4-political Parties Flashcards
Political parties
Organisations with a formal membership
Put up candidates for election
Largely united by a shared ideological identity
How parties promote democracy
Effective functioning of rep democracy- united simlar views collated in one party
Opp parties hold the governering party to account
Develop coherent political programmes and manifestos- clear choice increases turout
Opportunity for participation- membership, campaigning, consultation, leadership, candidate selection
How political parties undermine democracy
Decrease voter choice- unlikely to fully rep voters views
Sometimes range of policeies narrow- little real choice0- more choice in 2015, 2017, 2019
Stifle parliamentry denate- whips enforcing party discipline
Issues oversimplified - esp 2019 brxit- pubilc disillusionment meant less likely to vote leading to low turnout
Parties sometimes unrep- gap between views of elected party policies and broader electorate/party supporters- eg, con and ld in coalition not rep ld
Need to raise large sums of money- party accused of giving favours in return for large donations- ‘cash for honours’ ‘cash for access’, unions and labbour
Main two parties dominate fundraising does not create a level playing fild
Some parties extremist ant parliamentary or anti democratic policies- socilaist partiees, bnp
Restrictions on political parties can spend during campaigns
Political parties, elections and referendums act 2000
Establish electoral commission to monitor electoral spending
Limit how much spend in a constituency- 54k,
Ban donations from abroad- no russian
Declare any donations over 7.5k
Max fine 20k if spending rules broken
Etv political parties in uk should be funded by the state
Loa- no
In uk- political parteies raise funds from donations
2019 ge ober 30mill donations, most con
Av donation oevr 70k
Argument if undemocratic and unfair to smaller parties in current arrangemnts
More democracti
Level playing field
Practical and popular
State funded political parties- more democratic yes
Reduce influence of ‘big money’
End fear wealthy an influential too much power
Lord bamford jcb donate over 3mill to con
Ty for labour
Cause ‘cash for honours’
Thik tank open democracy 2019- 1/5 con dondors recieved honors and titles
State funded political parties- more democratic- no
Undemocratic to prevent people donating moey to the party they support0– against basic rights to support a cause believe in
State funding disconnect parties from their supporters and higher levels of mistrust and apathy amog voters
Measures to regulate- all significant donations declared- made moere accessible with foi- westminster accounst sku
State funded political parties- more elevel playing field- yes
Smaller party cant compete- smaller donations
2019- of 20 mill to parties, over 60% to con
More level playng field- not the case- state funding politicla parties
Does money help in results
No ld 2019 spent more than labour- but seats fel from 12 to 11
Diff to allocate funds fairly- most likely on size and support- till an imbalance
Practicality and popularity- yes- state funding political parties
Relatively easy to introduce
Some state. Funding already takes place- ‘short money’ for opp party to support policy business and research
Practical and popular- state funded political parteis- no
Not good way to spend taxpayer money
Unpopular with electorate
Traditional conservatievs
From english civil war- royalists support status quo- feared parliamentary power
Hobbes- strong gov needed to control cities and aoid anarchy
Burke- pragmatism and respect authority and tradition
19th century association:
Tradition- respect monarchy and church, stability and strong gov, pragmatism, protection of property
One nation conservatives
Disraeli- prooposed more inclusive and progressive form of conservatism- party protect interests of whole nation not jst rich and powerful
Mixed economy
Welfare state important
Similar to new right on law and rder- harsh
Bill of rights
Assertive and firm line on foreign policy- euroskepiticism
New right
Free market, privatisation, cut taxes
Less state intervention, less public spending on welfare,
Authority ,tough on crime
Assertive, firm line (faulklands) euroskeptic
Cameron con aproach
Pragmatism rather than ideological
No liberal- low tax and reduce deficit
