Socialism Flashcards
Core ideas
Common humanity
Social class
Workers control
Esp eocila equality
Essential to ensure social choesion and to establish justice and fairness
People beorn human nature that translates to polictal and legal equality- foundational equality and that people should have access to the same life chances- euqliaty of opp- disagree idea natural hierarchies
But disagree
Absolute euqlaity0 rev
Replace private owenrship with common owenrship
Relative euqliaty- soocial democracy- euqality of opp
Collective human endeavour is of greatest economic and moral value than individ endevour
Soociety only be transformed by peoplpe working together more efficient- ccop movenebt,collectivism in action
Human beings as social creatures, work together, interests of gorup take priority over interests of individ
Fairer distribution than unregulated market
But disagree to what extent
Common humanity
Humans as social creatures with tendency for coop, socially and rationalists- peopoles place in society determines human behavour
Most optimistic view, people share a common humanity, rational and like to coop with each other
Society largkey equal individ who share common identity and collective purpoose
Fraternity and community
Capitalism sets against each other and undermines common humainity
Social class
Grup that shares a particular type of employment level of wealth and status within society
Class defines persons circunmstances, prospects attitudes and explores divisions wihin socity
Rep interest working class- capitalism creates and reinforces harmful social class dividsiona
But disagree if state should have classless (marx) or flexible social democracy
Workers control
Based on human nature- collective efort and encourage persioy of group= unchecked free market capitalism exploited workers
Workers most important element within econ so have right to control certain aspects of it
But complete control by worker- rev
3rd way
Capitalism abolished
M,e , luxemborug
Reject use of democratic methods to achieve society
Popular 19th century= poverty and unemp caused by industrial and capitalist- working people excluded from political decision making
Revolutionaries argue
State class oppresion protects capitalist interests
Gradual changer never- too deep rooted
Ruling classes never give up priviledge position willing so need rev
Reform not far enough
Aim of revolutionary
Collectivisation from each according to ability to each accoridng to need
Absolute equality and classless society
Abolution private property, conrtol owenership of means of production
Evolutionary socialism
Gradually overthow capitalism
Via aprliament
Inevitability of gradualism- democratic socialism
Revisionsit socialist
Capitalism to stay
Social democracy
Emerge ww2
Marxism irrelevant and democratic socilasm out of date
Reforming rather overthrow
Social democracy argues
Capitalism does create welath but problem is does so unfairly
State intevrnetion pritect from harshest effects of capitalism
Best way to change- peaceful democratic methods, class conssensus rather than class sturgle
Socialism morally supperior to capitalists due to its force on social justice
Crosland and social democratic principles
Mixed econ comine natioonalisation of some key industries with private owensership
Keynsian to regulate capitalismt econ
Refrom of capitalism using welfare state to redistribute welath and tackle inequlaity
3rd way
Neo revisionism
More modern liberalism
Accept free market capitalism, welath creation over redistribution , belief more limited welfare state
Class based politics rejected
Marx and engels
Rev- inevitable rev and essential- dictatorship of proletarit
Communist manifesto and cpaital
Human behavour- more nature than nurture, peopel sociable rational cooperatiev with capacity personal development
True comon humanity only under communism
Contaminated by capitalism- enocurages selfishness and greediness
Capitalism alienates workers from product of their labour- dont see whsat produces
Comm alienation disappears people better placed to fulfill potential
Historical materialsism- econ system influence all otehr aspects of life
Huighlight improtance social class- proetariat- exploited class and adapt rev class to overthrow their oppressors
State never neutral served in tension of class that control econ- richest in ssocitey
Dialectic change- class stuggle culmination establishment of comm soictye
Capitalism has created seeds of own destructuion like feudalism
After rev- classless and stateless soiciety would emerge with no poeverty and genuine equality of outcome, temporary dictatorpship of proletariat
Helped establish german comm party post ww1 spartacists
Rev - oppose evolutionar- only rev could achieve genuine change, capitalism based on economic exploitation
