Social Groups Flashcards
What are the three bases on which people are grouped in all cultures?
Kinship, Sex, Age
What is age grade?
It is category of age through which all people pass.
Eg: child, adult, elder
What is age set?
It is a group of people who move through the age grade together.
It is different from “generation”. It indicates only a group of 10 people who all know each other.
It is used in tribal culture, horticulture.
What is voluntary association?
It is grouping based on voluntary membership.
It is the most adapted in complex, urban society.
It is because of neolocality.
What is Status?
It is relative position in society.
What is Achieved Status?
It is status that one acquired.
What is Ascribed Status?
It is status that one is born with.
What is Stratification?
It is layers in society.
What is Egalitarian Society?
It is society in which everyone has the same basic access to resources, power and prestige.
We find it where there is simple division of labor: H and G, Horticulture
What is Stratified Society?
It is a society in which groups have differential access to resources, power and prestige.
We find it where there is complex divisions of labor: intensive agriculture, industrialism
What is Socioeconomic class?
It is a group of people with more or less the same income and behavior.
What is Open class system?
It is a class system where mobility is possible between classes.
The two normative ways for mobility are marriage and occupation.
Eg: the US
What is Caste?
It is a social class into which one is born and must remain for one's life. it is a class system where mobility is not possible between the classes. Two things prevent class mobility is marriage and occupation.
What is Ritual pollution?
It is lowering of status through contact with something of a lower status.
What is Racial stratification?
It is differential access by race to resources, power and prestige.
What is Biological race?
It is an interbreeding population.
What is Social race?
It is categorization of people based on perceived physical characteristics.
What is Politics?
It is how power is organized or exercised.
What is Power?
It is the ability to get someone else to do your will.
Define “types of political organization”
It is the largest level at which power is organized.
There are four types.
What is Band in types of political organization?
It is a small autonomous unit.
Eg: HnG
What is Tribe in types of political organization?
It is two or more communities with something connecting them politically.
Warfare alliance. Horticulture
What is Chiefdom in types of political organization?
It is two or more communities with power integrated in the power of a chief. Intensive Agriculture.
What is State in types of political organization?
It is a large, complex society where the government has a monopoly on the legitimate use of force.
Reason: population density.
Emerge 6000 years ago.
What is a leader? How many types of leaders are there in types of political organization?
It is a person with power. 5 types
What is Headman?
It is an informal leader.
Egalitarian society
Prestige through age or skill
What is Bigman?
It is a headman who gains his authority as an agent of redistribution.
Some tribes: live stock (pigs)
What is Office Holder?
It is a leader whose authority comes from their position in society.
Stratified society
What is Chief?
It is a person who hold the office of chief.