General Education Flashcards
A thing done successfully
Person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy
Annual assessment
Yearly documentation and recording of knowledge and skills
If the school is concerned that they may fail or drop-out
Appearing at a location as scheduled or planned
Basic Skills
Foundational knowledge and abilities that people need to live independently
The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others
Below average
Worse or lower than the average in scores
Milestones that enable parents, students and educators to track a student’s progress throughout the year
Bilingual Assessment
A process that evaluates a student’s language and literacy skills in their first language and language of instruction
Bilingual education
Teaching method that uses two or more languages to teach students
Ability to read and write proficiently in two languages
Board of Education
Group of community members who are either elected or appointed to represent and make decisions about their public school district
Children with disabilities
Child who has physical or mental impairment that results in significant functional limitations
College and career readiness
Knowledge, skills and habits that high school graduates need to be successful in post-secondary education and the workforce
An academic professional who gives advice on specific subject
Credit recovery
Refers to opportunities for high school students to make up failed or missed courses
Critical Thinking
The process of analyzing, evaluating and making judgements about information in a way that is logical and objective
Early childhood
The period of a child’s life from birth to age eight
Economically disadvantaged
Person or family has a low income / limited access to credit and capital
English proficient
The ability to use English language to communicate effectively
The act of providing additional learning opportunities and challenges beyond the standard curriculum
Meeting local requirements to register your child at a school
Foster child/home/parent/youth
Bring up a child that is not one’s own by birth
An underlying basis or principle
Grade level
The level of the educational program studied by a student
Grade point average (GPA)
Measures the average of all the final grades a student has received
Someone abusing, insulting or harming another on a regular basis
Home language
The language that is most commonly spoken in a family’s home
Home school
The process of educating child in the home / The school indicated based on residence of student
Without a home, and therefore typically living on the streets
The inability to read or write
Immunization booster
Shot given when a person has completed their vaccine series and the immunity protection against the virus begins to decrease with time
Initial Assessment
A process to evaluate a child who is suspected of having a disability
Give attention to sound
The ability to read and write
Mental health
A person’s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being
The action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action, task/function
Primary Language
The language a person uses most frequently to communicate
High degree of competence or skill
Reading readiness skills
The set of skills and abilities a child needs to learn to read successfully
Report card
A teacher’s written assessment of student’s work, progress and conduct
School records
Official documents that contain information about student’s academic and personal life
School site council
An educator who helps students develop academic, social and emotional skills
Section 504 plan
Helps a child who meets the criteria for a disability that interferes with accessing education
An official record a student’s work, showing courses taken and grades achieved
The fee charged by an educational system for instruction or teaching
Document recording the waiving of a right or claim