Occupational Therapy Flashcards
To make fit, enable or endow with ability or capacity
The ability to make accessible to everyone
Changes that help students with disabilities complete tasks and access curriculum
Process of responding to change when a person’s normal response is not sufficient
Adaptive Equipment
A tool or device that helps people with disabilities or injuries perform daily tasks
Adaptive Response
The goal of sensory integration, and allow the child to learn and interact safely and appropriately
Assistive Technology (AT)
Technology that enables people with disabilities to participate in all aspects of society and lead more independent lives
Assistive Technology Device (ATD)
A product, equipment or item that helps people with disabilities improve, maintain or increase their functional capabilities
Bilateral coordination
The ability to use both sides of the body at the same time in a smooth and organized way
Cognitive Rehabilitation
Therapy approach that is used to help improve a person’s cognitive functioning and occupational performance
Cognitive - Perceptual Skills
The ability to process and integrate environmental information with existing knowledge to select and execute actions
Developmental Delay
When a child’s progression through predictable developmental phases slows, stops or reverses
Differentiated Instruction
Teaching method that aims to meet the needs of all students
Environmental Modification
Changes to the physical, social or temporal environment to help students learn or behave appropriately
Fine Motor Control
The ability to make precise movements with the small muscles in your hands, fingers, feet and toes
Fine Motor Skills
The use of the small muscles in the hands, fingers and arms to perform precise movements
Functional Skills
Core skills needed to solve problems in personal and professional lives
Gross Motor Skills
The physical abilities that use the body’s large muscles to perform every functions
A technique that involves placing one’s hand over another’s hand to guide movements
Learning Disability
Differences in the brain that affect a person’s ability to learn and process information
Learning Style
A person’s preferred method for understanding, taking in, expressing and remembering new information
A change to what a student is taught or expected to do in school
Motor Control
The ability of an organism’s nervous system to regulate movement
Motor Planning
A process that helps us learn motor actions
Multisensory Integration
The process by which the nervous system combines information from multiple senses to create a coherent representation of an object
Occupational performance
The ability to perform meaningful occupations in a way that is culturally and age-appropriate
Occupational Therapy Intervention
Includes intervention plan, implementation and review.
OT Consultation
A service that provides expert guidance to help people participate in daily activities
Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Helps children reach developmental milestones and learn skills that improve their daily lives
The ability to change arousal to match the environment and the activity
Sensory Break
Short periods of time when a child can engage in activities that meet their sensory needs
Sensory Diet
Treatment plan that helps people with sensory processing issues manage their sensory input to feel calm and alert
Sensory Integration
The process by which the brain organizes and responds to sensory information from the body and environment
Sensory Processing Disorder
A condition that affects how your brain processes sensory information
Task analysis
Clinical reasoning tool used by occupational therapists to evaluate a client’s performance in a task
Universal Design for Learning
Educational framework based on research in the learning theory that guides the development of flexible learning environments and spaces that can accommodate individual learning differences
Visual perception
The ability to interpret and understand the visual information from the environment
Visual-Motor Skills
A combination of eye-hand coordination, motor control and visual perception that allows people to use their eyes and hands together to perform tasks