Speaking Kit Flashcards
I like
I don`t like
I don’t like at all
me gusta(n)
no me gusta(n)
no me gusta(n) nada
I love (like gustar type)
me encanta
I can’t stand
no soporto
to bear, withstand
to put up with (tolerate)
i cant stand (not soportar)
no aguanto
That swing won’t bear (support) your weight, John.
Ese columpio no aguantará tu peso, John.
I only put up with him because his wife is my best friend.
Solo lo aguanto porque su esposa es mi mejor amiga.
swing, playground equipment
el columpio
to hit, to strike
The poor child fell off the swing and hit her head.
La pobre niña se cayó del columpio y se golpeó la cabeza.
I don’t think the table can take (support, withstand) that much weight.
No creo que la mesa aguante tanto peso.
el estante
The shelf can’t support the weight of so many books.
El estante no puede aguantar el peso de tantos libros.
I think that
opinion starters
pienso que
I believe that
opinion starters
creo que