SOGs Section 3 - Firefighting Principles And Practices Flashcards
According to the Residential Construction Fires SOG, what defines this type of fire?
When homes are unbricked and pose a significant conflagaration hazard.
According to the Residential Construction Fires SOG, what are the 3 main priorities during firefighting?
1) 1st arriving apparatus should hit a hydrant and use master stream to protect first downwind exposure. Lay 65mm hand lines
2) 2nd apparatus, hit a hydrant, use master stream to protect exposures at other side of the fire. Lay 65mm hand lines.
3) additional apparatus should concentrate on extinguishment of the fire and downwind exposures as directed by IC.
According to High Rise Fire SOG, what are the 8 First Alarm responsibilities?
1) determine incident location, speak with on-duty staff and refer to fire annunciation panel where available.
2) access keys, take needed keys and leave rest with (app operator)
3) establish lobby sector
4) deliver an initial message to tenants, where voice cont is available
5) secure elevators to ground floor
6) assign elevator operator
7) bring a high rise kit
8) when fire suspected, driver closest to standpipe should connect dry lines, then await direction from the IC
According to the High Rise SOG, search and rescue shall be performed in the following priority?
1) suite of origin
2) fire floor hallway
3) adjacent suites
4) suites immediately above suite of origin
5) remainder of suites on the fire floor
6) stairwells in their entirety
7) floor immediately below
8) other affected areas
According to the High Rise SOG, the Lobby may be used for what 8 tactical areas?
1) building control/communications ie Lobby Sector
2) instruction for tenants
3) monitoring incident progress
4) initial assembly/staging area for crews equipment and supplies
5) staging area for other agencies
6) medical triage
7) crew rehab
8) distribution point for evacuated tenants
According to the High Rise SOG, the forward staging area must be at least 2 floors below the incident and may be used for what 5 reasons?
1) staging for personnel and equipment prior to entry into H-zone
2) forward entry control point
3) forward staging for RIT
4) initial rehab
5) initial medical triage
Note: ground or 2nd floor incidents may require an external forward staging area.
According to the High Rise SOG, what are the 3 main safety considerations?
1) ensure tactics do not compromise building protection devices
2) ensure smoke is controlled
3) ensure evacuation of occupants is controlled and that routes are separate from emergency operations and smoke control
According to the High Rise SOG, consideration should be given to additional alarms when it is obvious the fire is progressing to the point where it has potential to do what 3 things?
1) further endanger life and safety of persons in the building
2) spread horizontally on fire floor or vertically in the building interior
3) break out to the building exterior with subsequent exposure threats
According to the High Rise SOG, when annunciation panels show multiple indications, floors shall be check in what order?
Floors shall be checked from the floor closest to the ground, then proceed up.
According to the High Rise SOG, how shall elevators be used?
Should personnel determine it is safe to use an elevator, they shall use the Designated Elevator (where equipped) and shall proceed no higher than 2 floors below the alarm/fire.
According to the High Rise SOG, what is the procedure if no problem is found on the alarm / fire floor?
Check the floors below and above. If safe to do so, consider silencing alarms to improve communications and reduce the inconvenience to occupants.
According to the High Rise SOG, personnel assigned to Lobby Sector shall ensure what 4 activations occur, where such systems are available.
1) mechanical ventilation shut down
2) building smoke control
3) release of automatic door closures and exit door locks
4) fire telephones in operation
According to the High Rise SOG, what should be considered when communication is difficult?
- building fire phones
- bullhorns
- the media (fire safety plans indicate stations to listen/watch)
- bell lines
- messenger and apartment phones
According to the High Rise SOG, where manpower is available, how should evacuees be handled?
Evacuees should be accompanied/assisted by personnel and initially moved at least 3 floors below the lowest involved floor or to a safe refuge.
According to the High Rise SOG, to avoid falling debris exclusions zones should be at least how far in all directions.
At least 50m
According to the High Rise SOG, the recommended message to tenants for alarms activated is…?
“We are on location investigating the cause of the fire alarm. Please stand by for further instructions”
According to the High Rise SOG, the recommended message for fire or smoke discovered is?
“Please remain in your suite. Do not use the elevators. Dial 911 if you require help”
According to the High Rise SOG, how often should you update tenants with the recommended messages?
Every 5 minutes
According to the High Rise SOG, for updates, what are the recommended messages?
1) “we are dealing with an emerg on the _ floor. Please standby
2) “we are in control of a fire on the _ floor. Please standby
3) “we have extinguished a fire on the _ floor. Please standby
According to the High Rise SOG, for Evacuation of tenants, what is the procedure and recommended message?
Key only the desired floors, the message is:
“People on the _ floor(s) only, should now leave the building using the _ stairwell(s). Do not use the elevators. People on other floors please remain in your suites. Dial 911 if you need help.
According to the High Rise SOG, how often should you repeat the message for evacuation of tenants?
Every 3 minutes.
According to the Emergency Evacuation SOG, which apparatus should sound its air horn during an emergency evacuation?
The nearest apparatus to the Hot Zone.
According to the ICS, Terminology of Command SOG, the Hot Zone is an area determined by the IC or Hazmat Officer that is IDLH, entry requires what 3 conditions?
1) Proper Training
2) Full PPE and SCBA
3) the minimum number of personnel required to accomplish the task
According to the ICS Terminology of Command SOG, what is the Incident Action Plan, and what 3 priorities is it based on?
It is a strategic plan developed by evaluating conditions, developing tactical approaches, identifying available resources and preparation assignments….based on achieving the 3 tactical priorities:
1) life safety
2) stabilize the incident
3) prevention of further loss/preservation of property