SOP 03.06.01 Cold Weather Ops Flashcards
To Ensure that all FRD vehicles are properly prepared for winter weather driving and assist in the reduction of damage to vehicles and equipment
When pumps are drained it is necessary to prime the pump before use. Who shall any deficiencies preventing the draining or priming of the pump be reported to
Vehicle Coordinator at 703-246-3980
In Sub-Freezing temps what can be done other than draining the pump
Ensure some water circulation is maintained
What ensures proper pump, plumbing, and hose drainage?
Open all bleeders, drains, electric and manual valves to include the MAIN PUMP DRAIN
Remove all caps from intakes and discharges
disconnect all preconnected discharges to include deck gun
What must be done to apparatus being left in a service facility between October 1st and March 31st
All water shall be drained from the apparatus including all tank water
All Valves shall be left opened as well as drains
What is the set temperature to drain all Deck Guns, booster reels, water pressure gauges, Pumps and plumbing
Predicted temperatures below 20 degrees
Apparatus found equipped with booster reels, front intakes, and front discharges exposed to weather shall be drained at this temperature
Drain the plumbing between the shut off valve and the connection when temperatures fall below 32 degrees
At what temperatures shall all pre-piped waterways and basket discharges be completely drained and left open?
Below 32 degrees
In freezing temps to what degree elevation shall Aerials be raised in order to drain water
What shall one stay alert for when retracting aerial
elevate aerial to 70 degrees.
Be alert of any resistance indicating built up ice in the water way that may lead to damage when retracting.
Contact vehicle coordinator for guidance
Speed of aerial function being diminished by colder temperatures affecting the hydraulic fluid can be resolved by
Continuous running of the aerial allowing the hydraulic oil to circulate and warm up
What must be completed every march at each work location
Inspection and Inventory of all cable, heavy snow chains, and automatic snow chains.
Includes installation of chains and deployment of automatic chains
What is the deadline for FSLT to complete inventories, order new chain and verify the correct chain size?
How should surplus inventory be returned
April 30th
Surplus chains and materials should be returned to LDC with an FRD-008
Minimum chain materials to be stored
Inventory of chains that will provide each vehicle with a minimum of two complete sets of cable chains and two complete sets of heavy snow chains
Enough cable and heavy chain cross link to ensure each set can be rebuilt once from stock
What does a complete set for a tandem axle imply
Defined as enough chains for installation on both rear axles
Automatic Chains with worn parts or malfunctions shall be reported via