Special Education Flashcards
Adaptive behavior
An individual’s independent display of behaviors associated with meeting his or her daily personal and social needs
Articulation impairment
The inability to produce speech sounds correctly
Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)
A neurodevelopmental disorder that affects how the brain processes sounds.
Developmental disorder characterized by abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communication
Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
Plan that implements procedures designed to promote lasting, positive changes in the student’s behavior in the least restrictive environment
Criterion-referenced Test
Measures individual performance compared to an acceptable standard
When a student has a hearing loss and visual impairment that causes severe communication, developmental and educational problems
Deaf/Hard of Hearing
Hearing loss or impairment
Convert into intelligible language
Due Process
Procedural safeguards to ensure the protection of the rights of parent and the student with a disability under IDEA
The state of having the right to do or obtain something
Emotional & Behavioral Disorder
Range of conditions that can affect a person’s ability to learn, socialize and behave appropriately
Expressive Language
Production of language for communicating with other people
Extended School Year (ESY or EYS)
A program that provides special education and related services to students with disabilities beyond the regular school year.
Fine motor coordination
Pertains to usage of small muscle groups
Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA)
A functional behavioral assessment may be conducted for any student identified as having behavior problem serious enough to impact the learning of the child
Gross motor coordination
Pertains to usage of large muscle groups
Individualized Education Program
A written educational plan for each special education student that includes instructional goals and objectives based on the needs
Intellectual Disability
Student who has significantly below average general intellectual functioning and deficits in adaptive behavior, which manifested during the developmental period