SOGs Section 26 Personal Safety Flashcards
According to the PPE Routine Cleaning SOG, PPE includes what 4 elements?
1) bunker gear ensembles
2) elements including helmets and liners
3) balaclavas/hood elements
4) firefighting boots and gloves
According to the PPE Routine Cleaning SOG, when washing PPE the water shall not exceed what temperature?
40 degrees C
105 degrees F
According to the Heat Stress SOG, high risk groups are what 5 persons?
1) obese
2) have a low cardio-vascular efficiency
3) don’t exercise often enough
4) have underlying diseases
5) older firefighters
According to the Heat Stress SOG, heat stress will lead to heat exhaustion, what are the 7 signs and symptoms?
1) high core temp
2) weak and rapid pulse
3) shallow and rapid resps
4) blurred vision, dizziness, headaches, loss of consciousness
5) skin pale, cold clammy
6) muscle and abdominal cramps
7) nausea and vomiting
According to the Heat Stress SOG, firefighters are to remain in the rest area until medical personnel feel they are ready to return to the scene, what is the general rule of thumb?
Rest time equals exertion time.
According to the Heat Stress SOG, firefighters shall rest after what?
After using two thirty minute bottles or one 60 minute bottle.
According to the Heat Stress SOG, firefighters shall rest after how much time and under what environmental conditions?
After 45 minutes of hard continuous work or 45 minutes working under conditions of high ambient temp (20 degrees C) and wearing bunker gear.
Accoring to the PPE SOG, one should wear a fully encapsulated suit under what 6 conditions?
1) specifically recommended by competent source, such as initial ERG or CANUTEC
2) potential contact with Level 4 health hazard toxin
3) potential for splash from a skin toxin
4) potential for exposure to high airborne concentration (above IDLH) of a skin toxin
5) potential for contact with unidentified chemicals
6) potential for contact with several skin toxins
According to the PPE SOG, when should personnel not use chemical suits for entry into the hot zone?
If Break Thru Tim’s is equal or less than 30 Minutes
According to the PPE SOG, which chemical suits should personnel normally choose?
The Trellchem HPS over the Chemrell Max
According to the PPE SOG, do not allow someone to wear a chemical suit under what 15 conditions?
1) claustrophobic in a chem suit
2) dehydrated
3) suffering from dizziness or nausea
4) suffering from diarrhea
5) fever
6) sunburn
7) obese
8) physically unfit
9) medically unfit (heart condition)
10) under influence of alcohol
11) under affect of drugs
12) respirations exceeding 20/min
13) HR exceeding 100 bpm
14) systolic 150 or higher or diastolic 100 or higher
15) oral temp exceeding 100.6F or 38.1C
According to the PPE SOG, where shall the donning of a chemical suit be?
The donning area will normally be located on the drivers side of H204. Under conditions of cold/heat, the awning should be utilized.
According to the PPE SOG, chemical suits should not be exposed to what temperatures?
Temps under -25F (-31C).
According to the PPE SOG, personnel should not use chemical suits after the expiration of their shelf lives, what is the shelf life for each?
1) Trellchem HPS - 7 years
2) Chemrell Max GT - 3 years
According to the PPE SOG, do not use re-useable suits for entry as the same incident if what 8 conditions occur?
1) exposure to hazmat equaling or exceeding the break thru time
2) break thru time was estimated
3) exposure to level 4 health hazard or carcinogen
4) was contact or the hazmat splashes or gaseous hazmat under pressure
5) contact with hazmat on inside of suit, might occur during doffing
6) ambient temp exceeded 100F (38C)
7) any damage or visible wear to the suit, by visual inspection
8) suit is within 2 years of its shelf life (over 5 yrs for HPS)
According to the Specialized Cleaning SOG, this type of cleaning shall be performed when an article of PPE is contaminated with bio hazardous material such as what 5 things?
1) body fluids
2) chemicals
3) fuel
4) hazardous compounds
5) any substances that are capable of creating harm or damaging garment
According to the Specialized Cleaning SOG, elements of PPE that can be repaired are a what 2 items?
1) balaclava
2) firefighting gloves
According to the Specialized Cleaning SOG, what 4 elements of PPE cannot be repaired and must be replaced if they are found to be effective by the Supply and Equipment Officer?
1) suspenders
2) safety glasses
3) helmets and helmet elements
4) firefighting boots
According to the Specialized Cleaning SOG, repairs are performed by original manufacturer or ISP. They will complete repairs in accordance with original specs and under compliance with what NFPA standard?
NFPA 1851-2008
According to the Annual Inspections of PPE SOG, what will be the schedule for annual inspection?
- the first 6 months will be dedicated to annual inspection of primary elements
- the second 6 months will be dedicated to annual inspection of secondary elements
According to the Annual Inspection of PPE SOG, what 4 divisions are included in annual inspections of PPE?
1) Suppression
2) training
3) fire prevention staff
4) administration staff
According to the Personnel Post Incident Cleanup SOG, what is the purpose of this SOG?
To provide guidelines for post-incident clean up of personnel, articles of PPE and equipment to minimize the spread of contamination within and outside the workplace>
According to the Personnel Post incident cleanup SOG, what 6 things are to be completed prior to leaving the scene where personnel, their PPE and/or equipment is or is suspected of being contaminated?
1) use low pressure water spray to rinse gear to remove solid contaminants
2) rinse off bunker boots
3) light brushing and further rinsing is permitted as required
4) bag bunker gear and place in apparatus compartment separate from CAB
5) any equipment (SCBA, Med bags) normally in cab shall be bagged and place in separate compartment
6) consider removal of station wear and bagging it, placing it in a separate compartment.
According to the Personnel Post Incident Cleanup SOG, when performing a Post Incident clean up, what 4 items of PPE should be worn?
1) nitrile Gloves
2) N-95 mask
3) protective eyewear
4) tyvek suit (if required)