December III Flashcards
maybe, perhaps
tal vez
Maybe you should talk less and listen more.
Tal vez deberías hablar menos y escuchar más.
Maybe you should find a new friend.
Quizá deberías encontrar un amigo nuevo.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I think Megan likes Joe.
Quizás me equivoque, pero creo que a Megan le gusta Joe.
to order (as a request, e.g. food) to ask for,
pedir (stem changing e->i)
I’m going to order a slice of apple pie.
Voy a pedir una rebanada de pay de manzana.
a slice
la rebanada
For breakfast, I’ll just have a slice of bread and a cup of coffee.
Para el desayuno, solo quiero una rebanada de pan y una taza de café.
to order (as a command)
verb. ordenar
also means to
organise, arrange in order, tidy.
behaviour (of a living thing)
el comportamiento o,
la conducta
Jimmy’s behavior improved when his father was home.
El comportamiento de Jimmy mejoraba cuando su papá estaba en casa.
My neighbor has been exhibiting very suspicious behavior.
Mi vecino ha exhibido una conducta muy sospechosa.
adj. sospechoso/a
to call attention to, to notice
llamar la atención
His suspicious behavior drew my attention.
Me llamó la atención su comportamiento sospechoso.
The teacher ordered the student out of the classroom due to (because of) his bad behavior.
El profesor ordenó al alumno salir del aula por su mal comportamiento.
It doesn’t matter how many times I tell my daughter to tidy her room, she doesn’t do it.
No importa cuántas veces le pido a mi hija que ordene (subjunctive) su habitación, no lo hace.