Social Learning Approach Flashcards
What led the emergence of social learning theory in the 1950s and 1960s?
Dissatisfaction with traditional behaviorism and its limited focus on classical and operant conditioning
What is the key difference between behaviorism and social learning theory?
Social learning theory incorporates internal concepts like beliefs and cognition into explanations of behavior
Who first coined the term “social learning theory”?
Julian B. Rotter
What is Rotter’s concept of Locus of Control?
It refers to beliefs about the source of reinforcement
Internal: Belief that outcomes depend on one’s own behavior
External: Belief that outcomes depend on external forces like fate or luck
How does attending college typically affect Locu of Control?
It tends to make people more internal
How does divorce temporarily affect women’s Locus of Control?
It makes them more external initially, but they usually return to their prior level after a few years
What is the relationship between Locus of Control and psychological disorders?
People with higher levels of anxiety and depression tend to have a more external Locus of Control
How do effective therapies relate to Locus of Control?
They match the therapy approach to the client’s Locus of Control orientation
What did Bandura criticize about traditional behavorism?
Its over-reliance on trial-and-error learning, neglecting the role of observation and cognition
What is vicarious learning, according to Bandura?
Learning by observing others, without directly experiencing reinforcement or punishment
What was the main finding of Bandura’s Bobo Doll Study?
Children who observed rewarded or neutral aggressive behavior were more likely to act aggressively than those who observed punishment
What does Bandura’s concept of Reciprocal Determinism explain?
Behavior is influenced by and influences personal factors and the environment in a dynamic interaction
What are Enactive Mastery Experiences, and how do they affect self-efficacy?
Past successful attempts at achieving an outcome increase self-efficacy, while repeated failures lower it
What are Vicarious Experiences, and how do they affect self-efficacy?
Observing others succeed without adverse effects can boost self-efficacy by suggesting that one can succeed as well
How does Verbal Persuasion influence self-efficacy?
Encouragement or persuasion can boost confidence temporarily but is easily undermined if performance fails to meet expectations