Liberalism Flashcards
Core ideas liberalism
Equality and social justice
Liberal democracy
Belief in the importance of the individual over any gorup or collective body
Each human being ins unique defined by own personal qualities- everyone is different ans share some similarties- people not deinfed to labels eg class gender rleigion
Rights beling to the individ rather than to a group and each individ is equal
Classical lib0 egoistical individualism (emphaise self reliance and self interest
Modern lib- developmental form of individualism- prioritise human flourishinng over self interest
Foundational equality
Rights belong tot he idnivid rather than to a group and each individ is equal- foundational equality
Egoistic individ
Emphasise self reliance and self interest
Classical lib
Developmental form of individualism
Prioritise human flourisiing oover self interest
Modern lib
Ability of individ /groups to think and act as they wish
Total freedom not god- unlimited freedom for one person could mean that harm is done to others
Negative freedom
Absdence of constraints allowing freedom of choice
Classical lib
Positive freedom
Modern lib
Freedom to achivee ones potential
Political body with soveriegnty over a particular geographical territory
Believe every individ liberty is potentialy under threat from other memers of society therefore need restraints
Protected by socvveriegn state- social contract- classical
Belief world has a rational logical sturcture that can be discovered through using reason and critical thinking rather than relying on custom, tradition or superstitution
Emphasises peoples ability to find solutions to problme
Lib view of human nature- poeple guided by reason- linked to enlightenment
Equality and social justice
Belief individ are of equal value and should therefore ebe treated fairly and impartially
Social justice- situation where distribution of wealth in a society is morally justifcable
Foundatoinal equality- born equal in terms moral worth and entitlement
Implies formal equality- political and legal rights and equality of opportunity (life chances, euqal chance to achieve their goals
Lib understand- full social equality has potential to threaten freedom and penalise talkent
Social justice contribute to equally as ensures people not living in pverty despite working hard
Liberal democracy
Political system in which a liberal belief in limited government is combined with a ‘democratic belief in popular rule
Characteristics of a liberal democryc ninc free regular elections, cb limited gov, civil liberties
Lib democracy as ebing universally applicable allows for expression of widest possible range of views and beliefs by balanceing will of poeple, through elections, with limited gov and respect civil lib
Classical lib- main characteristics
Human beings are rational, egoistical, self interested with ability to be self reliant
Society atomistic- self sufficient individ-
Self help- inequality - inevitable social darwinismn
Negative freedom- absence of constraints
Limited gov- state necessary evil- role miinimal to law and order, security, defecne
Natural rights- locke life liberty property
Laissex faire- self regulating free market eonc
Modern liberalism -main characteristics
Positive freedom- enabling state, increasing freedom rather than limit
Individuals-developmental form- individ develop own skills and talents by liberty- js mill- on liberty disagreed with utilitarian idea that majority opinions are mroe important than individ minority ones
Social liberalism- need for social welfare
Keynsian polices state intervention to ensure prosperity for all
Wy did modern liberalism develop
As problems with industrialisation emerged, liberas increasingly difficult to defend classical lib that free market led to prosperty and liberty for all
Agreements classical and modern liberalism
Optimistic view of human nature- rational and self aware capable of shaping own destiny
Advocate tolerance, accept values beliefs of other
Capitalism is an effective econ system- prioritise proerty rights and reinforce individualsim
Gov by consent and need for a constitution to limit gov power
Disagree modern lib
Classical- negative freedom but modern lib- only free if enabled to do so- positive freedom
Classical laissex faire whilst modern lib support more interventionist kkeynsian
Classical lib- lukewarm on democracy- tyranny of the majority wheras modern lib support rep democracy
Classical minimal night watchmasn role for state, modern lib enabling state iwth welfare role
Father of classical liberalism
Human nature- optimistic individ are rational and capable of shaping own destiny
Tolerance esp religion
Natural rights- life liberty and prosperity
Gov by consent, limited gov, disagree with divine right of kings
Social contract theory- political authority comes from below gov should be legit, if gov break contract people right to rebel
Eg us constitution right to bear arms
Seperation of branches
Minimal interevntion econ- laissez faire
Wrote about women and rights before female suffrage movement
Believed enlightenemnet optimistic view of human nature should apply to men and owmen
Vindication of the rights of women that women are rational beings smae rights as men
Liberal feminism- equlaity meb a nd women legal position, civil rights- in order to have carrer
Emphasise importance of education to encourage rational thought
Suppoort french rev republicanism
Js mill
Industrial rev
Transitional lib- rbidge
Hostility towards state intervention- classical lib
Emphasis on quality of life- modern lib
On liberty- any restrictions on liberty are only justified if designed to prevent harm to others- harm principe
Negative freedom freedom could be defined as basent of restraint
Toleration- individ should be autonomous free to exercise control over own lives and engage in rational denate
Liberty as opposed to for progress and emphasised iportance of individ developmental individ
Fear democratic state tyrpanny majority
Popularity of a view doe snot necessarly make it correct
-20th century
Founder national organisation of women
Defined women liberation in terms of establishing euqal status for women and men in society- more opp for women in education and work- equality of opportunity esp legal barriers
Concern for individualism
Cultural conditions rather than human nature posed barriers to women progression
Feminie mystique 1963 gender serious hinderance all women
Modern liberalism
A theory of justice- theory of justice as fairness social inequality only justified if iit benefits the least adv in socitey
Foundational equality- needed both legal social econ euqality
Redistribution and social welfare- more equal society enabling state- progressive taxation
Redistribution of wealth consistent with liberalism as human nature- being rational would inevitably lead peopoe to choose a faiere society rather than unewual one
Veil of ignorance- if didnt know own life crcumstances- poeple would chose fairwst society[
Economy- agreement liberalism
Belief in market based capitalistic econ
Private porberty natural right
Linked to race of individualism
Benefits everyone- ptimistic ideas about progress
Economy disagreement liberalism
More disagreement than agreement
Level of state intervention
Fiarness in socitey