SOGs Section 1 - Fire Service Laws And Governing Policies Flashcards
According to the Training Centre SOG, participants in live fire must be properly trained in what 10 subjects?
1) live-fire building safety
2) fire behaviour
3) PPE
4) ladders
5) fire hose appliances and streams
6) water supply
7) pump ops
8) ventilation
9) evacuation
10) accountability / entry control
According to the Training Centre SOG, the LFIC shall assign what 5 personnel?
1) live fire safety officer
2) one instructor/supervisor for each crew entering structure, not to exceed 5 students
3) one instructor/supervisor to the backup line with a RIT
4) entry control/accountability person
5) ignition officer
According to the Training Centre SOG, the Ignition Officer Shall? (4)
1) not be a participant in the training exercise
2) control the materials being burned
3) in the presence of the safety officer, ignite the fire
4) ensure a charged hoseline accompanies them when igniting any fire
According to the Training Centre SOG, how many pallets shall be used to start a fire?
No more than 4 pallets shall be used to start a fire.
According to training centre SOG, what type of fuels shall be used in live-fire training?
Fuels that have known burning characteristics, such as clean wooden pallets, paper and straw.
According to Training Centre SOG, during live fire training, each hose line shall be capable of delivering how much water?
A minimum of 360 l/min
According to the training centre SOG, the roof crane shall hoist no more than how many pallets?
No more than 4
According to the Training Centre SOG, during operation of the crane no person shall…?
No person shall be located in the hatched area below the crane or in an open area on the steel stairway not covered by a landing.
What is the purpose of the Documentation of Training SOG?
To ensure that all training is documented according to Section 54(1)(p) of the OH&SA.
According to the Fire Captain Mentoring Program SOG, how many hours of mentoring can a new/potentially new Captain be eligible for?
80 hours
What must potential Acting Captains complete before qualifying to enroll in mentoring program?
Must complete a 50 question written exam and achieve a mark of 70%
According to the Request for Information SOG, all requests for information shall be forwarded to who?
To the division of Fire Prevention.
According to the Request for Information SOG, what Information shall be obtained for all requests? (3)
WHAT information is being requested
WHO is the Requestor (owner, lawyer, ins co. , police, OFM etc)
WHY the information is being requested
According to the Request for Information SOG, if the information cannot be provided within the 30 days, who should you notify?
Notify the designated City Clerks Freedom of Information Officer
According to the Peer Support SOG, what are the 9 examples of significant incidents?
1) injury or death of a FD member or Emerg Services worker
2) mass casualty
3) Suicide of FD member
4) injury or death of a civilian as a result of FD ops
5) death of a child or violence to a child
6) death of patient after extensive operations or attempts at rescue
7) incidents that attract a lot of news and attention
8) incident charged with profound emotion
9) unusual circumstances or sights and sounds so distressing they produce a high level of immediate or delayed emotional response
According to the Peer Support SOG what is the difference between a CIS Defusing and a CIS Debriefing?
CIS Defusing - Led by PST members.
CIS Debriefing - Led by PST members and a EAFP proffessional.
Defusing - conducted within 8-12 hours of the incident
Debriefing - conducted within 24-72 hours of the incident
Defusing - discussion and education, sessions last up to 1 hours
Debriefing - more in depth discussion and education, last up to 3 hours
According to the Peer Support SOG, significant incidents may result in the need for involved individuals to be taken out of service. Who has the authority to make this decision?
The District/Platoon Chief (or Division Chief).
According to the Peer Support SOG, if personnel decide they cannot Return to duty for the balance of their shift, who shall be notified ?
The on-duty Chief.
According to the High Risk Training Plans SOG, what is considered high risk?
1) live fire training
2) flashover
3) confined space
4) high level
5) trench rescue
6) water and ice rescue
According to the High Risk Training Plans SOG, instructors and supervisors involved with a high-risk training evolution that either meets or exceeds BFES practices shall all Plans are submitted to who for review?
The Division Chief of Training.