Ontario Regulations and Collective Agreement Flashcards
According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, every chassis mounted aerial device shall be visually inspected by a competent person for which 4 reasons?
1) before being used for first time
2) after every major repair
3) after being used if it underwent unusual operating conditions of stress or load
4) if reason to believe loads or stresses have exceeded manufacturers operating specs.
According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, service records for a chasis mounted aerial device shall be maintained for time device is in service and shall include a record of what 5 items?
1) visual inspections
2) non-destructive and other tests
3) the problems identified
4) the repairs made
5) name and signature of competent persons who did the above 1-4
According to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, as of December 15, 1995 or December 31, 1997, the cab of the fire truck shall be enclosed and meet what 3 conditions?
1) one or more driving and crew compartments
2) a roof, floor, four sides and latching doors (total enclosure)
3) sufficient seats for max number of persons intended under specs
According to the Collective Agreement, the transition from the 10/14 shift schedule to the 24hr shift schedule occurred on what date?
January 5th, 2015
According to the Collective Agreement, what were the 7 key performance indicators that were evaluated during the 24 hour shift trial period?
1) absenteeism
2) operational efficiencies
3) committee involvement
4) training completion rates
5) crew involvement in departmental programs
6) health and wellness of employees
7) employee morale
According to the Collective Agreement “Hours of Work”, no firefighter assigned to a 24 hour shift may work more than how many hours prior to and at end of their shift.
No more than 4 hours prior to or at end of shift
According to the Collective Agreement “Hours of Work”, a firefighter must have a break of a minimum of how many hours between shifts?
A minimum of 20 hours
According to the Collective Agreement “Sick Leave” how many days are deducted if you leave your shift sick with more than 12 hours remaining and less than 12 hours remaining?
- more than 12 (2 sick days)
- less than 12 (1 sick day)
According to the Collective Agreement, Bereavement Leave, when a death occurs in a FF immediate family they shall be granted 2 consecutive 24hr shifts off without loss of pay. What are the 9 members who may be considered immediate family?
1) spouse
2) common law spouse
3) same sex partner
4) parents
5) children/step children
6) sisters
7) brothers
8) grandparents
9) grandchildren
According to the Collective Agreement “bereavement leave”, firefighters will be give one 24hour shift off without loss of pay in the event of a death of what 9 family members?
1) parent-in law
2) brother in law
3) sister in law
4) son in law
5) daughter in law
6) step brother
7) step sister
8) spouse grandparents
9) person standing in Loco Parentis
According to the Collective Agreement ‘training firefighting division’, what are the 4 conditions for a firefighter to be scheduled out of the 24 hour rotation for purposes of delivering or participating in training?
1) can be up to 2 weeks in a calendar year
2) a minimum of 61 calendar days notice is given
3) the schedule of training days will not exceed 5 consecutive bus days
4) the schedule of training days will not exceed the 42 hour wkly avg
According to the Collective Agreement ‘Grievance Procedure’, what are the 3 steps in Stage 1 of the Grievance Procedure?
1) submit in writing to the Sr Officer within 10 days of occurrence of the incident
2) meeting shall take place b/w grievor and Sr Officer within 5 days from receipt of grievance
3) Sr Officer shall give his decision in writing (decision) within 5 days of meeting
According to the Collective Agreement, ‘Grievance Procedure’, what are the 3 steps of stage 2?
1) if Sr Officer decision not satisfactory to grievor and Association, it may be advanced to 2nd stage within 3 days of decision
2) a meeting shall take place within 5 days from time stage 2 is filed, between association reps and the Chief.
3) the Chief shall give their decision in writing within 5 days of time of above meeting
According to the Collective Agreement ‘Grievance Procedure’, what are the 3 steps in Stage 3?
1) if Chiefs decision not satisfactory to grievor and Association, the grievance may be advanced to stage 3 within 3 days of Chiefs decision
2) a meeting shall take place within 10 days from time stage 3 is filed between Association and Chief Admin Officer
3) Chief Administration Officer shall give his decision in writing within 5 days of the above meeting.
Firefighters Protective Equipment is regulated by what Act and Regulation?
The Occupational Health and Safety Act
Ontario Regulation 714/94
According to Ontario Regulation 714/94, the employer shall provide every firefighter who may be required to perform interior structural firefighting, with the protective garments that meet or exceed the requirements of what standard?
NFPA 1971, Standard on Protective Ensembles for Structural Firefighting and Proximity Fire Fighting.
According to the Collective Agreement Article IV - Hours of Work, employees on a 24 hr schedule may not work more than 48 hrs per week avg over a calendar year except in what case?
In the case of a major emergency as permitted under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act 1997.
According to the OH&SA, how shall tools, SCBA, and other Firefighting tools and equipment be carried in the cab?
They shall be secured to fixed positions by positive mechanical means or stowed in compartments with positive latching doors.