SP2b Renewables and non-renewables Flashcards
What does non-renewable mean?
cannot be replenished.
What does renewable mean?
can be replenished.
Describe main non-renewable sources (3linked)
Gas, coal or oil is burnt in furnace - water is heated and turned into steam in boiler - super heated steam turns the blades of the turbine shaft - in the generator a coil is turned inside the magnetic field to produce an electical current.
Describe main renwable sources (3)
Solar - heat and light energy from the sun - solar cell tech converts solar energy into usable electricity.
Wind - energy from wind - wind passes over blades of a turbine causing them to turn, then rotating a shaft that turns a generator that converts kinetic energy into electrical energy.
Hydroelectric - energy from rivers - Often dam built to increase energy stored and control flow through a turbine - energy used to turn a turbine and generate electricity (hydroelectric power).
How are non-renewable and renewable sources used (3)
to heat or cool space
for transportation
for electricity generation