Infant/Toddler G&D Flashcards
the increase in physical size
sequential process by which infants and children gain various skills and functions
What is the average weight of a newborn?
3.4 kg or 7.5 lbs
What percentage of body fat will newborns lose over the first few weeks of life
Newborns will be back to birth weight by how old?
2 weeks
When will newborns double their birthweight?
4 months
When will newborns triple their birth weight?
1 year
When do newborns grow the quickest?
the first 6 months
By 1 year the infants length has increased by how much?
What is the average head circumference of a newborn?
35 cm or 14 inches
When does head circumference grow rapidly?
first 6 months
States of Consciousness
- deep sleep
- light sleep
- drowsiness
- quiet alert
- active alert
- crying
Deep Sleep
eyes closed, no movement
Light sleep
eyes closed, REM
eyes half closed, dozing
Quiet alert
wide awake and calm
Active alert
wide awake and moving
crying/screaming and difficult to get attention
What can confirm brain growth?
increased head circumference
Anterior Fontanel
closes by 12-18 months
When will the root reflex disappear?
3 months
Root reflex
stroke the cheek, infant turns to the side
When will sucking disappear?
2-5 months
sucking is automatic when you place a nipple or finger in infants mouth
sudden extension of arms above head and hands forma a “C”
When will Moro disappear?
4 months
Asymmetric Tonic Neck
fencing/extremities extended on one side and flex opposite side; head turns away from flexed side
When will Asymmetric Tonic Neck disappear?
4 months
Palmar Grasp
holds your finger
When will palmer grasp disappear?
6 months
stroke lateral aspect of foot and across plantar surface will cause fanning of toes
When will Babinski disappear?
12 months
infant places one foot at a time on a surface as if stepping
When will step disappear?
4-8 weeks
Respiratory rate for infant
What should their respiratory rate be by 1 year?
How do newborns breathe?
irregular w/ periodic pauses
Nasal passages are?
Trachea and chest wall are?
more compliant
Bronchi and bronchioles are?
shorter and narrower
funnel shaped
Neck Righting
neck keeps head in upright position when body is tilted
When does neck righting appear?
4-6 months
Parachute (sideways)
arms extended when tilted to side from a sitting position?
When will parachuting sideways appear?
6 months
When will parachuting forward appear?
6-7 months
When will parachuting backwards appear?
9-10 months
In the first year the heart will?
double in size
Protective Reflexes
- neck righting
- parachute sideways
- parachute forwards
- parachute backwards
Primitive Reflexes
root suck moro asymmetric tonic neck palmar grasp plantar grasp Babinski step
Average BP of newborn?
BP will increase to an average of what by 12 months?
Why are newborns more susceptible to heat loss?
peripheral capillaries are closer to the surface of skin
Natal teeth
- present at birth
- may indicate anomalies
What is the average age for the first tooth?
6-8 months
What is the stomach capacity of a newborn?
1/2-1 ounce
At what age can infants stomach accommodate three full meals and snacks?
1 year
What is the first stool?
Bottle fed stool
yellowish/tan like peanut butter
Breast fed stool
yellow/loose seedy
Infrequent stools are normal if?
stools are soft
Stools to worry about are?
red, white, black, mucous like, frequent, frothy, watery, foul smelling, hard pellets, or if baby is vomiting
baby cheese; protects skin at birth
When is maternal iron transferred to baby?
the last trimester
When does object permanence begin?
4-7 months
When is object permanence solidified?
8 months
1 months Cephalocaudal/Gross motor skill
lift head and turn to side when prone
2 months Ceph/Gross motor skill
raises head and chest
3 months Ceph/Gross motor skill
raises head 45 degrees
4 months Ceph/Gross motor skill
lifts head and looks around/rolls from tummy to back/no head lag
5 months Ceph/Gross motor skill
rolls from back to tummy/sits upright when supported
What can you do to test if their is blood in an infants stool?
hemoculture-if turns blue then there is blood
6 months Ceph/Gross motor skill
7 months Ceph/Gross motor skill
sits alone w/ some use of hands
8 months Ceph/Gross motor skill
sits unsupported
9 months Ceph/Gross motor skill
10 months Ceph/Gross motor skill
pulls to stand, cruises
12 months Ceph/Gross motor skill
sits from standing/walks independently
head to toe
1 month Fine motor skill
fists clench
3 mo Fine Motor Skill
hand in front of face/hands open
4 mo Fine Motor Skill
bats at object
5 mo Fine Motor Skill
holds a rattle
6 mo Fine Motor Skill
lets go of object to grab something else
7 mo Fine Motor Skill
transfers object from hand to hand
8 mo Fine Motor Skill
rakes in object
9 mo Fine Motor Skill
bangs object together
10 mo Fine Motor skill
Fine pincer grasp
11 mo Fine motor skill
offers objects to others
12 mo Fine Motor Skill
feeds self w/ cup and spoon; pokes w/ index finger
When do you know there is a sensory development problem?
- does not respond to loud noises
- does not focus on near object
- does not make sounds by 4 mo
- does not turn to sound by 4 mo
- crosses eyes most of time by 6 mo
When do I know there is a language development problem?
- does not make sounds by 4 mo
- does not laugh or squeal by 6 mo
- does not babble by 8 mo
- does not use single words w/ meaning by 12 mo
What does stranger anxiety indicate?
Infant recognizes self as separate from others
When does separation/stranger anxiety begin?
8 months
Separation anxiety
infant becomes distressed when parent leaves
Worry Signs for Social/Emotional Development
- not smiling at 3 mo
- child refuses to cuddle
- child does not enjoy people
- no interest in peek-a-boo at 8 mo
How long should a child be in a rear facing car seat?
until 12 months and 20 lbs
When is breastfeeding NOT recommended?
- infants w/ galactosemia
- maternal use of illicit drugs and a few prescription medications
- maternal untreated active tuberculosis
- maternal HIV infection in developed countries
How long can ready-to-feed formula can be kept in the refrigerator?
48 hours
Bottle Feeding
- wash nipples/bottles in hot soapy water/dishwasher
- do NOT reheat formula
- no cereal in bottle
- no honey
- do NOT microwave
- heat by placing in container of hot water
You should introduce new food how often to check for allergies?
once every 3-5 days
Why are fruit juices not recommended?
b/c it is missing the protein and dat in breastmilk and formula
When should a cup be introduced?
6-8 months
Common developmental concerns in infancy
- colic
- spitting
- thumb sucking, pacifiers, security items
- teething
What can honey put the infant at risk for?
When can you begin introducing solid foods?
4-6 months; w/ extrusion of tongue
When should babies be eating smashed foods?
by 8 months