More tolerant- gay marriage
Boris approach
One nation
More tolerant attitude with social affairs
Elements neo lib and neo con
Truss approach
New right policy on economy
Neolib recent policies
Lowe tax to encourage growth
Aim to reduce deficit- austerity
2019 manifesto commitmnet not to increase vat
Neo con approach recently
Cut immigration and brexit- patriotism, natinoal strength
Strong national security, defence, law and order (locking on bill)
Further lords reform- oppose
2019 greater stop and search power to police
One nation policies recent years
Gay marriage
National livibg wage
2019 5bn new social care package
How influential thaterism and new right on modern con party- themes
Econ welfare
Law and order
Foreign policy
Old labour
Established 1900- rep working class
Compromise bwteen democratic socialist (idea capitalism inevitably and gradually replaced by socialsm) and social democracy (faiere society will be achieved by reforming the capitalistic system
Old labour policies
Nationalisation- clause 4
High tax on rich
Social equality- fainess
Nhs high spending
Cradle to grave
Generous welfare benefits
Optimum rehabilitation over punishment- less harsh law and order
Foreign policy- anti imperislsm
Anti war- more pacifist
Anti nuclear weapons
New labour
Gradually under kinnock bbut finalised under blair
Influenced by giddens ‘third way0’ socialism and capitalism compromise
Remove claus 4, less redistribution of ewealth
More busienss friendly, lower corperation tax
Nhs, education spending
Introudction of tuition fees
Tough on crime and law and order- asbos
Loved eu- echr, ecj, hra
Iraq war and afghanistan
Enabler rather than provider- tuition fees
Tradition lib dems
Established 1985- mergd from labs and sdp
Origional liberal party 19th century- deominant - associate with free trade, lower taxes, balanced budgets and palriamentary reform
Beginning 20th centry- move towards modern liberalism- old age pensions
Orange book liberals
Liberal wing of lib dems
Social democratic wing of lib dems
Eg tim farron
Social justice, neo lib apporach econ
Many ld coalition reluctant
Lib dems modern day
Emphasise social justice, raise taxes to increase public spending- 2019- increase income tax by 1p to increase spending nhs
Support welfare system- 2017 manifesto- free school emals all primary school children
Multinaional approach to guide poliy, pro eu- manifesto pledge to stop brexit 2019
Respect and support echr and protection hr
20019 commitment to take in more unaccompanied refugee children
Liebrtarian apporach- 2019 manifesto commitment to legalise cannabis
Support palriamentary and constitutional reform- pr westminster and further devolution
Snp history
Establish 1934
V succesfful due to fptpp, conc support
2015 566/569 seats westmintser, 50% vote
2019 3rd biggest party with 48 seats, 45% vote
Influence with snp-] opp vote to brexit and austerity-
2014 independnece ref- 55% no
Snp policies
Indyref2- 2019 comm ask uk gov ref on indepndence in 2020
Further devolution
End austerity
Scrap trident
Tackle climate emergency- 2019 manifesto to reform of the tax system to encourage ‘greener choices
Support ey membership
Green party history
Launched 1985
Limited success due to fptp- 2010 carolien lucas brighton pavillion, 2019 3% vote , 1 seat
More seats in euu and devoled bodies under use of pr
Kept environmental isssues on agenda
Green party policies
Protection of the environment- 2019 invest 100bn/yr reach net zero carbon emissons by 2030
Green economy
Support for eu memberhship
Major investment public services- 2019 increase nhs spending by 6bj
Voets for 16 and 17 year olds
Abolish uni tuition
Etv minor parties can have influence on uk politics
Take votes otherwise going to one of major parteis
Influence when small balances emerge
Put policies onto the agenda
Succes in wider reigions of uk since devolution
Minor parties influence- take votes0- yes
Ukip took away from both con and lab party in 2015- despite not wining seats
Snp decimated lab support in scotland`
Minor parties- take votes- no
Minor party support bae limited to one region- snp, plaid cymry
Electoral impact short lived0 ukip vote fell after 2017 after brexit
Minor parties have influence- small balances- yes
Marginal seasts
Occassionally win seat outright
Baance of party held by smalll party- 2010-ld needed in coalition, 2017 dup s&c
