sog 2021 active shooter Flashcards
The St. Lucie County Fire District, through the use of _______) teams, will operate aggressively to save the lives of the wounded and injured in an
active shooting incident.
The St. Lucie County Fire District, through the use of Swift Assisted Victim Extraction
(SAVE) teams, will operate aggressively to save the lives of the wounded and injured in an
active shooting incident.
A risk assessment will be conducted by the Fire District Incident
Commander (IC), in cooperation with the _________, prior to
deploying Fire District personnel.
A risk assessment will be conducted by the Fire District Incident
Commander (IC), in cooperation with the Law Enforcement Incident Commander, prior to
deploying Fire District personnel.
Size Up Specific location and characteristics Type of incident Known hazards and the number of potential \_\_\_\_\_ Access and staging for incoming units Approximate number of victims Additional resources needed
Size Up Specific location and characteristics Type of incident Known hazards and the number of potential assailants and their location Access and staging for incoming units Approximate number of victims Additional resources needed
The _______ will coordinate with the senior Law Enforcement Officer
on scene and together they will form a Unified Command with Law Enforcement as the lead
The first arriving Fire District Officer will coordinate with the senior Law Enforcement Officer
on scene and together they will form a Unified Command with Law Enforcement as the lead
An Incident Command Post (ICP) will be established. The location and name will be
announced over the radio identifying the command
An Incident Command Post (ICP) will be established. The location and name will be
announced over the radio identifying the command
Unified Command may be comprised of the following, if applicable:
(four things)
Unified Command may be comprised of the following, if applicable:
Fire District
Law Enforcement
Emergency Management
Additional participating or coordinating agencies as dictated by the needs of the
_______ will be in charge of the SAVE team and will communicate directly with the Law Enforcement IC or his designee. __________ will be communicating with the Fire District IC or
his designee.
The Save Team Leader (STL – Law Enforcement Officer) will be in charge of the SAVE team
and will communicate directly with the Law Enforcement IC or his designee. The Medical
Team Leader (MTL- Fire District Personnel) will be communicating with the Fire District IC or
his designee.
SAVE team members who become separated from the other members of the SAVE team will
issue a MAYDAY and provide the following information:
(5 things)
SAVE team members who become separated from the other members of the SAVE team will
issue a MAYDAY and provide the following information:
Unit (Radio ID)
Needs (Injuries)
Assignment (SAVE team assignment)
Initial placement of apparatus will be at a _____ location
Initial placement of apparatus will be at a safe staging location
Initial placement of apparatus will be at a safe staging location. The initial Incident Commander will develop an Incident Action Plan (IAP) in coordination with the Law Enforcement Officer and determine locations for:
4 things
Initial placement of apparatus will be at a safe staging location. The initial Incident
Commander will develop an Incident Action Plan (IAP) in coordination with the Law
Enforcement Officer and determine locations for:
Triage, Treatment and Transport (T-3) area
Landing Zone (LZ)
The Fire District IC will use a modified ______accountability which shall include:
Accountability Officer at the Command Post
Employee’s name and employee number (Personnel Accountability Tag)
SAVE team assignment (e.g. SAVE team 1 or North SAVE team)
Time team was deployed (to ensure adequate work/rest cycles)
o No more than 1 hour in the warm zone
The entry point(s) will be noted by the Accountability Officer
The Fire District IC will use a modified level three accountability which shall include:
Accountability Officer at the Command Post
Employee’s name and employee number (Personnel Accountability Tag)
SAVE team assignment (e.g. SAVE team 1 or North SAVE team)
Time team was deployed (to ensure adequate work/rest cycles)
o No more than 1 hour in the warm zone
The entry point(s) will be noted by the Accountability Officer
The initial Incident Commander will develop an Incident Action Plan (IAP) in coordination with the Law
Enforcement Officer and determine locations for:
4 things
The initial Incident Commander will develop an Incident Action Plan (IAP) in coordination with the Law
Enforcement Officer and determine locations for:
Triage, Treatment and Transport (T-3) area
Landing Zone (LZ)
The Fire District IC will use a modified level three accountability which shall include:
Accountability Officer at the Command Post
Employee’s name and employee number (Personnel Accountability Tag)
SAVE team assignment (e.g. SAVE team 1 or North SAVE team)
Time team was deployed (to ensure adequate work/rest cycles)
o No more than 1 hour in the warm zone
The entry point(s) will be noted by the _____ Officer
The Fire District IC will use a modified level three accountability which shall include:
Accountability Officer at the Command Post
Employee’s name and employee number (Personnel Accountability Tag)
SAVE team assignment (e.g. SAVE team 1 or North SAVE team)
Time team was deployed (to ensure adequate work/rest cycles)
o No more than 1 hour in the warm zone
The entry point(s) will be noted by the Accountability Officer
SAVE teams will be deployed at the direction of the Fire District Incident Commander and
only after the threat has been suppressed. Each team will consist of__________
SAVE teams will be deployed at the direction of the Fire District Incident Commander and
only after the threat has been suppressed. Each team will consist of four Law
Enforcement personnel and three Fire District personnel with a minimum of one paramedic
SAVE team members will have the following equipment with them:
4 things
SAVE team members will have the following equipment with them:
Drop leg medical bag
Tactical litter
Portable radio
The MTL will carry the SAVE back pack in addition to the equipment listed above
An area where there is a known hazard and immediate life threat
Hot Zone – An area where there is a known hazard and immediate life threat
*No personnel shall operate in the hot zone without _____and _________ to
address the hazards that they could encounter.
*No personnel shall operate in the hot zone without proper training and equipment to
address the hazards that they could encounter.
Fire and EMS personnel who are not part of a specialized team, who are assigned to operate
in a warm zone that has turned hot shall be able to perform the following tasks:
Recognize the zone has changed and communicate
Take measures to defend or retreat in order to minimize injury and harm
Provide _______ (care provided as determined by the conditions
that are present
Fire and EMS personnel who are not part of a specialized team, who are assigned to operate
in a warm zone that has turned hot shall be able to perform the following tasks:
Recognize the zone has changed and communicate
Take measures to defend or retreat in order to minimize injury and harm
Provide threat-based care (care provided as determined by the conditions
that are present
Personal Protective Equipment in the warm zone and hot zone:
4 things
Personal Protective Equipment Body Armor (ballistic vest and helmet) Portable Radio Eye Protection Medical gloves and trauma sleeves
An area where there is the potential for a hazard or an indirect threat to life
Warm Zone – An area where there is the potential for a hazard or an indirect threat to life
An area where there is the potential for a hazard or an indirect threat to life
Warm Zone – An area where there is the potential for a hazard or an indirect threat to life
Areas where there is little or no threat due to geographic distance from the
threat or the area has been secured by law enforcement.
Cold Zone – Areas where there is little or no threat due to geographic distance from the
threat or the area has been secured by law enforcement.
Personal Protective Equipment-cold zone
three things
Personal Protective Equipment
Ballistic Vests
Portable Radio
Additional PPE as determined by assignment and/or the Unified Comman
*SAVE teams will be deployed only to the ___ zone.
*SAVE teams will be deployed only to the warm zone.
SWAT medics are under the direction of Law Enforcement and will operate within the ____
SWAT medics are under the direction of Law Enforcement and will operate within the hot
The MTL will be responsible for:
Coordination with the STL on the location of the extraction point and/or if a forward
collection point is required based on the number of victims found.
Direct the triage, treatment, and rapid extraction of victims by the SAVE team.
Communicate to the Fire District IC: the number of viable victims by stating the
number of litter cases, the number of walking wounded, and the location of the
extraction point.
The MTL will be responsible for:
Coordination with the STL on the location of the extraction point and/or if a forward
collection point is required based on the number of victims found.
Direct the triage, treatment, and rapid extraction of victims by the SAVE team.
Communicate to the Fire District IC: the number of viable victims by stating the
number of litter cases, the number of walking wounded, and the location of the
extraction point.
Medical operations in the T-3 area will be conducted in accordance with the ______ and _________.
