Somatic Symptom/Dissociate Disorders Flashcards
Somatic Symptom Disorder Diagnostic Criteria
- 1+ distressing/disruptive somatic symptom
- One indicator of excessive thought/feelings/behaviors
1. Excessive time/energy devoted
2. High levels of anxiety
3. Disproportionate thoughts about the seriousness of the symptom - Persistent symptomatology (usually 6+ months)
Illness Anxiety Disorder (IAD) Diagnostic Criteria
- Preoccupation with having/acquiring a serious illness
- Somatic symptoms are not present or MILD
- Patient performs excessive health-related behaviors-returning to ER for diagnostic tests repeatedly
SSD & IAD Etiology
- Genetic predisposition
- Personality trait of negativity
- Early life/family experiences (sexual, emotional abuse)
- Delayed development of emotional intelligence
Treatment of SSD & IAD
- Address delayed development of emotional intelligence
- Anti-anxiety/antidepressants in extreme cases to assist with CBT
Conversion Disorder Diagnostic Criteria
Altered voluntary motor or sensory function
Examples: weakness or paralysis, difficulty swallowing etc
Incompatibility of the symptom with neurological disease
Psychological phenomenon
Conversion Disorder Onset & Course
Typically sudden, after a major psychological stressor
Pt is often unconcerned with the symptoms (la belle indifference)
Usually short duration without recurrence
Conversion Disorder Etiology
Treatment of Conversion Disorder
- Psychotherapy (CBT)
- Hypnosis
Medications are NOT approved for this
Factitious Disorder Definition
Primary gain is attention and being in the sick role
Typically worked in healthcare
Munchausen Syndrome (imposed on oneself)
Munchausen Syndrome by proxy (imposed on another)
Factitious Disorder Treatment
No specific treatment
Malingering Definition
Individuals fake/induces physical or psychological symptoms for “external” rewards
* Classified under “other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention”
Dissociative Disorders Common features
- Splitting off from conscious awareness an aspect of self (memory)
- Unconscious coping strategy for stress
Dissociative Amnesia Diagnostic Criteria
3 types
- Localized: total loss of personal memory during a circumscribed period of time
- Selective: Some limited recall of personal memories during circumscribed period of time
- Generalized: loss of personal memory of entire life up to and including triggering event
What is a fugue?
Purposeful travel or bewildered wandering associated with amnesia for identity or other autobiographical information
Typical features of a fugue
- Sudden onset
- Brief (hours to days)
- Unobstrusive lifestyle
- Spontaneous termination of amnesea
- Rarely recurs
What is anterograde memory loss?
Difficulty learning new information in addition to past memory loss
Retrograde memory
Patient learns new information well but has past memory loss
Dissociative Identity Disorder Diagnostic Criteria
- Disruption of individual identity characterized by 2+ personality states (Primary, an alter)
- Inability to recall personal information
- Used as a coping mechanism d/t childhood psychological trauma etc.
Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Psychotherapy
No medications have been proven to be effective
Depersonalization Diagnostic Criteria
Experiences of unreality, detachment or being an outside observer of one’s thoughts, feelings, sensations, body or actions