Brexit party did not compete in marginl seast in 2019 election- encourage leave supporters to vote con
Minor parties influence- small balances- noR
Fptp causes major problems for small partiees- greens one eseat
2015 ukip 12% vote and one seat
Minor parties influence- put policies on agenda- yes
Ukip sucecss push 2015 manifesto pledg for ref on eu
Brexit party probs contributed to con adopting a ‘harsh brexit’ stance after the ref
Snp further devolution indepnance on the agenda
Small parties influence- put issues on agenda- no
If adopted by main party- own appeal diminished
2019 lab ambitious target for reaching net zero carbon emissions- limit support for greens
Minor parties influence- devolved bodues- yes
Snp sucess in scotissh parliaemnt elections
Pid cumru in welsh assembly
Greens scottish parliament and welsh assembly
Minor parteis influence0 devolutno- no
Sucess pr
Fptp remain in uk so sucess not replicated more broadly
Two party system
Most liekly result 1 of 2 party winning majoirty- other becomes offical opp
Power attmpt between 2 parteis- power doesnt necessarily chaneg hands ev election
Minor parties exist but low rep in legislature
Multi party system
Most likely outcome coalition
Gov power change after an ellection
Coalitions created frequently
Distinguish between major and minor party harder to indentify
One party dominant system
One party wins sucessfuve elections and remains in power for prolonged period of time
Blair lab- 97-2010
Con 1979-97
Two and a half party system
Two main party domnaet and third party engage benefit of sucess and influence
Ld until recently snp ‘third party’ status
Factors leading to fragmentation of 2 party system- long term
Partisan dealignment
Collapse class based voting
Factors leading to fragmentation of 2 party systems short term
Issues transcend left right- brexit, scottish independance, environment
Create own ‘politicl tribes’
Lack of faith in political leadership of two main parties- increase media criticism of mainstram politics and establishment political party
Etv uk now has a multi party system
Traditional uk- 2 party syestem
Recent developments cast doubt- on surface multi party, partisan dealignemnt, rise isseus- brexit
Some regions muti party, westminster 2
More than 2 parties win seats, no parties exist
Westminster sucess and influence
Regional variation- devolution
Uk now multi party system- mroe than 2 parties in hoc- yes
Ld sucess- 1992-20010(18-23% vote), 2015 56/59 seats snp
According to electoral commision- approx 500 registered parties in uk- choice
Partisan dealisgnment- threaten traditional left right
10 diff party won seats 2019 ge0
Uk now multi party system- more than 2 parties win seats no
Ld support fallen recent elections- 11 seats 2019
Big still domnate westmiste- 87% seats, 75% votes 2019
Fptp discriminate against parties with limited support across country
Lack state funding diff smaller parties to break lab and con duopoly- con jcb, cbi, lab tu
Westminstr sucecss and influecne - yes- Uk now multi party system
2010 con/ld coalition 2017- con and supply dup
Infleucne on issues
Ukip- brexit
Snp- devolution and indyref
Greens environment
westminster sucess and influence- no- Uk now multi party system
Only 2 parties realistic chance of forming gov
2019 boris majority 80
Regional variations- post devolution - yes - Uk now multi party system
Pr- 0easier small parties- greens 6 seats snp
Power strength - coalitions
Labour with ld and pc- welsh assembley
Devolution- no - Uk now multi party system
Uk as a whole- 2 party system more accurate
Party sucess- what based off
Quality perception of leadership
Valance/oevrall party stance
Influence of media
Party sucess- quality of leader- pro
Blair- youth, pragmatic, more open- things can only get better
Sturgeon strong leader- clear message
Boris0- charasmatic, get brexit done
Party sucess- no- quality of leader
Corbyn too radical left- econ problematic, free broadband for all, abolish tuition fees
Boris later- liar, partygaet, scandal- comedic image cuased uncertainty during covid crisis
Valance oevrall party image- party sucess - yes
New labb appeal middle class-
Valance/overall party image- party suceess- no
Truss and johnson- lack of trust esp with economy
Labour- iraq war- blair at end
Influence of media- pro- party sucess
Blair positively seen
