sog2021 rehab Flashcards
The term training exercise includes ______
The term training exercise includes live fire training
NFPA 1584
NFPA 1403
Rehabilitation Process for Members During Emergency Operations and Training
Exercises 2015 Edition
Live Fire Training Evolutions 2018 Edition
Ensure firefighters in rehabilitation “dress down” by removing their __________ to promote cooling
bunker coats, bunker pants,
helmets, and hoods
After the ______ sports drinks (to replace electrolytes and calories) for long duration
After the first hour, sports drinks (to replace electrolytes and calories) for long duration
Time personnel in rehabilitation to ensure they receive at least ____ minutes of rest.
Time personnel in rehabilitation to ensure they receive at least 20 minutes of rest.
Notify the incident commander or instructor in charge when firefighters require relief, rotation, or
reassignment according to conditions
Notify the incident commander or instructor in charge when firefighters require relief, rotation, or
reassignment according to conditions
Serves as a liaison with EMS personnel.
Rehabilitation Manager/Supervisor Serves as a liaison with EMS personnel.
Personnel shall report to rehabilitation after:
a. Two (2) 30/45 minute SCBA cylinders or,
b. One (1) 60 minute SCBA cylinder or,
c. 40 minutes of intense work without an SCBA, or
d. Intense/physically demanding emergency scene operations longer than one (1) hour
Personnel shall report to rehabilitation after:
a. Two (2) 30/45 minute SCBA cylinders or,
b. One (1) 60 minute SCBA cylinder or,
c. 40 minutes of intense work without an SCBA, or
d. Intense/physically demanding emergency scene operations longer than one (1) hour
All companies reporting to rehabilitation will report through incident command or the instructor in
charge and their accountability shall be tracked using the accountability practice in place at the
emergency incident, or training exercise.
All companies reporting to rehabilitation will report through incident command or the instructor in
charge and their accountability shall be tracked using the accountability practice in place at the
emergency incident, or training exercise.
A minimum of twenty (20) minutes of rest and recovery
A minimum of twenty (20) minutes of rest and recovery
After the first hour, calorie and electrolyte replacement, as appropriate, for longer duration
After the first hour, calorie and electrolyte replacement, as appropriate, for longer duration
An AED/cardiac monitor/defibrillator shall be available
An AED/cardiac monitor/defibrillator shall be available
Medical monitoring shall occur at ten (10) minutes, twenty (20) minutes, and then at ten
(10) minute intervals thereafter, as needed.
Medical monitoring shall occur at ten (10) minutes, twenty (20) minutes, and then at ten
(10) minute intervals thereafter, as needed.
Medical monitoring is to include heart rate,
blood pressure, respirations, temperature, and pulse oximetry
Medical monitoring is to include heart rate,
blood pressure, respirations, temperature, and pulse oximetry
Heart Rate – Normal resting heart rates range from 60 to 100 beats per minute. A
firefighter who has not achieved a heart rate of less than 100 beats per minute by the
end of twenty (20) minutes should not be released from rehab. The firefighter shall
continue to be medically monitored
Heart Rate – Normal resting heart rates range from 60 to 100 beats per minute. A
firefighter who has not achieved a heart rate of less than 100 beats per minute by the
end of twenty (20) minutes should not be released from rehab. The firefighter shall
continue to be medically monitored
Blood Pressure – A firefighter whose blood pressure is greater than 160 systolic and/or
100 diastolic shall not be released from rehabilitation. The firefighter shall continue to
be medically monitored.
Blood Pressure – A firefighter whose blood pressure is greater than 160 systolic and/or
100 diastolic shall not be released from rehabilitation. The firefighter shall continue to
be medically monitored.
Respirations – Normal respiratory rate is between 12 to 20 breaths per minute. A
firefighter who has not achieved a normal respiratory rate by the end of twenty (20)
minutes shall not be released from rehab. The firefighter shall continue to be medically
Respirations – Normal respiratory rate is between 12 to 20 breaths per minute. A
firefighter who has not achieved a normal respiratory rate by the end of twenty (20)
minutes shall not be released from rehab. The firefighter shall continue to be medically
Temperature – Normal core body temperature ranges from 98.6 degrees F to 100.6
degrees F. A firefighter who has not achieved a body temperature of less than 100.6
degrees F shall not be released from rehab. The firefighter shall continue to be
medically monitored (Refer to NOAA’s Heat Index Chart and National Weather
Service Wind Chill Chart, Page 6)
Temperature – Normal core body temperature ranges from 98.6 degrees F to 100.6
degrees F. A firefighter who has not achieved a body temperature of less than 100.6
degrees F shall not be released from rehab. The firefighter shall continue to be
medically monitored (Refer to NOAA’s Heat Index Chart and National Weather
Service Wind Chill Chart, Page 6)
Pulse Oximetry – Normal pulse oximetry readings are between 95 and 100 percent. A
firefighter who has not achieved a pulse oximetry reading that is greater than 95% shall
not be released from rehab. The firefighter shall continue to be medically monitored.
Pulse Oximetry – Normal pulse oximetry readings are between 95 and 100 percent. A
firefighter who has not achieved a pulse oximetry reading that is greater than 95% shall
not be released from rehab. The firefighter shall continue to be medically monitored.
At twenty (20) minutes, a firefighter who has not achieved vital signs within the outlined parameters shall be monitored and additional medical evaluation considered. Part of additional monitoring shall include orthostatic heart rate and blood pressure.