Class consciousness overthrow capitalism and develop natural among workers themselves
Rev mass acction- spontanous uprising of proletariat- stikes useful wepon
Critical consequences russ rev fear led to authoritariansm- disagree with lenin about snall disciplened politicsied party vanguard needed to lead among rev,
Disagree- dictatorship of proletariat- new form of democracy based on common owenrship and elections
Inevitablisty of gradualness
Member fabian socitey and supporter founding member of labour paty
Agree capitalism main cuase poverty and inequality
Reject outdated marxist theory of class struggle in favour of democratic socialism
Believed socialism trohugh democratci refomr- peaceful and gradual
Socialism shoudl be includeive ideal
Worried worker potench selfish limited and uninnformed so rep democracy preferable to direct wokrers control
Expansion of state ratyher than overthrow to deliver soicliasm in favour of state intervention in econ
Paternalism vision of socialism elite groups with socilaist principels introduced necessary social reforms and welfare progranmed
Responsible writing clause 4 lab party constition- common oweneership
Revisionist theorist- social democracy
Opp to capitalism pointless- modern society should adapt accept mixed econ
Future of socilaism - book- major imapct on labour 1960 70 contribute new direction for party- nationasliatoi no longer priority but clause 4 remain
Most important goal equality, managed capitalism can deliver social equality gov persue keynsian econ and high levels spending welfare
Contradict marx capitalism had produced increasing living standards
Greateer euqlaity by increasing spending public services and education not attacking rich
Defined socialism in terms ethical goals rather than class struggle state must manage capitalism to provide fairer distribution of welath, greater social equality and rmeoval class barriers
Comprehensive tripartite system to break down class barriers
Author the third way- the revival of social democracy- inspiring to blair neew lab projecy
Acknowldge problematic aspects capitalism but argue capitalism is inevitabel and here to stay
Reject marxism- no stage of history and class conflict not inevitably led to rev
Compleyly rejecyt marxism- key stage history class conlfict not leading to rev
Agree crosland that socialism fairness and protect people harshest forms of capitalism rather than class conflict, equliaty of outcome
Social democracy should be modernised in light of development globalisation and technology
Free markett prefered- ecn growth benefit everone
Rejecyt econ and social equality that undeprin stae welfare and redistrbitipn programmes dependancy culture
Blair education education edcuation inspired giddens- education key to acknowledge social justice rtaher than redistribution
Community and responsiblity not class conlfict importnat to promote social cohesion, shared values and sense social resonsiblhity
Role of state social investment in infrasturcture and educatioin not econ and social enginererig’[
State agreement socilism
Storng state important to achieve core socialist values- redistribution required to create fairer and more equatable society
Marxist believe short to medium term a stornger state will be reuired until end of history when state withers awasy
Reject idea monarchical/aristocratic state- prefoer deciosn making from people
Disagree socialists on state
Overthrown- fundamentalist v revisionist- capitalism overthrown with rev (evololutionary should be overtown but democratically)
Reisionist and 3rd way- intervention and spending on state
Marx and engels on state
Capitalist state overthrown in rev- replaced temporariliy with dictatorship of proletariat
Eventually state wither awau and communism is established
Luxemburg on state
Agreed overthrough through rev- strike action would be key
New replacement staet genuinelly democratic
Webb on state
State used to create socialism
Trhough voting and universal suffrage, possible to achieve gradual transistion without need for rev
Crosland on state
Democratic socialist gov can bring about radical sociast change- nhs through high leel sgov spending
Redistribbution of income and welath important role for state
Giddens on state
Improved existing capitalism and state through decentralising power and enocuraging increased participation
State invest social infratsucture progrss and work in parternship with comany compteition state
Too much spenidng leads to culture of dependency
Agreement socialism on society
Social environment is crucial factor in determining human nature
If imporvements made to society- more equal,more efraternity - people product of society lead to societal barriers lowering and greater inclusion
Needs of group take priority