Sun change to support- less impactful now. With print media fall
Mail, ties ect- backed johnson
Tv debates effective- clegg
influence of media- party sucess- no
John major and pea soup- spitting image
May - conference- dancing, cringe, running through a field of wehat- pt pf touch
Hancock scandal
Neo lib meaning
Free market
Lib new right
Self reliance00 reject collectivism
Neo con- meaning
Social emphasis
Remove state role in econ
Anti permissiveness
Consernif person adopste imoral lifestule- esp religion
Against multiculturalism
Etv media image is a key factor in determining the sucess of uk political parties
Loa- yes
Social media
Etv media image is a key factor in determining the sucess of uk political parties 0- tv- yes
More air time/attention given to main parties helps to make them more sucessful compared to minor parties
Televised candiate debates since 2010
May not attend- failure- 017
Clegg- colaition- 2010
Etv media image is a key factor in determining the sucess of uk political parties - tv0 no
Most mainstream channels are neutral- esp bbc
Viewing figures for traditional news current affairs programmes fallen recent yeas- esp young voters
Newspapers- yes- Etv media image is a key factor in determining the sucess of uk political parties
Most tend to support either con or lab- contribute to long term success and add to diff experience by minor parties
With higheer circulation- sun, mail, times and telegraph- all back con in 2019
Sun- new lab 1997- key movement
1992- sun heaviliy critic kinnock ‘will the laast person to leave the country please turn teh lights out’ contributed to losss of lab- v close contest
Newspapers- no- Etv media image is a key factor in determining the sucess of uk political parties
Fewer people read a newspaper dailur
Tend to read a nespaper whose view they agee with- no diff effect on voting
Circulation v low esp young voters
Social media- yes- Etv media image is a key factor in determining the sucess of uk political parties
Increasingly imporatnt way to connext with voters- during campaigns and between elections -esp young voters
Target specific groups of swing voters not possble with traditional forms
Sucessful 8mill campaign by lab 2017 ge contribueted to con weakness
10019 ge con enhanced comapaign
Social media- no - Etv media image is a key factor in determining the sucess of uk political parties
Older voters may not have access or use social media- largest voting
Labour party 2024- economy
Get britain buidling agin- one for 5 nat missions 2024
Same as switch on great british energy
Reeves- shadow chancellor- committed lab party fiscal discipline all spendnig fully costed- securonomics- big contrast to corbyn, more con
28bn climate investment pledge watered down
Renat most railservices within 5y
But limited flexible lab markets- zero hours, reeves abolish zero hours contracts that exploit people
Labour 2024 welfare
Get the nhs back on its feet- nhs reform rather than on lots extra spending, new it system-v similar con
Break down barriers to opp 2024
Agree with con plan for help with childcare- con paying some nurseries cost
Corbyn promise tuition fees gone
Labour- law and order 2024
Take back our streets
Prioritise violence agianst women
Tougher punishment
Increase police
Similar new lab econ
Labour foriegn policy 2024
Starmer backed sunak on condemn hamas andd defend israel soevriegnty- old lab disagree- but lab ammendment for temporayr humanitarian ceasefire
Backs sunak line on ukraine
Pro nato which corby not
Renew trident
Bit diff europe bresit- starmer largely accepted position on brexit
Con 2024- econ
1/2 inflation
Grow econ
Decrease debt
Cut nat insurance- mar budget 2024- 2p cut in pound
Aspiration to reduce tax burden uet overall tax burdgen high
Remove non dom status - lab policy
Many con want morre tax removal
Con 2024- welfare
Cut nhs waitinng lists same point starmer
Stop small boats
Min wage increase to 11.44 over 23
2bn for schools
Free childcare after apr
Nanny state phased ban on smokig and plans ban disposable vvapes
Con law and order 2024
Tougher sentences rapists and killers- king speech sep 2023
Locking on bill and greater restrictions to protesting
Extremism definition new
Foreign policy con 2024
Overseas aid spending cut to 0.5% aim previously at 0.7% but starmer would increase when can afford it