At twenty (20) minutes, a firefighter who has not achieved vital signs within the outlined parameters shall be monitored and additional medical evaluation considered. Part of additional monitoring shall include orthostatic heart rate and blood pressure.
At twenty (20) minutes, a firefighter who has not achieved vital signs within the outlined parameters and is symptomatic, shall be transported for further evaluation following the Fire District’s Emergency Medical Guidelines.
At twenty (20) minutes, a firefighter who has not achieved vital signs within the outlined parameters and is symptomatic, shall be transported for further evaluation following the Fire District’s Emergency Medical Guidelines.
Medical monitoring documentation shall be accomplished utilizing the Rehab Worksheet
Medical monitoring documentation shall be accomplished utilizing the Rehab Worksheet
t. Each unit entering rehab shall have its own Rehab Worksheet representing the firefighters assigned to that unit. Documentation shall include the following: a. Unit number b. Firefighter name c. Time in Rehab / Time out of Rehab d. Rehab disposition: i. R -- Released ii. M – Medical Monitoring iii. T – Treatment/Transport e. Signature and ID# of one of the following: incident commander, safety officer, company officer, or instructor in charge.
t. Each unit entering rehab shall have its own Rehab Worksheet representing the firefighters assigned to that unit. Documentation shall include the following: a. Unit number b. Firefighter name c. Time in Rehab / Time out of Rehab d. Rehab disposition: i. R -- Released ii. M – Medical Monitoring iii. T – Treatment/Transport e. Signature and ID# of one of the following: incident commander, safety officer, company officer, or instructor in charge.
Automatic Transport to an appropriate hospital shall occur if any of the following criteria is
a. Check Pain
b. Dizziness
c. Shortness of Breath
d. Weakness
e. Abnormal EKG Rhythm with associated signs & symptoms
f. Unresolved symptoms of heat or cold related stress
g. Changes in gait, speech, or behavior
h. Altered LOC or syncope
i. Inability to hold fluids down
j. If the firefighter or supervisory staff see evidence of medical distress
k. Request for transport by the firefighter for any reason
Automatic Transport to an appropriate hospital shall occur if any of the following criteria is
a. Check Pain
b. Dizziness
c. Shortness of Breath
d. Weakness
e. Abnormal EKG Rhythm with associated signs & symptoms
f. Unresolved symptoms of heat or cold related stress
g. Changes in gait, speech, or behavior
h. Altered LOC or syncope
i. Inability to hold fluids down
j. If the firefighter or supervisory staff see evidence of medical distress
k. Request for transport by the firefighter for any reason
Personnel transported to a medical facility for treatment shall be accompanied by a Fire District
Personnel transported to a medical facility for treatment shall be accompanied by a Fire District
Rehabilitation supervisor/manager and EMS personnel shall be alert for the following and provide
additional medical evaluation and consider transport:
a. Headache
b. General complaints of cramps, aches and pains
c. Vitals signs considered to be abnormal as established by the EMS Guidelines
d. Evidence of psychological, emotional distress, or a firefighter appears otherwise unable to
safely perform his/her duties
Rehabilitation supervisor/manager and EMS personnel shall be alert for the following and provide
additional medical evaluation and consider transport:
a. Headache
b. General complaints of cramps, aches and pains
c. Vitals signs considered to be abnormal as established by the EMS Guidelines
d. Evidence of psychological, emotional distress, or a firefighter appears otherwise unable to
safely perform his/her duties
Work cycles will be established by the incident commander or instructor in charge, but cautious
discretion shall be exercised if exceeding any of the following:
a. Two (2) 30/45 minute SCBA cylinders or,
b. One (1) 60 minute SCBA cylinder or,
c. 40 minutes of intense work without an SCBA or,
d. Intense/physically demanding emergency scene operations longer than one (1) hour
Work cycles will be established by the incident commander or instructor in charge, but cautious
discretion shall be exercised if exceeding any of the following:
a. Two (2) 30/45 minute SCBA cylinders or,
b. One (1) 60 minute SCBA cylinder or,
c. 40 minutes of intense work without an SCBA or,
d. Intense/physically demanding emergency scene operations longer than one (1) hour
The Rehab Worksheet for each unit, whether entering rehab during emergency operations or a
training exercise, shall be created each time rehabilitation is established.
The Rehab Worksheet for each unit, whether entering rehab during emergency operations or a
training exercise, shall be created each time rehabilitation is established.
Completed Rehab Worksheets shall be maintained by the incident commander or instructor in
charge for a period of 30 days. At the conclusion of 30 days, the documents must be shredded.
Completed Rehab Worksheets shall be maintained by the incident commander or instructor in
charge for a period of 30 days. At the conclusion of 30 days, the documents must be shredded.
When emergency medical care or transport is provided, an EMS run report shall be generated and
a copy placed in the firefighter’s employee health record.
a. In addition to the EMS run report, appropriate injury and Workers’ Compensation
documents shall be completed and forward to Human Resources, refer to the Workers’
Compensation Policy.
When emergency medical care or transport is provided, an EMS run report shall be generated and
a copy placed in the firefighter’s employee health record.
a. In addition to the EMS run report, appropriate injury and Workers’ Compensation
documents shall be completed and forward to Human Resources, refer to the Workers’
Compensation Policy.