Sole of Foot Flashcards
Clinical name for flat feet
Pes Planus
Where is the middle axis in the foot
axis goes through second toe
Thick-ass layer of fascia which provides support to the skin on the bottom of the foot
plantar aponeuorsis
Thickened fascial bands attached to side of phalanges; form tunnel for passage of long tendons to toes and prevents bowstringing
Fibrous digital sheaths
Fibrous digital sheaths – found on dorsal or plantar side of toes?
Muscles of layer 1 of sole of the foot
1) flexor digitorum brevis
2) abductor hallucis
3) abductor digiti minimi
Layer 1 muscles of the sole of the foot all take origin from…
Action of layer 1 muscles of the sole
Flexion of toes; abductors abduct
Tendons of this muscle end on the middle phalanges and split to allow passage of flexor digitorum longus to distal phalanges
Flexor digitorum brevis
What is found in layer 2 of the sole of the foot
1) Lumbricals
2) Quadratus Plantae
3) Flexor Digitorum Longus (TENDON)
4) Flexor Hallucis Longus (TENDON)
Actions of lumbricals
1) flex metatarsophalangeal joints
2) extend interphalangeal joints
These muscles attach to the tendons of flexor digitorum longus and extend to proximal phalanges of toes and extensor expansions
Diabetic neurpathy can produce…
weakness of intrinsic muscles of the foot
What should you lift, bro, to strengthen the intrinsic muscles of the foot
towel toe curls. 5x5 with a drop set
Action of quadratus plantae
pulls on tendons of flexor digitorum longus laterally to redirect flexor pull toward calcaneus. Flexion of toes.
What prevents weight of body from resting on the tendon of flexor hallucis longus?
Tendon passes between two sesamoid bones under the head of the first metatarsal
Muscles of layer 3 of the sole of the foot
1) flexor hallucis brevis
2) adductor hallucis
3) flexor digiti minimi brevis
Has two tendons that insert to proximal phalanx of big toe; sesamoid bones present in each tendon
Flexor hallucis brevis
Small muscle to proximal phalanx of little toe in layer 3
flexor digiti minimi
Two heads of adductor hallucis
oblique and transverse
Composition of layer four of the foot
1) interosseus muscles
2) tendon of peroneus longus
3) tendon of tibialis posterior
Action of dorsal interossei
Action of plantar interossei
Gives rise to the plantar arterial arch located deep in foot
lateral plantar artery (from posterior tibial artery)
Smaller branch to medial foot from the posterior tibial artery
medial plantar artery
Source of plantar digital arteries
plantar arterial arch
Damage to lateral plantar nerve causes…
numb little toe and one half fourth toe
Sensory branches to medial 3.5 digits and medial part of the sole
medial plantar nerve
Sensory branches to lateral 1.4 digits and lateral sole
lateral plantar nerve
What does the medial plantar nerve innervate in the foot? everything else (intrinsic) is lateral plantar nerve
1) 2 muscles of big toe (flexor hallucis brevis, abductor hallucis)
2) flexor digitorum brevis
3) first lumbrical (big toe)
Highest arch in foot formed by calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuneiforms, and medial three metatarsal bones
Medial Longitudnal arch
Pes Planus is caused by what?
weakening of medial longitudinal arch (stretching of plantar calcaneunavicular ligament)
Most important ligament in the foot’s arch, keeping head of talus high off ground.
Plantar Calcaneonavicular Ligament (“Spring Ligament”)
Which muscle group supports the medial arch of the foot
inverters. Specifically Tibilalis Posterior and Tibialis Anterior
Arch in the foot formed by the calcaneus, cuboid, and lateral two metatarsals
Lateral Longitudinal Arch
Which muscles support the lateral arch in the foot?
eversion muscles
Tendons/Ligaments/Fascia supporting the lateral arch
1) long plantar ligament
2) plantar aponeurosis
3) peroneal tendons
Arch in the foot formed by cuneiform, cuboid bones, and metatarsals
Transverse Arch
What support the transverse arch?
1) interosseus muscles
2) peroneus longus tendon