Medical operations in the T-3 area will be conducted in accordance with the St. Lucie County
Fire District Emergency Medical Procedural Guidelines: START/Jump START Triage and
Multiple Casualty Incidents.
SWAT and SAVE team medical operations will be conducted in accordance with the _________ when operating in the hot and /or warm zones.
SWAT and SAVE team medical operations will be conducted in accordance with the Tactical
Medical Emergency Medical Guideline when operating in the hot and /or warm zones.
The Fire District IC should prepare for medical operations by designating a medical group or
sector. The medical group supervisor should consider assigning the following positions:
4 things
The Fire District IC should prepare for medical operations by designating a medical group or
sector. The medical group supervisor should consider assigning the following positions:
The Treatment Officer
The Transport Officer
The Medical Communications Officer
The Staging Officer
The Fire District IC will establish a demobilization plan and consider the need for _______and________
The Fire District IC will establish a demobilization plan and consider the need for mental
health support and recovery.
The Treatment Officer
o Will establish a treatment area in coordination with the Fire District IC.
o Oversee all triage, treatment, packaging and movement of patients,
based on their priority once they are in the treatment area
Provide updates on the number and priority of patients to the _______ and ________.
The Treatment Officer
o Will establish a treatment area in coordination with the Fire District IC.
o Oversee all triage, treatment, packaging and movement of patients,
based on their priority once they are in the treatment area
Provide updates on the number and priority of patients to the Medical
Communications and Transport Officer.
The Transport Officer
o Establish a loading zone that provides for the rapid loading of patients
from the treatment area to their destination hospital.
o Acts in coordination with the Medical Communications Officer to determine the hospital destination of the transport vehicles.
o On small incidents, the Transport Officer may serve a dual role as the ___________
The Transport Officer
o Establish a loading zone that provides for the rapid loading of patients
from the treatment area to their destination hospital.
o Acts in coordination with the Medical Communications Officer to
determine the hospital destination of the transport vehicles.
o On small incidents, the Transport Officer may serve a dual role as the
Medical Communications Officer.
The Medical Communications Officer
o Establish communications with all area hospitals and advise them of an active shooter incident, obtain an approximate number of patients that each hospital can effectively manage, and relay this information to the
Transport Officer.
o Update the area hospitals with the approximate number of patients and the priority of the patients that each hospital will receive.
o Maintain a log of all patients and their destination.
o On small incidents, the Medical Communications Officer role may be
filled by the __________
The Medical Communications Officer
o Establish communications with all area hospitals and advise them of an
active shooter incident, obtain an approximate number of patients that
each hospital can effectively manage, and relay this information to the
Transport Officer.
o Update the area hospitals with the approximate number of patients
and the priority of the patients that each hospital will receive.
o Maintain a log of all patients and their destination.
o On small incidents, the Medical Communications Officer role may be
filled by the Transport Officer.
The Staging Officer
o Obtain the staging location from the Fire District IC.
o Coordinate the movement of apparatus from the staging area to the entry point for SAVE team deployment and to the extraction point for
victim extraction to the T-3 area.
o Prior to victim removal, coordinate with the triage officer on the
resources and equipment needed in the T-3 area. (stretcher, ALS box,
airway bag)
o The Staging Officer may receive orders for apparatus from the ____and
the __________.
o Provide personnel assigned to apparatus with a briefing of their orders
prior to deploying them.
o Resources may be requested from the IC as needed to maintain an
adequate supply of available units.
The Staging Officer
o Obtain the staging location from the Fire District IC.
o Coordinate the movement of apparatus from the staging area to the
entry point for SAVE team deployment and to the extraction point for
victim extraction to the T-3 area.
o Prior to victim removal, coordinate with the triage officer on the
resources and equipment needed in the T-3 area. (stretcher, ALS box,
airway bag)
o The Staging Officer may receive orders for apparatus from the IC and
the Transport Officer.
o Provide personnel assigned to apparatus with a briefing of their orders
prior to deploying them.
o Resources may be requested from the IC as needed to maintain an
adequate supply of available units.
No more than _____ in the warm zone
No more than 1 hour in the warm zone
Provide threat-based care is
(care provided as determined by the conditions
that are present