Sociology Ch 10: Ethnicity and Race Flashcards
What are race and ethnicity?
How do ethnic groups coexist and compete?
Why do ethnic groups migrate?
How do ethnic minorities experience life in the united states?
How does racial and ethnic inequality affect your life?
cultural values and norms that distinguish the members of a given group from others.
differences in human physical characteristics used to categorize large numbers of individuals (color, facial features). Race is a social construction.
Which is more fluid: ethnicity or race?
Which is learned: ethnicity or race?
the process by which understandings of race are used to classify individual groups of people.
So, why do we obsess over race, or racialize people?
Because there are “benefits”
What are the 5 “benefits” of racialization?
o It sets a foundation for a hierarchical system of human value.
o It’s a framework to ascribe attributes.
o Negative attributes justify discrimination.
o Positive attributes justify social rewards.
o The structure maintains a ready scapegoat.
a belief that members of separate races pose different and unequal traits
Institutional racism
Patterns of racism that have become a part of the structure of social institutions.
preconceived ideas about an individual or group.
harmful or negative acts (not mere thoughts) against people deemed inferior on the basis of their racial category without regard to their individual merit.
Where does discrimination occur?
institutionally and individually
a fixed and inflexible category
the transferring of ideas or emotions from their true source to another object.
an individual or group blamed for wrongs that were not of their doing.
What are five inequalities that have to do with race?
Education Employment and income Health Residential Segregation Political Power
White privilege
refers to any advantage, opportunity, benefit, head start, or general protection from negative societal mistreatment, which persons deemed white will typically enjoy, but which all others will generally not enjoy.
Minority group
A minority group which finds themselves at a disadvantage to the majority.
Dominant group
opposite of a minority group
the systematic, planned destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
The acceptance of a group
the practice of keeping racial groups separate
The acceptance of a minority group by a majority group, in which the new group takes on the values and norms of the dominant culture.
melting pot
merging of different cultures by mixing them together.
where ethnic cultures maintain their culture, yet also participate in the society’s culture.
society in which ethnic groups exist separately but equally.
movement of people into a country
movement of people out of country
What four tendencies characterize migration patterns?
Acceleration, diversification, globalization, feminization
migration across borders is happening in greater numbers than ever before.
countries increasingly receive immigrants of many different types.
immigration now involves a greater number of countries.
a growing number of immigrants are women
The dispersal of an ethnic population from an original homeland into foreign areas, often in a forced manner under traumatic circumstances.