prejudice,stereotyping,discrimination Flashcards
intergroup bias
a preference or inclination towards/against a certain group
explicit bias
concious,blant,people are willing to adimit(to themselves and others)
implicit bias
unexamined,uncousious,ambigious or ambivelent
Aversive racism (Dovidio & Gaertner, 2000)
being racist(negative feeling about a race) despite supporting principles of racial equality and not knowingly discriminating
a negatieve ATTITUDE toward an individual soley on the bais of that person’s presumed membership in a particular group
ingroup bias
the tendacy to favor one’s own group,its members,its characteristic,its products particularly in refercen to other groups (normal)
Jane Ellio! Blue Eye/Brown Eye
Exercise (1968)
separated the kids between two groups brown eyes and blue eyes (each they the one group would have more advantages then the other )
Intergreoup threat theory :
realistic threats and symbolic therats
it takes inspiration from Realistic Group Conflict Theory (completion for resources)
realistic therat
PERCIVED threats to existance,political power,physical or material well being of the group
ex:mexicans/immigrants stealing jobs in the US
symbolic threat
percived group differences in moral,values,standerds,belifs and attitudes
ex:scared that the people of the middle east will force their values in frence
people justify prejudice (attitude) with stereotyping (belif/cognitive)
Overgeneralized belifs about the trait and attributes of member of a particular group
types of stereotypes :
Positive and negative :they both can/are harmful
ex: (positive) jews are rich/control media
ex(negative) black people are criminals
sterotype model
warmth vs competence
Envy: Low wormth, High Competence - rich people
Pride: HIgh wormth,High Competence-in-group
Contempt(disgust):low wormth,Low competence - homeless people
Pity:high wormth, low competence- pugs
stereotypes come from
schemas and representativness heuristics
mental structures that help us organize social information that we recive
Representativeness heuristic
Categorizing a particular instance
based on how similar the instance is
to an existing mental prototype
Implicit association task (IAT)
slap the knew test
where does stereotypes come from?
-categorization: categorize as in or out group based on cues and appearance
outgroup homonogy effect:tendacy to view individuals in outgroups as more like each other than they really are
-Stereotype activation: based on cultural learning can be unconscious without intension
-apply : discrimination
where does stereotyping comes from?
system justification theory
system justification theory
people are motivated to maintain the statues quo-that the world is fair
negative stereotypes justify why some have more advantages then others
ultimate attribution erro
belif that :
bad action by outgroups are internal disposition
good actions by outgroup is situation
and for in groups
bad behaviour by situation
good behaviour internal disposition
out comes of stereotypes
-police brutality
-shooter bias : the tendacy to mistankly see objects in the hands of black men as guns
another outcome of stereotype
social identity threat:feeling that one will be judged and/or treated certain way due to their group membershh
this cause :
a therat in the air idea
anxiety into confirming stereotypes
stereotypes decrease performance
how to counter
social identity/stereotype
-positive role models
reprasing anxiety
affirm broader values
how to adress intergroup bias (belif that ur group is better then others)?
-week intervention
where people…
with self regulation their sterypes/association decresed
Contact hypothasis:robbers cave
boys camp
contac is effective under these conditions
-individuals see groups as equal statues
-persue common goal
-cooperate to achieve goal
-contacted is supported by authority
it facilitates
increse knowdge of the outgroup
decrese anxiety
increased perspective taking