SOGs Section 7 - Rescue Flashcards
According to the Vehicle Lock Out SOG, what are the 4 things personnel shall do when arriving at the scene of a vehicle lock-out?
1) obtain name of owner/driver
2) obtain vehicle license plate number
3) obtain brief description of vehicle
4) ensure driver is aware that they will pay for any cost incurred
According to the Vehicle Lock Out SOG, if life-safety necessitates immediate access to inside what method shall be employed ?
The quickest and safest (ie breaking the side window furthest from the patient).
According to the Vehicle Lock Out SOG, if immediate access is not required, the driver shall be informed of what 5 non-emergency options to gain entry?
1) request a tow truck
2) summon a locksmith
3) contact dealership
4) roadside assistance
5) CAA (membership required)
According to the 1st Apparatus at an MVC SOG, what is the priority sequence when arriving on scene of an MVC?
1) stabilize the scene
- a) traffic control
- b) deploy a charged hose-line
- c) deal with safety hazards (power lines, fuel spills)
- d) ensure adequate lighting
2 stabilize the Vehicle
- a) cribbing - b) consider disconnecting battery - c) airbag restraints
3 stabilize the patient
-a) assess patient and provide appropriate care
According to the Water and Ice Rescue Ops. SOG, what defines a PFD?
A Canadian Coast Guard approved personal flotation device.
According to the Water and Ice Rescue Ops SOG, what are the 7 critical items in the water rescue size-up?
1) what happened
2) number of victims
3) age, gender,health
4) length of time in water
5) victim submerged, length of time under water?
6) does a medical emergency also exist (EMS)
7) far shore access
According to the Tech Rescue SOG, what are the 7 critical components of the size up in a technical rescue call?
1) talk to witnesses
2) determine number and location of victims
3) age, gender, health
4) medical emergency?
5) identify hazards
6) type of rescue (trench, confined space etc)
7) assess need for assistance
According to the Confined Space Rescue SOG, Atmospheric Hazards means what 3 things?
1) accumulation of flammable, combustible or explosive agents
2) O2 content in atmosphere less than 19.5 or more than 23%
3) accumulation of atmospheric contaminants, including gases, vapors, fumes, dust or mists that could:
-a)result in acute health effects that pose an immediate threat to life
Or -b)interfere with a persons ability to escape unaided from a confined
According to the Confined Space Response SOG, what is the apparatus response to this incident?
TR 202 A202 AL 201 DC HM 204 Plus the first responding apparatus in the area
According to the Confined Space Response SOG, what is the 4 methods of approach?
1) come in from a safe direction
2) position apparatus no closer than 30m from the space you want barrier tape to extend 30m
3) position apparatus safely from incident if Vehicle engine is running
4) approach with PPE (SCBA for spaces that contain or have potential to contain hazardous atmosphere)
According to the Confined Space Response SOG, what are the 3 initial action assignments?
1) ensure police and ambulance response
2) notify MOL (after patient transported)
3) notify Joint Health and Safety (after patient transported)
According to the Confined Space Response SOG, what are the 7 information sources?
1) workers
2) supervisor
3) witnesses
4) attendants
5) permits
6) site safety plan
According to the Confined Space Response SOG, on Scene Command must gather what 8 items of information?
1) is there an immediate hazard present to rescuers
2) what is the nature of the problem
3) how many victims and what is their location
4) what work was being done
5) what type of products are stored in this space
6) what known hazards are present (atmosphere, Chems, energy)
7) obtain blueprints, maps, permits, get a sketch drawn (entry and egress
8) how long has victim been down
According to the Elevator Rescue SOG, what is considered Level 1 Operations (stand by)?
- a typical entrapment, where responders dispatched may standby, while awaiting elevator mechanic.
- this incident is deemed to be non-life threatening
According to the Elevator Rescue SOG, what is considered Level 2 Operations? What are the 3 circumstances warranting Level 2 ops?
- level 2 (removal) involve circumstances which need passive measures to extricate occupants
1) entrapment time has exceeded 90 mins
2) non-life threatening conditions with medical factors (diabetic)
3) severe environmental factors (high temp inside car)
According to the Elevator Rescue SOG, what is considered Level 3 Operations?
Level 3 is a Rescue. It involves circumstances where there is an immediate threat to life or extreme environmental factors, and forceful measures are warranted to extricate trapped occupants.
According to the Elevator Rescue SOG, what is the minimum requirement to respond to an Elevator emergency?
A minimum of 3 certified Elevator Rescue personnel are required.
According to the Elevator Rescue SOG, what are the 7 steps in a Level 1 standby?
1) make contact with building rep
2) instruct rep to contact Elevator tech and get eta. If no building rep, the Elevator company and #, should be forwarded to fire control. The name and number should be located in one of following
A) fire safety plan lock box
B) Elevator machine room
3) size up
4) assess conditions of occupants (ambulance?)
5) assess entrapment situation (level 1, 2 or 3)
6) continue to assess occupants for changes in condition until a responsible person is on site (super, security, elevator tech)
7) apparatus may clear scene if Captain satisfied responsible person will continue to monitor occupant status
According to the Elevator Rescue SOG, in addition to level 1 steps what are the remaining 7 steps for a Level 2 (removal)?
1) ensure EMS notified
2) establish an elevator rescue sector
3) use only approved equipment, guidelines and lockout procedures
4) mainline disconnect must be locked out and tagged out. If Drive Sheave is rocking back and forth, do not shut down mainline.
5) evacuate passengers from cars under direct supervision of a tech
6) take direction from Elevator tech/mechanic
7) elevator tech must follow lock out tag out, the IC remains in charge of the rescue
According to the Elevator Rescue SOG, upon scene termination what should the IC have Fire Control do?
Have Fire Control advise TSSA of the Incident
According to the Machine Rescue SOG, in the event of obvious death to the victim, machinery/equipment shall not be altered, tampered with or moved without approval of what 2 agencies?
1) Peel Regional Police Investigators
2) Ministry of Labour Rep.
According to the Machine Rescue SOG, the IC shall ensure all of what 6 actions?
1) ensure notifications to (PRP, Peel EMS, MOL-resp of PD)
2) on-site expertise is utilized
3) rescue sector officer established and announced
4) ISO established and announced
5) consider additional squads
6) ensure zones have been established
According to the Machine Rescue SOG, the Rescue Sector Officer shall ensure what 5 things?
1) moving parts of machinery are secured or controlled
2) energy sources to machinery are controlled and managed
3) assist the IC with development and implementation of IAP
4) complete machinery rescue worksheet
5) supervise rescue activities