Discipline Flashcards
Regularly missing school without good reason
Accessory to a crime
Someone who aided or contributed to the commission or concealment of a crime
A formal judgment on a disputed matter
A claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, normally without proof
Aggravated assault
The unlawful attack of one person on another with the intent to cause severe or aggravated bodily injury
Avoidance behavior
A pattern of actions that people use to avoid situations or feelings that cause discomfort or distress
Behavior contract
Agreement that outlines expectations for behavior and the consequences for meeting or not meeting them
Behavior modification
Alteration of behavioral patterns through the use of learning techniques
Using repeated negative behaviors intended to frighten or cause harm
Code of Conduct
Specify behavior that is accepted or prohibited in the school or related to.
The punishment of being kept in school after hours
Disciplinary Referral
A way for a teacher or staff member to ask an administrator to help deal with a student’s behavior
Disciplinary panel
A group of people who review evidence, ask questions and make decisions about alleged misconduct
Disparate impact
Refers to policies, rules or practices that are blamed for high rates of discipline among racial minorities
Disproportionality in discipline/equitable discipline
This is an effort to address rates in which students of different races are disciplined.
Due process
Rules of procedure for resolving disputes between parents and schools.
Exclusionary discipline
Any type of school disciplinary action that removes or excludes students from their usual educational setting
An official order or commission to do something
Manifestation of the disability
When a student’s behavior is linked to their disability
Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS)
Tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioral, academic, social, emotional and mental health
Positive Reinforcement
A method of behavior modification that increases the likelihood of a behavior occurring by rewarding it with a pleasant stimulus
The infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offense
The action of remedying something
Restorative justice/practices/circles/conferences
A philosophy for student discipline where reconciliation between the offender and the victim is the ultimate goal
School Resource Officer (SRO)
Sworn law enforcement officers responsible for safety and crime prevention in schools
The temporary prevention of something
Token Economy
A system that rewards people for exhibiting desired behaviors with tokens that can be exchanged for rewards or privileges.
The action of staying away from school without good reason