Conservatism Flashcards
Flexible approach to decision making
Taken into account and practical considerations- rather than strict, ideolgical factors when taking deciions
Polciies are judged on their merits- what works
Trad and one nation esp burke- pragmatism enables society to adpat to changing time by introducing gradual modernte reform
Abstract principles such as equality and rights- dangerous and destabliisng leads to rev
Emergence of one nation conservatism 19th century- combining free market econ with limited gov intervention- disraeli- possible to create prosperity for all and ensure stability
Empericism- knwoeldge form trad an dexperience rather than ideals
Accumulated wisdom of past societies and a connection between the generations
World is too complex for human reason to undertsand fully, so sceptical of abstract theories that claim to explain the inexplicable- prefer based ideas on history tradition and experience, catious pragmatism avoid doga
Tradition provides weak human beings with ability to make sense of society and their place in it- long established institutions give poepk a sense of identity and provide stability
Institutions- monarchy and church proved fit for purpose over long period of time and so should be preserved for duture generation
Core ideas conservatism
Human imperfections
Organic society
Human imperfections
Human beings are flawed and therefore incapable of making good decisions for themselves- perssimistic view
Oakeshott- as human beings are flawed, depndent and insecure only exist in organic society.state
3 asoects human imperfection
Psychological- people are dependent and limited, will naturally be wiling to sacrifice some liberty in favour of order, predictability and secuirty- know their place, heriarchical and paternalistic society
Moral- people innately selfish and greedy- storng gov needed to guarentee law and order- con preference capitalism based on self interest rather than alturism as econ system
Intellectual- peope lack intellectual capacity to understand the world around them so ideologies claim to explain ppredict they rejected in favour pragnatism tradition
Organic society
society operates like a living organism, whole more important than any individ part
Con believe human beings are weak, dependent and security- linked to their ideas about orgaaisc society
If part of society damaged, whole organism will die
Main features
Social cohesion rathr rthan atomism
Need for authroity an dhierarchy- know own place
Paternalism- inequality inevitable but most adv in society have a duty to look after well being of others
Benign power exerted from above
State governs in interests of people
Wisdom and expericne unequally disrtibuted and those in authority who know best
Trad con- gov conducted best equipted bia birth and upbing but govern in interests of all
Burke innate ability of eleite give authority to act on behalf
Disralei gov intervention required to imporve for poorest in socitey
Trade one nation if privilegded fulfil social responsibility to look after less fortunate able to avoid social discontent preserve status quo and sustain positionin heirarchy
Aim to uphold liberty by max autonomous and freedom of choice- direct contrast paternalism-neolib
Free market- burke support adam smith- new right classical lib
Reject welfare dependent culture
Rand and nozick state involvenent in econ and welfare is expensive and tax undermines property rights
Trad con
Burke and hobbes
Reactionary and backward looking
Origionally rep gentry and landowners
Develop responsible and fear rradical change- frennch rev for burke
Trad custom romantic pov
Natural hierarchy
Pessimistic view human nature- storng gov create order and stability
Greadual cautious change- pragmatism
One. Nation con
19th century disraeli especially in 20th century
Pragmatism to react to newly enfranchised middle and working class voters
Disralie gap between rich and poor- social reform to prevent rev ideas reform to preserve
Paternalism- those at top have a duty to hlep those below- noblesse oblige
Organic society- rejection lasisex faire econ
Patriotism and traditiono can unite nation
Trad instityution
Imperialism- disrali survival of birtish empire wuld strengthen national pride and benefit all classes
Diff to trad- some welfare, too much individualism could undermine organisc society, tow natiions reform to conserv
New right- neo lib
neo libquk and usa 1980s
Radical and forward looking
Rand and noxick
Role back state greater individ freedom
Smith and state minimual, free indusrty, liberty to make rational choice,
Trickle donw effect
Emerge disillusionment with keynsian ecn and welfare state
Critic keynes- freidman and hayden- gov alone cannot solve econ problems
Privatisation and tax cuts- nationalisation inefficent
Negative freedom- welfare state disadv rather thean help
Atomistic egoistical individualism
