Math Flashcards
The action of mathematical calculation
Spatial relations
The concept of how objects are related to each other and to an observer in space
Learning disability resulting in difficulty learning or comprehending arithmetic
Like denominators
When fractions have the same number in their denominators or same denominator
Like fractions
A group of two or more fractions that have exactly the same denominator
Objects that help student learn math concepts by making them concrete and visual
The process in which we connect any two similar objects which are given in two different sets
Math readiness skills
The basic mathematical concepts that children explore before Kindergarten
Math reasoning
Process of using logical thinking and critical analysis to solve math problems
Math regrouping
The process of changing groups of ones into tens to make addition and subtraction easier
Matrix Analogies Test (MAT)
Measure nonverbal ability
Multi step
Type of math problem that requires more than one operation
Number line
A picture of a straight line that serves as spatial representation of numbers
The ability to understand and work with numbers
One to one correspondence
Math skill that involves matching a number to each object in a set, while only touching each object once
Pattern constructions
The process of creating geometric shapes or sequences of numbers by following a specific rule or set of instructions
Place value
Value of digit in a number based on its position
A number that is chosen or generated by chance
A term that is used to compare two or more numbers
Set of reasons or logic for particular action
Raw data
The data collected in an unorganized form
Raw score
Basic score of any test, the number of points earned
Reversed number
A number obtained by writing the digits of an original number in the opposite order
Rote count
The ability to recite numbers in the correct order from memory
Making a number simpler but keeping its value close to what it was
Program is designed to ensure that students build a foundation and develop a positive mathematical identity
Strip diagram
A visual model used to support addition, subtraction, multiplication or division equation or word problem
Way to count and record data in groups of five
Type of organizer where two aspects of topic are listed side by side
Unlike denominators
When two or more fractions have different denominators
Word problems
Using words or a story that contains a mathematical problem to be solved.