Social institutions and Reasearch Methods Flashcards
What is non-material culture ?
things that similar cultures share such as as language, music, and stories
What is external validity ?
External validity refers to the extent to which an experiment’s results can be generalized beyond that particular experiment to real world settings
What is internal validity ?
refers to the soundness of the results obtained within the controlled conditions of the study
What are demand characteristics ?
Demand characteristics are subtle “cues” given to the subjects, usually inadvertently, that reveal the purpose of the study and how the subjects are expected to act or respond
What are between the subjects experiments?
A between-subjects experimental design involves dividing subjects into groups and subjecting the groups to different treatment.
What are phenomenological studies ?
Phenomenological studies entail observation of phenomena with no manipulation whatsoever (choice D is wrong).
what is conversion disorder ?
A conversion disorder is a type of somatoform disorder that is marked by a change in sensory or motor function that has no identifiable physiological cause, for example trouble walking or seeing without a clear reason why. These disorders are often brought on by trauma
What are the characteristics of professions ?
- Joining a profession requires special education
-Professions have a service orientation (serve society)- Professions are white-collar occupations
(note not all professionals are highly paid)
What are societal mores?
mores- customs, norms or behavior that are acceptable to a group or society
(these norms are strictly enforced)
examples of mores are penalties for animal abuse or treason
What are folkways?
Folkways are are customary ways of doing things that, when done, uphold the social order
(do not lead to harsh penalties)
What is optimism bias?
optimism bias occurs when one believes that bad things only happen to others, not to themselves.
What is confirmation bias?
A confirmation bias is a tendency to only search for information that confirms a previously held belief;
What is a false consensus ?
the tendency to assume that one’s own opinions, beliefs, attributes, or behaviors are more widely shared than is actually the case
ex: a person who preferred water over iced tea believed that everyone he knew preferred water over iced tea, when it is not actually true
What are the functions of family?
The functions of family include: *socialization (the passing down of societal norms and values , *affection and companionship, * protection, social status (one’s social position is often based on family background and reputation), and reproduction and the monitoring of sexual behavior.
What is Sub-replacement fertility?
Sub-replacement fertility occurs when the death rate exceeds the birth rate and leads to each new generation being less populous than the one before