Importance of equality, egalitarianism
Conflict theory- social class most signif and problematic development
Society disagree
Society imporved quality via rev- fundamental or gradual- evolution
Imporved through complete eradication or alongside capitalism
Absolute equality of outcome or social justicee through related social qualities and genuine equality of opportunity- min wage, educational reform
Social class- revsionists disagree with fundamentalist views on class conlcit interpret class in more fluifd way
Marx on society
Capitalist society defined by class conlfict
Rev needed to roduce comm society- end of history
Suppport absolute equality
Luxembourg on society
Peoples class position econ determined
Capitalist class based society morally wrong
Webb on society
Poverty and inequality linked to capitalist society limiting peoples potential
Change evolutionary not rev
Crosland on society
Defines class more flexibly
Society more complex than two class mdoel
Aim narrow rather than abolish class to achieve social justice
Abandoned equality of outcome unrealistic
Giddens on socitety
Society can be gradually improved without need to attack basic capitalist principles
Aim should be equality of opportunity
Socialists committed equality oof opp- agree
Equality core socilaist value, deemed vital for social justcie
Socialists believ progress should be key feature of society
Disagree hierarchy and inherited privalue
Socialists commiteted equality of opportunity disagree
Fundamentalists and sd
Fundamentalists v 3rd way
To what extent does 3rd way effeectivley abandonn socialist principles
Loa- lareg extent
Capitalism and econ- agree 3rd way trade socialism priinciples of fairness and fraternity, but disagree fundamentalist abolish, sd regulate, 3rd free movement
Equality- agree-e quality important all
But disagree equality of opportunity v outcome
Class and society- agree seek society fairer
Disagree class conflict
Econ socialism agreement
Inequality between social classes is a barrier to true equality of opportunity
Capitalists can have someneg effects
Econ polciy should be linked to making sodiety farier/ensuring equality of opportunity
Principles like fraternity and coop should be at heart econ activity
Collectivisn iver private owenership- cllective effprt public owenership
Disagree econ socialism
Fundamentally abolish private property and capacity for rev- rev
Marxist no capitalist econ created left after rev- democratic evolutionist gradually through elected sociaist gov
Reviiosn social position exist with capitalists
Sd- crosland- increased public spending, large welfare state
3rd way- gidens- fear of dependancy culture from high public spending, neo lib, mold econ
Marx econ
Capitalism exploitative and corrupt, must be overthrown through rev- replaced with colectivism and distributed with needs
State wither awauy and no need state management of econ
Capitalism beyond refomr
Luxemberg on econ
Agree marx
Webb on econ
Agreed need for total remodeling of econ and goal of common owenrship- saw happen gradually
Rather than abolish state, state should help to produce greater results
Naionalisation- clause 4
Crosland on econ
Disagree with webb abolish of free market principles andhave colectivisation
Called for mixed econ
Influence by rawls- enablisng state welfare
Giddens econ
Sd outy of date
Classical lib free market principles still need for state in econ
Self responsibility rather than major welfare rpofits- means tested
Equality of opportunity rather than absolute equality
Human nature agreement socialsm
Loa agree mor ethan disagree
Human nature malleabel rather than fixed- nurture
People naturally social creatures thrive as part of community
Believe hat natutral fore people to want fairness
Postive view human nature
Motivated not only by material matter but also by moral incnetives
Contribution to common good as basic responsiblity, econ growth not only benefit people but also help find welfare program that can help
Disagree human nature
Marx belief human nature particualy suceptable to econ state
Viewed as capitalism as more dangerous to human nature tha other fatcors- luxembourg
Revision agree that core principles of coop and frat are important= argue human nature can flourish under capitalism
Extent to which fairenss should be enforced- marx compete equality, guddens natural to do so but may be aspirational
Marx on human natureq
Naturally alturistic and fraternal human nature contaminated by capitslism
Lexemburg on human nature
Capitalism hasnt been as damaging. To human nature as me
Human nature as fraternal coop and laturistic
Webb on human nature
Rev just as damaging to human nature as capitalism
Crosland on human nature
People naturally against inequality of outcome and seek fairness