International, pro globalisation outlook
Monocultural civic identity oppose globalisation, fsvour strong immigration control
Neo con
Reactionary and backward looking
Reactionary against ideas of permissive society 60s and 70s- deemed to challenge authority and hierarhy
Neo con describable as social authoritarina
Limited but strong state to ensure order and stability
Suport for trad family values
State important role provide leadership and authority- roots in trad con- idea of natural hierarchy
Tough law and order-c rime flourishes with lack of authority
Not paternalism- roll back states eocn role
Strengthen national identity0 patritiosm, national pride binds tohether
Leviathan- defeends absolute gov
Pessimistic view human nature
Belief importance authrioty- major infleunce on con thought
Descibeed life in a stateless society as state of nature- nasty brutish and short, war of all against all
Social conrtact agree to state making laws to protect them- hobbes thought worth giving up oes perosnal freedom in return for the proetction the state could provide
To be effective- state had to be autocratic- argued even tyrannical rule better than no rule at all
Reflections on rev in fr- opposed fr rev
Believed political change should result rom facts and experience- prgamatism rather than philisophical abstraction- idealised
Argued wisdom comes form historical experience and tration- inheritence trad from basis of a stable socity
Stressed human imprefection- critic french rev for being based on utopian unrealistic view of human nature
Claimed society and state more move slowly- change must be gradual cuatious and organic- change is only necessary in order to preserve
Best form of society would be comprised of a variety of little platoons
Support classical econ views- adam smith, argue market source one form of natural law
Emphasise benefits of the trustee model of rrep- reps use judgement when serving constituents- empiricism
Defence pragmatic and non ideological polictians- burke- reject ideolation and idea correct anserrs to practial q
Attracted rationalism as placed above knowlegde culture and trad- idea linked to enlightenment
Opposed to reform- creating something new was invariably a mistake and a failure
Not as pessimmistic about human nature han hobbes, argue most human beings were fallible but not terribel, imperfect but not immoral
Emphasise trad values, con linked to a preference for the familiar to the unkowne
His essay- on being conservative- likened society with too much freedom- lost ship at sea, lost and directionless without an anchor
Gov should be specificl and limited activity
Influence aspects of new right thinking
But nr- critical of oakeshott- too pessimistic and underestimated peoples about to shape own destiny
Neo lib - classical lib thining- individ liberty
Talented individuals rather than state being to thriving society
Viewed selfishness as character strength rather than weakness
Philosophy of obejctivism- rational and self interest
Atomism- excuse selfishness and dismiss alturnism , opp organic society
Defend laissex faire capitalismts as gurantors of freedom- self seeking individuals will naturally suport free market capitalism
Support v limited gov
Libertarian society- right to choose- abortion, gay marriage
V diff trad and one nation
Anarchy, state and utopia, human beliefs own themselves- principle of self authorship- people have moral right to keep what they produce and shold not be forece to give those resources to others
Entitlement theory of justice- certain rights - property rihts- to be inalienable- neglecting idea social justrice requires redistribution of welath, as long as wealth has been acquired fairly
Describes welfare redistribution as theft and describes growth of gov as a serious threat to freedom- leading to a dangerous culture of dependency
Opposed egalitarianism focus on equity of autonomus will
State not intervene in econ or social bleif of people
Tolerance of permissive society- pepole have right to act as they please, even if means harm themselves
Minarchist- v linited role for state- defence and law and order
Libertarins- based kants idea that indvid in society cant be treated as a thing or used against their will as a resourec
Self owenership- indvid own own bodies, talents, ability
con state agreement
Role of state
Protect private property psycological secuirty to people, decreased dependency on state
Promote capitalism and free market
Provides order and security
Against a codified constitution- good due to flexibility uncodified provides
Disagree state trad con
Aristocratic heirarchy state and parternalism
Need guidence
Organic state people roots and sense of belongning
Pragmatic rather rthan dogmatic approval- as reform cautious and based on traditions
One nation state disagree
Favour paternalism and authroty, idea of organic society
Prepared to enlarge state-pragmatism