social influence Flashcards
social influence
a change or intepersonal process in an individual thoughts,feelings or behaviours caused by other people who may be actually or whose presence is imagined ,expected or implied
a socail influence involves changing a person’s attitude, emotions or beliefs
two types of social influences
informational social influence
looking to others as valid sources of information
seeks/wants to be right
normative social influence
strives to be consistent with social norms,standerds and coventions
seek for approval
what does the six principles of influence seek to achieve ?
compliance: adhering to a direct request or giving into overt social pressure
- Scarcity
options and iteams are more valued when they are limited
ex: there is a limited shoe gonna sell out in 1hour and u want to buy it
why is scarcity influencial
-downward social comparison
-reactance((we feel bad when we loose opportunity)
adherence to a request from a positively evaluated other
liking can be based on physical attractiveness,similarity or familiarity
ex: I buy a foundation because an influencer recommended
The Effect of Fleeting Attraction on Compliance to Requests
particpants more strongly liked (essays ) of actors who were similar to them
- commitment/consistency
people strive to be consistent with past behaviour and follow through on commitment
tactics using the commitment/consistency principle
-foot in the door
-low balling
-bait and switch
-door in the face
foot in the door
people who agree to a small request first are more likely to agree to a bigger one later
ex: can I borrow 5 dollars ? yes
can I borrow 10 ? yes
low balling
making an attractive initial offer to induce a person to accept the offer and then making the term less favorable in the last minute (being more expensive)
ex: 123 milhas / ticket master in the time to pay
bait and switch
enticing someone to psychollogically commit to a product and then suddenly replace it with a related product that is more expensive
ex:I gonna buy this shirt but the then the owner tells me it sold out but says that their is this other shirt that is a bit more expensive
door in the face
people who are asked for a larger favor first are more likely to accept a smaller later
for relief in reducing bigger favor
ex: can I stay at your house for 1 month ? no
can I stay for 1 week at least ? sure
study : tutoring
norm of social commitment
a belif whereby once we make an agreement we tend to stick with it even if the circumstances changes
the incresed likehood that an individual will comply with a request from a person if that person has done something for that individual before
norm of reciprocity
Norm for reciprocit
A belief whereby we should return
favors and other acts of kindness proof /validation
a person is more likely to enact a particular behaviour to the extent that others are thought to be engaging in the same behaviour(deindividuation)
principle of conformity
following social norms as a result of unspoken group pressure
social norms
rules or standards that are typically unwritten and guide the social behaviour of members of a group
prescriptive -should do
proscriptive -not do
there are two social norms
injunctive and descriptive
what people think/approve they should do
what people actually do
how do u convice someone to do what u want them to do it using norms ?
positively worded
asche line study
a group of actors with a non-actor
the group say the wrong line is bigger
the non-actor also say it is bigger (even not being) to fit in
what is the social influence ?
what does decrese normative social influence in groups ?
answering anonomy (without others knowing)
standfor prison experiment
the power of the situation over individual characteristics
ex:anyone would have done the same if puted in that position
when good people do bad things
- authority
percived authority of the source will increse the likelihood that people will do what is requested or suggested
underline obdience
an action engaged in to fufill a direct order or command of another person with authority
-constructive or destructive
constructive obdience
results in someone benefit to the obeying individual or the larger society of which they are part of
ex: being quite during exams
destructive obdience
results in negative outcomes,such as injury to innocent victims,harm to the community, or the loss of confidence in social institutions
killing someone due to an order of a high statue
milgrams shock experiment
participants were told by an authority figure to shock the actor anytime they got it wrong
the participants did shock the actor even when they were bagging the participant to stop
what certain factors increse or decreses likehood oobidence
-proximity(physical+psychological(belifs as well)
-responsibility(it allows someone else (the experimenter/authority) to be responsibel for the participants action)
-legitimized authority(mall vs yale school)
-presence of others who refuse
Dr. Haslem ideas
leadership(in a belif- in this case science)+engange followership(identify with belif)
your more likely to do the action
the distress in the experiment
distress = tension (identification with the expirimenter/authority + harm of the target)