Social psychology Flashcards
Social psychology
How individual behave, Thinks, and feels in social situations
a change in a person’s behavior or opinions as a result of real or imagined pressure from a person or group of people.
An expected pattern of behavior held by a social group against which the behavior of its individual members is measured
Normative Social Influence
where a person conforms in order to be accepted and belong to a group.
informational social influence
where a person conforms to gain knowledge, or because they believe that someone else is ‘right’.
Solomon Asch
– Conformity experiments
– His main finding was that peer pressure can change opinions and even perceptions.
– Asch found the majority of the participants succumbed at least once to the pressure and went with the majority.
Stanley Milgram
a social psychologist best-remembered for his now infamous obedience experiments.
a form of social influence elicited in response to a direct order or command.
Philip Zimbardo
Standford uni experiment prison experiment😛
social facilitation
occurs when an individual’s performance improves because of the presence of others
Social loafing
refers to each person’s tendency to exert less effort in a group because of reduced accountability for individual effort
It is a psychological state of decreased self-evaluation, causing anti-normative and disinhibited behavior.
group polarization
The tendency for groups to make decisions that are more extreme than the initial inclinations of individual members.
impaired group decision making that occurs when making the right decision is less important than maintain group harmony
social identity
the way we define ourselves in terms of our group membership
people tend to see members of their own group as more diverse than members of other groups the out-group. This is called out-group homogeneity
In group bias
you have a preference for members of one’s own group
attitude Is an undeserved, usually negative, attitude toward a group of people
Ideas and expectations about what members of different groups are like
involves an action
the tendency to favor one’s own ethnic group over other groups