City Of Brampton Coproate Policies And Procedures Flashcards
According to the Respectful Workplace policy, the ‘workplace’ includes: (5)
1) city buildings, facilities, sites, land, vehicles, offices or work environment in or near where employees work
2) locations visited by employees while travelling on city business
3) conferences, meetings, vendor/supplier or customer sites
4) work based social gatherings outside normal workplace
5) e-communication (email, text, vm, social media)
According to the Respectful Workplace Policy, The Ontario Human Rights Code prohibits actions that discriminate or harass people based on what 13 criteria?
1) age
2) ancestry, colour, race
3) citizenship
4) ethnic origins
5) place of origin
6) creed
7) disability
8) family status
9) marital status
10) gender/gender identity/gender expression
11) record of offences
12) sex
13) sexual orientation
According to the Personal Appearance Policy - the policy ensures that all personnel involved in any activity which long hair and jewellery pose a hazard complies with what standard?
It ensures that personnel comply to the standards set out in section 12 67/93 of the OH&SA.
According to the Personal Appearance policy, all members in uniform (dress/fatigues) shall keep their hair neat, tidy and well groomed when personnel are? (3)
1) assigned to firefighting, training or maintenance
2) involved in activity where long hair poses health and safety risk
3) wearing a full dress uniform
According to the personal appearance policy, hair shall be contoured to the shape of the head and away from the ears, and hair shall not extend past what?
The top edge of the shirt collar.
According to the Personal Appearance Policy, offensive body art or tattoos include? (3)
A) graphics that may interpreted as criminal or gang affiliation
B) anything that contravenes the Ontario Human Rights Code
C) anything contrary to community standards, words or phrases or images that insight a neg public impression.
What is the purpose of the Workplace Inspections Policy ?
To ensure that all FD facilities are inspected on a regular and consistent basis by the assigned personnel.
Who’s responsibility is it to ensure that the daily, weekly and monthly inspections, and workplace inspection checklist are completed?
The Captain
According to the Workplace Inspection Policy, where there in no Captain assigned to that facility, whose responsibility will it be to ensure inspections are performed?
The Division Chief for that area.
According to the Workplace Inspection Policy what will be checked Daily?
1) exit lights working and exits not blocked
2) fire alarm system power lamp operational and not in trouble
According to the workplace inspection policy what test will be performed weekly?
Generator run test.
According to the workplace inspection policy what will be checked monthly?
- each platoon will complete the checklist for and upload to portal
- ensure fire protection equipment maintenance log is filled out and current
According to the workplace inspection policy FPOs will check and record what each week?
- check for open sprinkler control valves
- check for sprinkler dry pipe pressure
According to Workplace Inspection policy FPOs will check and record the following each month?
- fire separation doors
- check inspect and test all emerg lighting
- fire extinguishers and sign tags
- test fire alarm systems
- test sprinkler system alarms
- check fire protection equipment maintenance log to ensure ALL checks recorded
What is the purpose of the Return to Regular Fire Fighting Duties?
To promote a safe and healthy return to reg firefighting duties while ensuring that critical skill sets and training are maintained.
According to the Return to FF duties policy, the returning captain or firefighter must demonstrate proficiency to a Training Officer in?
Captain and Firefighter:
- current AED protocol
- current EMR protocol
- PPE including inspection of SCBA
- Use of PPE including SCBA
- search and rescue with restricted visibility
- as part of a team raising an extension ladder to a 3rd storey window
Firefighter Only:
- operation of a fire pump
- competency in driving fire apparatus
According to the Cell Phone Use policy, Dept Issues phones shall only be used for dept business except? (4)
- when a personal emergency exists and a land line is not possible or practical
- when employee required to work beyond normal shift and family notification is necessarry
- to allow citizens involved in an incident to make app calls
- to return calls which result from unidentifiable pages or text messages believed to be work related
According to Cell Phone Policy, Personal cell phones shall not be used for personal use while? (4)
1) responding to, Operating at, or returning from incidents
2) during drills, training or meetings
3) while on inspections, in parades, or at civic events
4) any other time as directed by supervisor or chief officer
What is the purpose of the Environmental Warning Policy?
The ensure that all preventative measures are taken to help eliminate the potential of occupational injury or illness, as the result of extreme weather.
The Environmental Warning Policy is only applied to what situations?
The policy is only applied to training exercises, examinations or outdoor non-emergency events which may be suspended upon review.
According to the Environmental warning Policy a heat warning is issued when?
When 2 consecutive days of daytime max temps are expected to reach 31 C and night temps are expected to be 20 C or higher. It is also issued when 2 consecutive days of humidex values are expected to reach 40 C or more.
According to Environmental Warning Policy, an Extended Heat Warning is issued when?
When 3 or more consecutive days of 31 C daytime or 20 C or more nighttime, or when 3 or more consecutive days of humidex reach 40 C or more.
According to Environmental Warning Policy, an Extreme Cold Warning is issued when?
When the temperature or wind chill is expected to reach -30 C for a minimum of 2 hours.
According to the Environmental Warning Policy, a severe thunderstorm warning is when conditions are favourable for the development of severe thunderstorms with one or more of what conditions?
- wind gusts of 90 km/h or greater, which could cause structural wind damage
- hail of 2 CM or larger in diameter, or heavy rainfall