Social Emotional Learning Flashcards
The capacity to make an informed, un-coerced decision
Anger management
The practice of learning to control one’s reactions to anger, rather than avoiding or getting rid of the things or people that trigger it
Confident and forceful behavior
Character development
The development of conscience, moral concepts, religious values and social attitudes
Character education
Learning process that enables students and adults in a school community to understand, care about and act on core ethical values
Child development
The biological, psychological, and emotional changes that occur in human beings between birth and conclusion of adolescence.
People working together to make a positive difference in their society
The process of two or more people working together for a common goal
Communication skills
The transmission of a message that involves the shared understanding between the contexts in which the communication takes place
Motivation to go out of their way to help with needs of another and themself
Ability to interact with others, regulate one’s emotions and behavior, solve problems and communicate effectively
A belief in oneself, the conviction that one has the ability to meet life’s challenges and to succeed- and willingness to act accordingly
Conflict Resolution
A process where two or more parties work together to find a peaceful solution to a disagreement
Coping Skills
Methods used to manage stressful situations
Critical Thinking
Widely accepted educational goal, careful thinking directed to a goal
Cultural Competence
Ability to interact with people from different cultures in a way that is respectful and effective
Attributes that people use to confirm themselves with respect to others
Decision-making skills
The abilities that help you make informed, rational choices
Emotional intelligence
The capacity to be aware of, control and express one’s emotions and handle interpersonal relations judiciously and empathetically
Emotional literacy
The ability to understand your emotions, listen to others and empathize with their emotions and ability to express emotions productively
Emotional regulation
The ability to manage and respond to emotions in a way that is effective
The capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference
Goal setting
The process of defining and working towards a desired outcome
Being thankful or appreciative and returning kindness
Growth mindset
The belief that your talents, habits and potential can be developed and improved over time
Trait in which a person prefers to act on their own thoughts and feelings
The quality of being honest and having a strong moral compass
Interpersonal skills
The abilities and behaviors that help guide and inspire others to achieve a common goal
Leadership skills
The abilities and behaviors that help guide and inspire others to achieve a common goal
Mental Health
The emotional, psychological, and social well-being of an individual
Set of assumptions, methods or notions held by one or more people or groups of people
Standards of behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do.
The capacity to accept or tolerate difficulties without getting angry or upset
Peer pressure
A feeling that one must do the same things as other people in order to be liked or respected
Peer relationships
Social connections and interactions between people of similar age, social status or background
Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success
Relationship skills
The ability to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships with diverse individuals and groups
The capacity to withstand or recover quickly from difficulties
Responsible decision making
The ability to make constructive and respectful choices about personal behavior and social interactions
The ability to accurately recognize one’s emotions and thoughts and their influence on behavior
An individual’s belief in his or her own capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments
The ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts and behaviors effectively in different situations
Reliance on one’s own powers and resources rather than those of others
Social awareness
The ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others from diverse backgrounds and cultures, to understand social and ethical norms for behavior and to recognize family, school and community resources and supports
Social competence
The condition of possessing the social, emotional and intellectual skills and behaviors needed to succeed as a member of society
Social emotional learning
A process that helps people develop the skills to understand and manage their emotions, build positive relationships and make responsible decisions
Social justice
The relation of balance between individuals and society measured by comparing distribution of wealth differences
Social norms
Collective representations of acceptable group conduct
Social pressure
The influence that people feel from others to behave in a certain way
Stress management
The practice of using techniques to reduce the negative effects of stress and improve mental and physical well-being
The perception, understanding, and reaction to the distress or need of another life form
Working as a collaborative group
The ability to be relied on as honest or truthful
Basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate attitudes or actions
Diverse and interconnected dimensions of physical, mental and social well being
Whole child education
Policies, practices and relationships that ensure each child, in each school, in each community is healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged