Good Luck Flashcards
Js mill book
On liberty
Rawls book
A theory of jsutice
Frieden fun facts
Nat org of women foundoed
Feminine mystique 1963- gender signif hindrance to women
Rand fun facts
Anti church, athiest, atomism selfish
Only want defcne law and order
nozick fun facts
Anarchy, state and utipia
Keep rewards of labour eg sexuality bodily autonomy
Tax theft
Privatise as much as possible
Crosland fun fatcs
Social democracy
Capitalism has increased living standards
Tripartiste system
Giddens fun fact
3rd way
Infleunced balir education x 3
Importance of social class for socialiss
3rd way- class based politics irrelevant
Rev- class consicousness who overthwo capitalism and deveolm comm- proletrariat overthrow
Snp in elections
Contest only 10% of seats
Thus more money for each contested seat
Socilaism agree that society is based on class
Limited extent
Agree- class method by which to undertsand soc
Aim to improve fortuns lower clases in soc
But disgaree
Rev class awareness needed
Capitalism shoudl go as undermines class and common humanity
Etv that the actions of pg have been more signif than gov legislation in defending and promoting rights in teh uk
Pg rights- lower voting age, womesns rights
Minority groups- stonewall liberty ect
Judicial review- undermine ministers
Legislators created ablity to protect rights foi equlaity act
Social progresisve legislation pased
Etv that the use of ref is good foe the health of uk democracy
Inrto a healthy democracy has representation,participation and legitimisation/accountability
Referendums always controversial- improve or weaken democracy?
Clinch example- brexit- failed in all 3 factors (apart from relatively high turnout)
Ref good for democracy- rep for
form direct democracy- give people a say on controversial issues- devolution, eletoral reform
-give direct voice to thhe people- outcome, clear rep of peole on particular issue- rather than rely on reps in parliament- who may put party before people
Allow popular soverignty to be expressed directly
Check on the power of the exec 2016 in between 2015-201 7
Ref good health uk democracy rep against
bad for rep- threat in rep democracy
Looses opp for debate and scrutinu
Expertise lost- ni protocol eeded- nuance lost
Challenges parliamentary soveignty- no room for majority
Tyranny of the majority- no room for negotiation
Majority win0 forcing their wil onto others who suffer
Less rep- slim majority- 50.3% wales
Ref good democracy particpation for
Engagement of public in political process another opp to vote
Hold politicians to account- between elections
Educate and inform- 2016- eu great debate bbbc-s sadiq khan remain v boris leave
Informative programmes broadcast- 2011 av
Trunout can be high 85% 2014
Encouraging in democratic defiicit participation crisis
Participate local issues- over 50 refs in eng and wales to have elected. Mayors
ref good democracy participation against
Participation crisis still present av 42.2% low turnout
Low turnout- reflect publci opinion on ref being less signif compared to ge
Worsening participation and health of uk demcoracy
Misinformation- levae send 350mill to eu each week
Emain leaving eu would cost each household 4300 per year
Legitimisation for - ref good democracy
Clear outcomes on tricky political q- grants legitimacy to major constitutional cchange such as devolution
Esp important if gov not have strong mandate- horld wilson eec had 301 minority gov
Equality to entrench decision- 1998- good friday agreement made- need confirmation on such a divisive issue
Electoral commission- oversee ref independently
Legitimisation against- ref good health democracy
Despite electoral commission positively charged words- agree imporve mroe likely to have positive outcome- research european ref
Clear answers not the case iwth slim majority
Cant hold ourselves to accunt- may later realise wrong- but can hold gov to account
Eval use of ref- diff groups
People voting in refs
Votes by mps in parliament
Gov deciisons cabinets
Eval use of ref voters
Voice deciosn making mroe power constroversial decison needed
Access more info
Decision clear
Eval use of ref voters no
Less experienced/education/opp to debate
Bigger threshold should be required
Problems with low turnout- not rep= alck legit
Public may be more influenced by social media and fake news- dnot haev civil service
Cant eb held to account
Eval use of ref = mps in parliament
More experienced, involved in debates
Not rep of votes in safe seats
May prioritise parties over constitutients go to party whip
Filibuster jrm
Eval use of ref- gov decision cabinet yes
More expeirnecd full time job and have civil serbbice
Can be held to account
Gov decision cabient no ref effective
Not in manifesto- eg emergency dont have amndate
If dont have mandate- no mandate
If large majority- lack scrutiny
Example of gov minority votes
2001- blair large lab majoirty- 41% votes 167 seats majority
Example fptp not proportional
2015 ukip just under 4 mill votes- 12.5% votes cast- 3rd in terms of vote yet only one seat commons
Safe seats
Bristol west
Most marginal seats
Bury north
Av ref
68% voted against
43.3% turnout
Brexit party
recived 2% vte 13 in pr yet none
Scot devolution
74% yes
Turnout 60%
Good friday agreement
71% y
81% turnout
Wales devolution
50.3% y
49.7% no
Turnout 50%
Turnout low ref
27.7% 2004 ne region
34.6% 1998 london mayor
1997 50% welsh assembly
Restrictions on politcial parties spending in campaigns
Political parties, elections and ref act 2000
Establish electoral commision
54k per constiuency
Declare any donations over 7.5k
Break fine 20k
Ban donations from abroad- no russian
State funded political parties
More democratic
Level playing field
Practicality and popularity
State funded political parties more democratic
Limits influecne of big donars- jcb 3mill
May expect something back
Tuesday for lab
End fear wealthy and infleuntial too much power
Think tank open democracy 2019 1/5 con donors recieved honours and titles
State funded political parties more democratic no
Democratic right to ffree speech including where spend money
May decrease partiicpation
And alienate
Measures to regulate already- with all siignfi donations ceclared- made more acessible with foi- westminster accounts sky
State funded political parties more level playing field y
Small parties have no chance
2019 of 20 mill to parties over 60% con
More level playing field no
More important factors to sucess
As 2019 ld spent ,ore than lab but seats fell 12 to 11
Diff to allocate funds fairly- more likely on size and support
State funding parties practicality v pop
Practicality short money easy expand
Pop- gov money
Trad con
Big gov
New right
Freemarket, priavtisation, cut ttaxes less state intervenion, les spublic spendning on welfare
Cameron con approach
Prgamatism rather ideologucal
Neo lib- low tax recuce defiict and allow gay marriage
Boris approach
One nation
More tolerant attitude with social affairs
Elements neo lib and neo con
Truss appraoch
New right on econ
Neo lib recent policies
Low tax encouage growth
Reduce deficit- austerity
2019 manifesto commutment not increase vat
Neo con recent policies
Cut immigration and brexit
Strong nat decurity, defence- locking on bil
Further lords reform is opp
2019 greater stop and search poweer to police
One nation policies recent years
Gay marirage
Nat living wage
2019 5nm new social care package
Old lab policies
Nat clause 4
High tax on rich
Social equality- fairness
Nhs high spending
Cradle to grave
Generous welfare benefits
Optimum rehabilitation over punishment-less harsh law and order
Fp- anti imperialism
Anti war
Anti nuclear weapons
New lab
Abolish clause 4
Middle class appeal
Lower corp tax
Introduce tuuition fees
Nhs edcuation spendingt
Touh on crime lsaw and orde-r asbos
Eu loved
Enabler rather than provider- tuition fes
Etv minr parties have influence uk politics
Take votes
Small balances
Put policies on agenda
Devolved bodies
Etv uk has multiparty system
More than 2 parties in hoc
Westminster sucess and infleucne (gov forming)
Devolution- regional variations
Party sucess what based off
Quality perception of leader
Valance overall party image
Infleunce of media
Lab party econ
Get britain building again- one for 5 nat missions 2024
Same as switch on. Great british energy0 publically owned clean power energy company
Reeves- shadow chancellor committed lab party fiscal disciplien all spending fully costed-securonomics- bbig contrast to corbyn more con- 2024 may- stick to tough spending rules in order to deliver econ stability
28bn climate investment plegde watered down
Rennat most rail services within 5y
Lab wlefare
Support con policy on increasing childcare porvision
Get nhs back n it sfeet- nhs reform rather than on lots extra spenidng, new it system v simiar con
Cut nhs waiting lists by providing 40,000 more appt each week- funded by tackling tax avoidance and non dom loopholes
Corbyn promise tuition fees gone
Recruiting 6500 teachers paid for through ending tax breaks for pribate schools
Lab law and order
Take back our streets
Prioritise violence against women
Tougher punishment
Increase police
Similar new lab econ- providin more neighbourhood policies to reduce antisocisl behaboir
Introduced new penalties for offendoers
Border security command to stop the gags arranging small boat corssing
Lab foriegn policy
Starmer backed unak on condemning hamas and defending israeli soveriegnty- old lab disagree but lab ammendment for temporary humanitarian ceasefire
Backs sunak line on ukraine
Pro nato which corbyn not
Renew trident
Bit diff europe brexit- yet starmer largely accepted position on brexit
Con econ
1/2 inflation
Grow econ
Decrease debt
Cut nat ninsurance- mar budget 2024- 2p cut in pound
Aspiration to reduce tax burden yet oevrall tax bruden hiigh
Remove non dom status - lab policy
Many con want more tax removal
Con welfare
Cut nhs waitinglists
Stop smalll boats
Free childcare 15h after apr
Nanny state phased ban on smoking and plans ban disposable vapes
Min wage increase to 11.44 over 23
2bn for schools
Con law and order
Rlocking on bill
Rwanda scheme
Extremism definition
Tougher sentecnes rapists and killers- kings speech sp 2023
Evidence of lack of influence of media
Tabloids attacked corbyn but lab still icnreased share of vote
Increased seats by 30 from 2015
Low turnout local elections
Pcc 25% cambridgeshire
Stat for age and voting
2017 62% lab 18-24
61% 65+
Age and education stat
1980- 15% higher education
2017= 50.2%
Age turnout
54 young
71 65+
Ethnicity and voting behavour
Bme vote lab
2017 65% lab 21% c
More likely to be low pay
Lab more likely to tackle unemp
Turnout and etnicty
2010 67% white 51% bme
Examples when opinion polls inaccurate
2015 policy predicted bth l and c 34% but instead c 37 and l 30
Failure for 2017 hung parliament
Rmeain reult eu ref- eg ft saw 2% lead over leave, the telegraph
1997 reason balir sucess social
class increase 10% middle class
Even 65+ vote lab 41% over 37% con
Gender females vote mroe lab 44% than 32% c- more family minded policies free nursery places
Grwoing proportion in workfroce
2017 resulst
Hung parliament fell short 9 of majoirty hence sc dup
Reason boris sucess 2019 rational choice
Opinoin polls suggest that 25% of voters decided just days before election
Reason for boris sucess 2019 unity party
C as brois removed whip from tory mps who voted to settle with no deal brexit
Whilst lab divided between radical and new lab
Reasons for boris sucess 2019 econ
Many didint trust - an independent institute for fiscal studies- declared lab spending plans underfunded
Print media- not signif role in infleuncing voting beavour
Circulation most newspapers declined
Feb 2022- dailu mail print circulation fall below 900,000 for the first time in over 100 years
Read newspapers that we already agree with- sun tory
Media not most signif impact lt demorgaphic more
Social media- signif role in infleunceing voting behavoir
echochamber mild political views may be taken deeper
Parties can advertise and publicsie- mps websites
Bojo verified insta may seem for viewers that his info is more reliable
Twitter posts often used in news- eg criticisms
Cancel culture patrygate lots onlie anger
Targeted ads
Influence uounger voters
Attack ads
Targetted ads
Vote leave 2.7mill pounds facebook ads 2016
Infleunce social media esp younge rvoters
Yougov 2017 said that 18-24yo infleucned by 50% social media, 28% newspapers
Attack ads
Tory accused snp and sinn fein prop up ed miliband causeing cahos for britain
Social media not innfluencing voting behavour signif
Not seen as reliable- fake enws
Other source more trustworth0 broadcast
2019 labour claimed leaked tory documents suggested nhs up for sale ecompeltely rather than just drugs
Impact of tv debates
Clegg gained 28% vote, comp 11% in 2019
May not on debates looked weak
2010 first one 9 mill veiws
Why broadcast media less signif
Less biased bbc charter legal
No ad time only ppb
Clegg did do well but 2 parties still dominate
Lack of trust in leader
43% said not vote labour because of corbyn
Class dealignment wit thatcher
11% c2
9% de
Geographical region less improatn
2019 red wall
Red car never voted for con before
Opinoin polls should be controled as too accurate
Too big influence
Misleading when inaccurate
In immediate run up to election
Opinion polls too big influence
shape rather than reflect how people vote
Erros in methods, rep
Eg 2015- hung pariamemt led to con campaiign focusing on dangers of lab snp coalition at epense of otehr issues
Opinon polls misleading when inaccurate
Remain preidcted
Many vote leave or not vote at all didnt matetr
Opuinion polls in immediate run up to election
At this time esp high levels of influence
Media may sensationalise finding
In other lib democracies eg canada norway france, have level of restrictions on publciaions of opinion poll date
Turnout across the years
1979 76
97 71
2017 69
2019 67
Participation in pg
Estimated 40-50% uk pop in atelas one
Etv that acdeess to uk voting too limited
Voter id
Prisoner voting
Voets at 16
Limitations pg
Transparency of lobbying, non party campaigning and tu admin act 2014
Inc clause limit amount charities could spend on campaigns in lead up to ge
Pointless epetition
Against trump visit uuk, but wasnt planning on
Alliances pg tactic
Tu strike together
Votes at 16, youth council and nat union of students
Factors affecting sucess of pg
Resources- friends of israel
Ideology- compatibility with gov
Expertise- bma insider
Etv lobbyists and think tanks do more to help than hinder democracy
Loa- agree
Pg help democracy participation
Increase info either side debate
Eg abortion- british pregnancy advisosry scheme- pro choice v right to life uk- health discussion due to expert info available
Pg alternative partiicpatoin
Turnout low 67% 2019
Party memebrship fell con 2.9mill 1951- 180k 2019
7000 plus pg in uk
Party membership fall
Con 2.9mill 1951, 180k 2019
Participation against pg help democracy
Civil disobedience- violence break law
Threaten others iwth methods- against free movement right
Not constructive- no discussion alienated further
Representation agree - pg help democracy
Fptp tyranny of the majority- party appeal to masses
Apply presur to stop minority- aug 2021- protests outside downing street, 100s non binary trans and allies failure of healthcare- push full recognition of gender recognition act 1% pop non binary
Equalitis act 2010 introduced- provided freedom from discrim on basis of race gender age disability- pg support
Section 28 repealed stonewall campaigning in scot 2001
Rep against- pg help democacy
Disproportionately support certain groups
Wealthy oil companies- shell
Revolving door of former politicians
Greensill scandal- cameron speak to sunak chancellor for gov backed loan under covid corperation financed facility
Insider status more- never going to have extinnction rebellion over bma
Accountability agree pg help democracy
Gain public support- blm 2020- support on issues previously ignored
Esp case near ge- improve position on poluicy
2020- boris promise ban conversion therapy- process aiming to convert persns sexual or gender oriegnattion- demand from think tanks and lgbt societies
Think tank direct scrtny gov- institute for gov, fabien soc
On behalf minorities
Accountability against- pg help democracy
May lack leadership or structure- who to balme- not accountable themselves-
Unlikely to be sucessful if not compatible iwth gov- lack legitimacy no accountability held
Etv that tactics pg use are the most important reason for sucess
Loa no- sttaus and power
Etv that pg have little impact on gov deciisons
Pg little impact on gov deiciosn pop y
Will ignore if unpop
Insulate briatin extinction rebellion civil disobedience
Pg little impact go deciison pop do gave impact
Esp if near election time- more pop chosen petitutioons with lost signaitures
Hillsburough justice campaiagn. Deaths at football- newspaper campaign- pushed for inuest- granted
Example of company pg and gov deiciosn
Online harms bill- googlde meta lawyers on select comm
Tv that righst in uk not adequatley protected
Pg parliamentj= judges
Loa y
Rights not adequately protected judges
Liimit to power rof uk judges- esp if compare uk to usa
Gov cannot strike deciosn/acts of parliament
Hra not entrench- no bill of righst
Hra inc political and civic rights but not all econ social and cultural righst
Doi ignored rwanda
Rights in uk not adequately protected judges no
Uk judges make declarations of incomapatibility
Gov acts on most doi
Judicial rveiw increased signif- cra and indepndent sc
Symbolic judgements-lee v asher bakery, cements that religion overules gay righst
Parliament not rep rights
Good majoirty overite opp of rebels
Eg 2022- police crime sentencing and courts act restricts right to protest
2023 locking on bill
Voter id laws restrict right to vote
Whips party over people
Often minority repressed
Emergency powers0 eg right to freedom with covid pandemic
Parliament does protect rights
passed hra- inc article 8 right to privacy
Foi 2000
Equalities act 2010
Accountability and ge represnettaions ensured
Pg does protect righst
Pg can be ignored if not ideologically compatible with gov
Not obliged to respond to pg campaign- liebrty friends of the earth
2022 act limit right to peaceful protest
Pg raise awareness of issue but doesnt mean gov repsond to their demand
Pg does not protect righst
Act as useful gaurdians of citizens rights- liberty , howard league, big brother watch, amnesty international
May give legal advice and expertise
Insider groups v powerful eg bma
Example of pop conflicting parliamentary soveirgnty
Brexit 52% pop y
26% mps
Groups overrep in parliament
29% not 7% praivet school
Consultaive examples
Heathrow airport
Who says 16 yo arent adults
Un cnovention on righst of child
Unsucessful pg
Stop war coalitioon 1 mill march london 2001- yet blair majority overcome 43 rebellion
Hs2 e petition block ignored despite 155000 sighnaitures
Liberty court case
2020 supported ed bridges case against sw police breached article 8 hra stored biometric data secured by automatic facial recognition ssurveillence
And thus sw police required greater care in umpelemntation of automatic facial recognition
Amnesty international
Helped to increase pressure on mps with nazanin zeghari- ratcliffe held in iran to get her released
Influence lobbying
10% donors from housing related organisations hence hesitance on housing reform no fault evictions
And many mps are landlords 1/2 voting on no fault evictions according to new statesman
Judicial review accountability to gov
Unison v lord chancellor 2017- ruled employment tribunal fees unlwfl as prevented fair access to justice- policy ahd caused a 70% drop in no of tribunal cliams, esp lower income workers
Appellant v sec state for work and pesnions 2019- bedroom tax to partners of serverly disabled people with a spare room breached right to a home under hra as space needed medical equipment
Rights protected judges hra
Smith v mod 2013 extended judiciabiluty to soldiers overseas too
Turnout 2001