SOP 01.03.01 Vehicle Accidents Flashcards
Establish Procedures for reporting accidents involving Fairfax County and Volunteer owned Fire and Rescue Vehicles
When accidents involving injuries or damage to civillian property who investigates?
Police department of the jurisdiction where the accident occurred
What steps should be followed to accidents that lead to no damage to FD vehicle
Processed in Accordance with
SOP 01 09 11 (Liability Incident Reporting)
When an accident occurs where shall they be reported immediately to and what resources are dispatched
DPSC and they will dispatch BC - SAFO - PD of the appropriate jurisdiction
Whom can you discuss the accidents with
Police, Supervisor, FRD chain of command, Fairfax Risk Management or fairfax county reps from claims service company
Whom shall attempt to obtain demographics of the other driver as well as witnesses
The Driver, The Officer the BC or the SAFO
What info can the driver, oic, BC or SAFO shall attempt to provide
Incident Number
Email for Risk Management Division
Refer to Property Damage and Injury claim reporting
After the accident if vehicle remains in service what needs to be submitted and whom shall be contacted if UNABLE to submit
Unit Officer shall arrange a repair estimate by submitting an M5 ticket, if UNABLE Duty App must be contacted next business day
What SOP must be followed if portable equipment is damaged
SOP 01.07.01 Property Accountability and Control
Vehicle Accident Classifications
No Operator
Non-Collision Accident
What incident requires immediate Alcohol and Drug testing
Accidents resulting in human fatality or bodily injury requiring immediate transport
Coaching PIP
Coaching Performance Improvement Plan
outlined in SOP 02.05.01 (Fitness for Duty)
When responding to an emergency and the unit is involved in an accident where shall the unit go?
Remain on scene for the investigation
Who shall attempt to acquire information from civilian driver
Driver Operator
What information shall be acquired from the non FD driver involved in the accident
Full Name
Insurance Company
Policy Number
names and addresses of witnesses
Before going off duty what shall be completed for the accident
“Employee” Portion within the online safety incident reporting system
Employees part of the crew shall complete the witness statements
Post accident reviews will be conducted by the BC, SAFO, driver involved, supervisor and any employees involved. How fast should the review be and completed by
Review should be scheduled in a timely manner
completed within two to five respective shift days