ELA Flashcards
Basal Reader
Textbooks used to teach reading and associated skills to schoolchildren
Close reading
A skill that requires students to determine purpose and notice features and language used by the author so that they can think thoughtfully and methodically about the details in the text and why they were used
Closed syllables
A syllable that ends with a consonant sound, either singular or blend
Cluttering speech
A speech pattern that is perceived as being too fast, too irregular or jerky and is accompanied by: excessive repetition of whole words or phrases
Compound Word
A union of two or more words, either with or without hyphen
Consonant patterns
When consonants work together to represent one sound
Context clues
Hints that help readers understand the meaning of unfamiliar words in a sentence, paragraph or passage
Cued speech
Method of communication in which the mouth movements of speech are combined with a system of hand movements to facilitate understanding and use by people who are deaf or hard of hearing
CVC Word
Three letter words that start and end with a consonant
Decoding skills
The ability to break down words into sounds and blend them together to identify written words
Omission of one or more sounds in a word
Derivational suffixes
Applies to words of one syntactic category and changes them to another
Make a vowel or voiced consonant voiceless
Combination of two letters representing one sound
The disruption or interruption of the ongoing flow of speech
Echo reading
Reading strategy where a teacher or adult reads a text aloud and then students repeat the reading back
Filler word
A word, sounds or phrase that doesn’t add meaning to a sentence or conversations but is used to fill space while someone is speaking
Free Morpheme
A word part that can stand alone as a word
High-frequency word
Most common words in written and spoken language
Conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning
Mean length of utterance
The average number of morpheme per utterance
Morphosyntactic proficiency
The ability to understand how words are formed and how they function in sentences
Nonsense word fluency
A test that measures a student’s ability to blend letter sounds and understand letter-sound correspondences
Phonemic awareness
The ability to notice, think about and work with individual sounds
Matching the sounds of spoken English with individual letters or groups of letters
Phonological loop
The speech- and sound-related component of working memory and holds verbal and auditory information
Phrase speech intelligibility
The percentage of words that a listener can understand from a speaker
Denoting a consonant that is produced by stopping the airflow using the lips, teeth, or palate
Pre-primer & Primer (Dolch) Words
List of 40 fundamental words that are essential building blocks for early reading fluency
Run on sentences
Occurs when two or more independent clauses are joined together without proper punctuation or conjunctions
Sentence starter
A word or phrase that introduces the rest of the sentence
Sight word
Common, frequently used words and foundational words that a child can use to build vocab
Sound blending
Combining sounds to form words
Sound omission
Speech articulation disorder that occurs when a person leaves out certain sounds while speaking
Sound out
Identify a word based on the sounds that one hears
Process of writing or naming letter of a word
Syllable strings
A group of segments that are organized around a vowel or vowel-like element
Tap out sounds
Used to decode words
Verbal reasoning
Understanding and reasoning using concepts framed in words
Visual tracking
The ability to move your eyes quickly and accurately to follow a moving object
Visual/Verbal Cues
Visual or Verbal clues used to help decode meaning
Speech sounds that are produced when the vocal cords vibrate
Sounds made by air passing through the mouth without the vocal cords vibrating
Vowel digraph
Combination of two vowel letters that create a single vowel sound or diphthong
Vowel distortion
When vowels are produced incorrectly
Vowel team
Combination of letters that represent a single vowel sound
Word class
Category of words of similar form or function, part of speech
Word families
Groups of words that have a common feature or pattern
Word walls
Collection of words that are displayed in large visible letters on a wall
Word webs
Tool used to expand student’s knowledge of the focus word
Words in isolation
The ability to decode or learn a word without the benefit of any context
Writing prompt
Direction to write about a particular topic