may have difficulty forming a sense of identity
Impact of Special Needs Child on the Family
- multitude of emotions and changes in their lives
- may be overwhelmed w/ burdens of continual care
- may experience fear, ager, sadness, guilt, frustration, or resentment
Stressors on Daily Life
- housing situation changes
- sleep affected
- carrying out basic ADL’s affected
- medical/technical care must be incorporated
- family identity and employment may be altered
- extended burden may affect health of caregiver
Transition Times for Special Needs Child
- initial diagnosis or change in prognosis
- increased symptoms
- when child moves settings
- during parent’s absence
- during periods of developmental change
Risk Factors for Vulnerable Child Syndrome
- preterm birth
- congenital anomaly
- newborn jaundice
- handicapping condition
- accident or illness the child was not expected to recover from
- crying/feeding problems in the first 5 yrs
Focus of Nursing Management
- case management and advocacy
- screening and ongoing assessment of child
- provision of home care
- education and support
- referral for resources
Promoting Home Care for the Technology Dependent Child
- provide early discharge planning
- provide care and care coordination at home
- provide ongoing follow-ups and routine visits
- assess growth and development
Long-term Risks for Premature Infant
- cognitive delays
- cerebral palsy
- attention deficit disorder
- learning disabilities
- difficulty w/ socialization
- vulnerable child syndrome
- alterations in muscle tone
Organic Causes of Failure to Thrive
- inability to suck/swallow correctly
- malabsorption
- diarrhea
- vomiting
- alterations in metabolism and nutrient needs associated w/ chronic illness
Resources for Child w/ Special Needs
- educational opportunities
- financial responsibilities
- respite care
- complementary therapies
What does respite care offer?
opportunity for families to take a break from the daily intensive caregiving responsibilities
Transitioning to home care can cause what?
Constant care stress on the primary caregiver
Complementary Therapies used by Families w/ special needs children
- homeopathic and herbal medicine
- pet therapy
- hippotherapy
- music
- massage
Components of Transition Planning
- multidisciplinary care coordination
- acknowledgment of the changing roles among the youth, family, and health care professionals
- fostering youth self determination skills
By age 14 the family should ensure that what?
a transition plan is initiated and that the IEP reflects post high school plans
By age 17 the family should?
explore health care financing for young adults
The teen should be notified that?
all rights transfer to him or her at the age of majority
The month the child turns 18 you should check?
the teens eligibility for SSI and SSI work incentive
By age 21 the family should ensure?
the adult has registered with the Division of Developmental Disabilities for adult services
Teaching Points during Transition to Adult Care
- treatment rationale
- symptoms of worsening condition
- danger signs
- when to seek help
- medical insurance process
- detailed plan of care
- consultation w/ transition services coordinator
What must be taken into consideration when making decision about DNR’s?
quality of life
When is comes to DNR’s health care professionals must?
assure families that the focus of care is changing and the child is not being abandoned
DNR Orders
“do not resuscitate”
-withholds cardiopulmonary resuscitation if child’s heart stops beating
In some institutions DNR is being replaced with what?
AND - “allow natural death”
Guidelines for Organ Donation
- discussion separate from impending death or brain death notification
- written consent necessary
- all expenses are borne by recipient’s family
- child’s appearance will not be marred
- family culture and spiritual beliefs must be considered
Last Acts Palliative Care Task Force
- respecting child’s goals, preferences, and choices
- comprehensive caring
- using the strengths of interdisciplinary resources
- addressing care giver concerns
- building systems and mechanisms of support
What is the focus of palliative care?
- managing pain and discomfort
- providing nutrition
- providing emotional support
- assisting family through grief
- providing support/education dying child needs according to developmental stage